Oregon buck on muleycrazy



"MULEY CRAZY" Well just got mine tonight, anybody else see this buck...??
Wow he is a monster. Does anyone know how much this buck cost Jimmy John?
Congrates to Jimmy on the nice buck!!!!!!! For sure Oregon had a good year alot of private land bucks but there were some hogs taken this year! Makes you only wish that ODFW would do more for the deer herds.
Let's hear what everyone has to say! Oh yeah Ryan also named a few unit's that have some good potential, of course he named my unit, now I wonder how many people will be hunting there?

Can anyone post a pic? Or direct me to a pic. (don't direct me to suscribe to Muley Crazy)

I love seeing big Oregon bucks!
Jimmy John has a ton of money but what a disgrace to hunting or should I say killing. This just proves that Oregon will do anything for money. Great to see big bucks like this one in Oregon. Just wish they could be taken by a real hunter with ethics like most of us!
Koyote, I sent you a pm about another topic...

You Oregon guys should check out the thread on Ifish, I basicly put up the same thread and most guys think he did so good for the state of Or.
JJ's money might be good for Or. if they spent it well, but that is another story....

>Jimmy John has a ton of
>money but what a disgrace
>to hunting or should I
>say killing. This just proves
>that Oregon will do anything
>for money. Great to see
>big bucks like this one
>in Oregon. Just wish they
>could be taken by a
>real hunter with ethics like
>most of us!

What difference does money make? It's the exact same if he'd of purchased a Colorado landowner tag. Good for Jimmy John. If I could afford it, I'd do the same thing. Until then, I'll keep hunting hard.
I don't know Jimmy John, he seems like a nice enough guy. I was somewhat disappointed in him with comments he made over a Utah bull he killed with mossback.I don't care what you kill, what you payed to kill it, but don't degrade your animal regarding it's stature. You shoot it you own it no matter its size. Sure I'm jealous, I'd be doing the same thing if I had money. JB
LAST EDITED ON Mar-20-08 AT 10:17PM (MST)[p] JB48/Koyote what ever info you have on Jimmy john in regards to his commits I would love to hear, since on another sight I'm getting bashed because I feel it was like a high fenced up.
He was driven 150yrds away and the guide said there he is shoot him....
Just PM thanks

I sent you a pm regarding Jimmy John. This is the only site I'm on. Are you getting beat up on ifish? I don't see how anyone can hunt high fence and call themselves a hunter, plain and simple. JB
>I sent you a pm regarding
>Jimmy John. This is the
>only site I'm on. Are
>you getting beat up on
>ifish? I don't see how
>anyone can hunt high fence
>and call themselves a hunter,
>plain and simple. JB

I don't see how anyone can get beat up on iFish. Those moderators are a bunch of panty wastes. I'm one step from getting the boot over there. The host of that sight (jennie) is a big tree huggin, seal lover.
Ifish, yeah they sure like to keep the reins tight over there!!!
My buddy is in the big disscusion on Wolves and he has been told alot by the moderators to stay on topic read past post's and so fourth.
It is funny just a couple of weeks ago people were complaining how ODFW doesn't spend there money right and they do all this bad stuff, and now half of these same people are saying they are happy JJ bought the tag cause the state could us the money.....
It is to funny, like ti has been said JJ is not a hunter he is a harvester!

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