Out Smarted Again


Long Time Member
Mrs Sikora said I should go on a guided hunt every year from now on because of health issues and just getting older.
This year I will be going on a guided bear in NM. I told her for 2024 I want to go on a African Safari to hunt a Lion. She said that’s not the kind of hunt I was talking about, but if that’s what you really want then I’ll support you. Wow I’m a lucky guy to go on a guided Lion Hunt I thought to myself. I can’t wait to tell the boys! After a few minutes had gone by Mrs Sikora called me back (she’s Glamping with her family this weekend) and said I bought you a movie on Amazon to help get in the mood preparing for your 2024 Lion hunt please watch it when we get off the phone and call me as soon as it’s over. Naturally I said okay.
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE GHOST AND THE DARKEST?!!!!! Well let’s just say my plans have changed. When I called Mrs Sikora back after the movie like she ask me to, she had me on the Speaker Phone unbeknownst to me but knownst to her with all our family and camp friends around listening to my conversation and let’s just say they was a lot of laughing in the back ground! When I told Mrs Sikora that wasn’t very funny all of our peeps were yelling Yes It Was……! Damn Mrs Sikora out smarted me again!
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Mrs Sikora said I should go on a guided hunt every year from now on because of health issues and just getting older.
This year I will be going on a guided bear in NM. I told her for 2024 I want to go on a African Safari to hunt a Lion. She said that’s not the kind of hunt I was talking about, but if that’s what you really want then I’ll support you. Wow I’m a lucky guy to go on a guided Lion Hunt I thought to myself. I can’t wait to tell the boys! After a few minutes had gone by Mrs Sikora called me back (she’s Glamping with her family this weekend) and said I bought you a movie on Amazon to help get in the mood preparing for your 2024 Lion hunt please watch it when we get off the phone and call me as soon as it’s over. Naturally I said okay.
HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE GHOST AND THE DARKEST?!!!!! Well let’s just say my plans have changed. When I called Mrs Sikora back after the movie like she ask me to, she had me on the Speaker Phone unbeknownst to me but knownst to her with all our family and camp friends around listening to my conversation and let’s just say they was a lot of laughing in the back ground! When I told Mrs Sikora that wasn’t very funny all of our peeps were yelling Yes It Was……! Damn Mrs Sikora out smarted me again!
I haven’t seen that movie but you should watch the ghost and the darkness.
The Ghost and the Darkness is a great movie. Even greater knowing its based on true events.

Good luck whatever you decide.!! I'm sure most lions are like kittens. ;)
I researched the movie after the first time I seen it and they explained why the loins did what they did (I can’t remember off the top of my head right now but check it out it’s a great little read) and that the lions are on display at a Chicago Museum. That’s about 5hrs from my house don’t know if I’d ever make it up there though Especially since our Governor did away with Cash Bail. Crime went through the roof when the States Attorney did it in St Louis Mo. Crime will be ungodly in Chicago now and it already had the top spot if I remember right
Great Movie. I think all should watch so we can have like a book club but with movies instead of books
Here’s something I was thinking I was writing Bessy a long winded PM. How can Google spell a word I can’t only using a couple of letters? LOL!
I can spot a fellow stoner when I see one. Joe how much you paying for an ounce where you live?
SS! do they still use the oz term? I don’t know how old you are but when I was 15 or 16 I remember my neighborhood friends saying a baggie four fingers wide is a Lid and two is half a lid! LOL! Are you old enough to remember the baggie Lid measurement?LOL! Why does weed now smell so strongly like a skunk? The brothers call foul whenever they get pulled over that they were being searched for nothing not thinking hey the smoke coming out of my ride smells like a skunk aka WEED! LOL! Lots of great memories growing up we had some fun.
SS! That’s a fine set of antlers there, if you don’t mind what’s the story on them
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Many years ago I visited a friend who smoked weed. He lit one up and offered me a hit. Sure, what the heck. It hurt my lungs and knocked me on my butt. I drove home and sat on the couch trying to act cool in front of my wife so she wouldn't know. After about 2 minutes she said, "Why don't you just go to bed?" Good idea, babe.
There are still man eating lions in Africa and the people still believe they are supernatural. I would be more afraid of Facebook than the lions.

When my wife found out I wanted to go kayak fishing in the ocean she made me watch Jaws.
Didn't work did it.....:cool::cool::cool:
Great movie, and even better book (The Man Eaters of Tsavo). You could also read Man Eaters of Kumaon, true stories of John Corbett killing numerous man eating leopards and tigers in India.
The sound effects in the movie like the owl I think it was when he was in the tree that was a jump motion for me. Mrs Sikora more of a yell

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