One Legged VS Two Legged Shooting Sticks


I have used Stoney Point shooting sticks on hunts but I'm thinking about going with a mono-pod type rest this year. I like having the sticks but I don't like the following: 1) They're a pain to haul around and then try to quickly get them together for a shot, 2) I've gotten them out and had them bang together at the ends and spook game. It seems like a mono-pod, with it's ease of transportability and extension features, would be easier. However I don't know how steady they are compared to the sticks. Does anyone have any advice on this?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-08 AT 05:53AM (MST)[p]I have tried one in the past, and they are just not steady enough. Some people might like them, but I did not.

To get a feel for how they would work for you, find a straight stick and hold it to the forearm of the stock and see how steady you can hold.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Don't waste you time with a mono-pod. They are extremely unsteady. Bi-pod sticks should be just about as easy to carry and use once you practice deploying them for a while. If you are going to be shooting over 100 yards, I don't believe a mono-pod is a good choice.

Just my opinion, Mike

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