OIL hunt tips


Active Member
To those of you that have done a OIL hunt for elk, wether guided or not, what is one piece of advice you would give that you either wish you had known, or that you just learned and helped you make the most out of the hunt?

Same question but for gear? What is one piece of gear that you used the most that made things easier, or that you wish you had!
Realize there's no such thing as OIL hunting. There should always be another Elk hunt on the horizon. Even if it isn't a supposed OIL hunt.With that in mind, go hunt your latest hunt as all the rest. Don't put pressure on yourself to produce the biggest bull on the mnt. Have fun and enjoy it. Advice? Know your weapon and pick your shot.
One thing I’ve seen is guys ruining the hunt for themselves to live up to other people’s expectations. Piece of advice, don’t post pictures of your successful hunt. That right there will put your mindset back on what you want out of a hunt. Screw the rest of us on social media. It’s not our tag
Let yourself have fun. There should be zero stress involved- remember why you wanted to hunt this area.

Set realistic expectations based on what the area produces consistently.

Scout a day or two before the season, even if it means less full days to actually hunt. Doing so helps you set realistic goals and you won't feel bad shooting opening morning when a good bull presents.

Take a friend or two along for the hunt if you have experienced hunting friends willing to go.

Practice with your weapon a ton and have a quality backup weapon for the just in case scenario.
Do it your way and don't stress yourself out. Take your lifelong hunting buddies along with you. They understand you and what works when hunting. Don't let anyone else set expectations for what you should harvest. Forget the score and shoot the one that makes your heart skip a beat. As far as the gear I'd say get a good pair of boots, and know your weapon.
I've heard (don't quote me on this) but I've heard that most of the guides in prime LE units know where the monster bulls are typically, and if you're up front with them about $$$$$ tips....they are more likely to take you after said bull/bulls? Can anyone relate or is that just a rich man's ego stories?
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Realize there's no such thing as OIL hunting. There should always be another Elk hunt on the horizon. Even if it isn't a supposed OIL hunt.With that in mind, go hunt your latest hunt as all the rest. Don't put pressure on yourself to produce the biggest bull on the mnt. Have fun and enjoy it. Advice? Know your weapon and pick your shot.

Yes there is. Valle Vidal in NM is an OIL elk hunt, literally.
Gear advice is to download porn on your phone before the hunt. If you have to play the long game and the hunt goes on for 7 to 10 days it’s best to have lots of content to enjoy at night.
Not on board with SS, but much of the advise is spot on. Take some good friends if at all possible, the memories are far more important than the inches. Arrive several days early and scout, get a realistic look at what type of critters are there. Have 100% confidence in your weapon, know you're good enough to take one shot that cleanly harvest that trophy. Have a solid plan to care for the meat and the cape. Just my thoughts. Enjoy His creation, cherish every single day.
Gear advice is to download porn on your phone before the hunt. If you have to play the long game and the hunt goes on for 7 to 10 days it’s best to have lots of content to enjoy at night.
in Utah this is a one year loss of hunting license. be careful out there guys
I'd imagine it's been said above but get in the best physical condition that you can.

As you know, elk are big, tough, secretive critters and can travel longs distances. They might not be found right where you want them to be and you'll have to climb, maybe miles, to get into them..... and then there's the pack-out!

I'll echo what others have said: !!!!Quit with the pressure on yourself to meet someone else's expectations!!!!

Spend all the time you need and roll with the punches and for he!! sakes, have fun and leave it all out there.

Yes there is. Valle Vidal in NM is an OIL elk hunt, literally.
I've done that exact hunt. I talked a buddy into applying for it with me years ago. We applied once as Unguided NR, forgot about it. And a few months later NM Guides/Outfitters started contacting us before we even realized we had drawn. (The elk in my avatar is from that hunt.)

I agree with Zeke above...get in the best possible shape of your life! Elk hunting can kick your ass-they don't like level ground, at least no the ones that I've hunted.

As far as gear advice goes-I would make sure I have the right gun/scop/ammo for the job, and then shoot the hell out of it to the point where you can hit anything out to 400+ yards. Then shoot it some more. I forgot where I heard this, but I would "Make friends with your weapon."

And last, but not least, keep a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA).

Be Safe and Have Fun! Good luck!
I've heard (don't quote me on this) but I've heard that most of the guides in prime LE units know where the monster bulls are typically, and if you're up front with them about $$$$$ tips....they are more likely to take you after said bull/bulls? Can anyone relate or is that just a rich man's ego stories?

I don’t know if I’ve ever hunted a prime LE unit but I’ve hunted units that took 10 to 15 pp to draw. I’ve never seen this happen. In my experience elk don’t seem to stay in one spot too long so it would be hard for a guide to know exactly where the elk are going to be. I’ve hunted on ranches where I saw 100 elk the first day, 10 elk the second day and 100 on the third day but they didn’t seem to be the same elk that I saw the first day. The elk just seemed to move back and forth from ranch to ranch.

I’m sure that it’s possible on very high end hunts with a lot of acreage (100,000 acres or more). A repeat hunter that’s willing to pay $30k or more every year could pay to have a guide sit on a good bull every day for him.

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