One frustrating antler


Active Member
On the 8th or 9th of Jan this year I went of look for a big whitetail buck I had been watching. I had hardly sat down on the hill over looking the river bottom when I spotted him about a 1000 yard out. He is a big 4 by 5 and real heavy. I put the spotting scope on him a could see he had all ready dropped the 4 point antler. I watched him until it was too dark to see but the 5 point side stayed on his head. As I walked back to the truck I thought to myself. This is going to be too easy. I was back at first light the next day but the buck was noware to be found. I waited another day and started to look for the antlers. I found the 68 inch four point antler about 400 yards from where I first saw him with one antler but I have yet to find the bigger 5 point side. I have looked in all of the likly spots and most of the unlikely places. I am going to keep looking until the grass is too tall but I may not find that antler. Any one elce had an antler that you thought would be an easy find and turned out to alot of frustration. And have you ever noticed that when you can't find one side more often than not it is the big side that you can't find.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-03 AT 09:36PM (MST)[p]I am going through that now. On feb 14th I found a 80 muley shed and watched the buck til I had to leave. Today was the third time looking for the match. 11 total hours and no horn. Did find a nice year old 4 point today but it don't compare. I'm about to give up on it. His other side is an even match.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-06-03 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]I found this buck dead today. Died from EHD about 3 or 4 weeks ago. He is a dandy. gross typical frame of 160 and a 7 inch nontypical too. I have all but three of his shed antlers. I am missing one each from his first two years and I have yet to find the one from last year. He lived to be 8 years old and this is his best set of antlers ever. I am sad he died but am happy to have the antler in good shape.

Oh man do i know how that is like. Hope you end up finding them. I know its sometimes hard. I once found the other side to a decent nontypical over 3 miles away, I had already given up hope of finding the other side. You never know you might get lucky and find it, good luck.

later, MM

sounds like quite the buck! better post a pic.

you sure are a persistent shed collector. you find many sheds from the same bucks year after year...areas where i collect sheds it seems once the bucks hit age 3 they're in someone's freezer!

what is ehd, is it like cwd?

Later Yall!!!!
EHD is an abrevation for long worded disease That I have know Idea how to spell even close. The local name is blue tongue. It is a virus that is transmited by a little bug. The bug does well in hot dry weather. The more bugs the more deer die. Just befor death the deer must get hot and thirsty because you almost always find them by water. This year I have found 5 dead deer and we have now had a good hard frezee to get ride of the bugs. The last bad year was 2001. My aria lost close to 50% of the whitetails in about 2 weeks. The river bottom smelled of dead deer. It has little efect on mule deer.

I have yet to take any pic but I will when I get time. Some how I will get them posted


Just a quick guess but are you in North-Central Idaho by chance?
Ahh, just checking we lost a ton of whitetails over here this year to EHD. There were areas where driving on highways you could smell the dead deer on the hills around you. One area I wanted to hunt this year may have been affected somewhat, I really want to hunt in there but if I do may just find a bunch of dead ones.
Cant see pictures?
Epizootic hemorrhagic disease.
Not related to Chronic Wasting disease (cwd) at all
Got the same thing going on right now.... found a 77" whitetail (my biggest yet)....have spent 2 additional days looking for the match with no luck. Each time I'd spy another horn I'd get all excited only to find that it wasn't the horn I need! Found three more while looking for the match but CAN'T FIND THE BIG ONE I NEED.....GRRRRRR!

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