OTC Colorado bull


Active Member
Todd bagged this nice bull during the 3rd season this year. Not a monster, but a very respectable OTC, DIY bull. Shot it with a 7mm Rem. Mag.& 160 swift A-frame bullets.

Not a monster??

These unrealistic LE hunts have sure taken the glory out of a DIY bull hunt.

That is a monster.

I'm with wiseguy13er on this one also. That is a hell of a bull for over-the-counter bull hunting and one to be proud of. Its nice to see you guys obey the law and wear hunter orange. Congrats to the hunter and his partners!
Hey all.

Todd here.

Thanks for the comments on the elk.

In all honesty, I got luckier then a monkey that fell on a bananna boat.

After several days of walking my butt off with tex270, and feeling pretty confident we seen all 5 elk in the Unit we were origanaly hunting, I decided to come home(north west colorado).

I spent a lot of time in this area all spring and summer looking for those awesome 21 deer sheds and getting in shape for my last Septembers Africa trip. There were always elk on this one ridge, but it's so thick, you have to push it or call them in. Well, being November the call them in option was pretty much out of the question.

So I recruited my buddy (the one who originaly showed me this spot.) to push this ridge on my last afternoon to hunt.

I figured we'd run into the typical Colorado raghorn. I never expected to get this fella.

1 cow with 3 calves came out text book perfect. No bull. I decided I better run down the ridge I was sitting point on just to make sure I didn't miss a bull by chance. No luck, then I decided I better run back up the ridge to where I was origanaly sitting in case a bull decided to double back around.

Needless to say, the bull decided to double back around. It was an honest 10 minutes from the time I seen the cows till I seen movement coming over the ridge. I knew he was a bull, but I couldn't tell if he was leagal because of the thick cedars. Also needless to say, it didn't take me long to flip the safety off when I seen his 4th, 5th, and 6th point.

I got real exited when I could see his rack, but I couldn't ever see his vitals. He was heading at a slow walk for a clearing I knew he was going to come out in, and as soon as he stepped out, ol' crumpler (my 7 mag.) went to work. The first shot took him just behind the front shoulder. A little far back but he was instantly sick. The second shot was a frontal chest shot. I knew he was done, but he was about to fall off a cliff, so when he stopped, I put one in his neck to finish him.

As for his size, he's not huge but it was pure luck that nice of a bull just so happen to step out. He's 293 6/8" and he has 53 inch beams.

My buddy that pushed the ridge said he didn't want to move. He got within 20 yards of him before he jumped up, and then he just casually walked over the edge. He seemed annoyed that he had to go find another shade tree.

We didn't leave my house till 2:00pm. The bull was dead by 3:00pm and we were back to my house by dark. It was a downhill, 1/2 mile pack or so.

Just goes to show how important scouting is.

Thanks for reading.


Thanks for reading.

Are you sure about that score? Sure looks like a 300+ bull to me.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-07 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]Im with Txhunter I think you used one of them there japanees tapes.. Buy a real tape and score him again.. Congrats on a great bull..
That is a great bull. Congratulations to you. I think you forgot to add the inside spread. 53" mains with the other good lengths means 330+ to me.
I killed a 330 bull a few years back in Nevada & your bull in my opinion is every bit as good. Great hunt & story. Congrats to you
I'm no expert on big elk for sure, but that's a nice bull with some size. Congrats.

O.K. Something weird is going on with my computer, but I fianlly figured out how to view the replies.

Once again, thanks for the comments.

I am a little modest with scores, but this guy is real weak up front and on his left side.

I promis he won't gross 300, but I'm super happy with him reqardless.

Thanks once again, and good luck too all of you.

I feel too many today judge hunt success by absolute score of harvested animals. Luck or not, a good mature bull like that OTC in a dry 3rd season is much tougher to find than a 360 bull in a premium unit or pay ranch. Great job.
That is a awesome bull for Colorado and especially
a OTC UNIT!!!!

Great job congrats

I find it hard to believe that he won't score at least 310".

Great bull...even better considering where you got 'em.

Grizzly Hunter
Wow, congratulations. Looks like 340 to me. Especially if he has 53" main beams. Regardless, looks like fun, and congrats again.
Ok a few more questions to anyone who will take the time to answer me...
As I have stated elsewhere,
I am very new to this whole sport of shooting anything but a whitetail. And as you can see from my online handle, I am from East of the Mississippi.
So my questions are as follows. 1) I take it from the nature of the replies on this post that OTC tags don't generally yield this size of a bull, right? 2)And then there are the odds that everyone is talking about, is it harder to score with a decent size bull on public land? I take it also that this was a DIY in someone's home state of Colorado, so...
3) Is there someplace other than MM, where I can go and purchase or glean from a state resource, the information that will give me a decent chance at somtething I can hang on my wall; that is going to tell me which part of the state I can plan and execute a reasonably priced hunt on public land, with an archery tag for next year? All DIY, of course.
I want to do in the worst way, what you guys are hunting and talking about, because I have just about given up hunting whitetails in my home state. 4) I am looking at no more than $800.00 for license, I hope; is this possible? I know that I will have more into it getting there and getting it out, if I were far from roads and had to hire a mule team or horse pack outfit, but I am just talking about the hunting part of it.

5)The food is a given added expense, as is a motel, or perhaps I could do a camping thing; so just the hunt, where is there a good place for a greenhorn like me, to go in Colorado, or is Idaho, a better place to go? Maybe I should have started a new thread or post??
Thanks for the heads up.
I just went to this site and saw that there were quite a few leftover tags, but I was confused by the use of the terminology of private land. Does this mean that even if they were to discount some of these left over tags, that the Private landowner would charge you Trophy fees, or some other tax to trespass their land? Sounds to me, like it is a game.
The license fees are not so high that I would not consider doing this. I was thinking of a cow elk tag and also a bull, but did not spend enough time at the website to see if there were some combo hunts that might cover what I want to do. I want a lot of meat, and a chance at a respectable bull. I would like to do, it, perhaps on land that was more remote than just everyone park here, and enjoy your hunting experience. Is this type of hunting possible perhaps in a National Forest, or state Forest where I would not have to worry about running into too many other hunters?
I just want a peaceful Archery experience without having to pay someone to show me what I already know. I.E. "HOW to enjoy my own company?!"

Once again thanks for the information.

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