Outlawing dogs in CA!!



Dont know all the details yet but have some reliable info that theres an attempt to pass legislation prohibiting use of dogs on all mammals in Kalifornia. Anybody know any more details??--PBH.
I haven't heard anything about it,but I sure wouldn't doubt it,They are against everything in this damn state!

INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member Koretz

FEBRUARY 11, 2003

An act to amend Sections 3960 and 4002 of, and to repeal Section
4756 of, the Fish and Game Code, relating to mammals, and making an
appropriation therefor.


AB 342, as introduced, Koretz. Mammals: taking.
(1) Existing law prohibits a person from permitting a dog to
pursue any big game mammal, as defined, during the closed season, or
any fully protected, rare, or endangered mammal at any time.
Employees of the Department of Fish and Game are authorized to
capture any dog not under the reasonable control of its owner or
handler, that is in violation of that provision, or that is
inflicting, or immediately threatening to inflict, injury in
violation of this provision. Under existing law, certain violations
of the Fish and Game Code are misdemeanors.
Existing law prohibits a person from using dogs to hunt, pursue,
or molest bears, except under certain conditions.
This bill would recast those provisions by prohibiting a person
from allowing a dog to take any mammal for hunting purposes or from
training a dog for that purpose.
By changing the definition of a crime, the bill would impose a
state-mandated local program.
The bill would exempt from that prohibition persons who have been
issued a permit under certain circumstances, federal or state
officers in the conduct of official business, or the training of a
dog to take game birds.
This bill would require the department to adopt regulations to
implement these provisions.
(2) Existing law specifies that fur-bearing mammals may be taken
only with a trap, firearm, bow and arrow, poison, or with the use of
This bill would delete the use of dogs as a means of taking
fur-bearing mammals.
(3) Existing law continuously appropriates money in the Fish and
Game Preservation Fund to the department to pay all necessary
expenses incurred in carrying out the Fish and Game Code.
By imposing new duties on the department, the bill would make an
(4) The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse
local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the
state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this
act for a specified reason.
Vote: majority. Appropriation: yes. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: yes.

Basically in a nutshell HB 342 stops all hunting of mammals with dogs.
Whats the states definition of a mammal? Birds too? The reason I ask is if birds are included it will be alot easier too fight this.--JM.
Fur-bearing mammals.......birds are not mammals and I don't see anywhere in the bill including birds.
did you know in cal. if you fart and a police oficer is close
enough to hear it he can write you a ticket for unsafe imision
of gas into the atmosphere. haha.

I love cali but I hate it to.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-03 AT 11:25PM (MST)[p]This is quite true and the outlook is very bad. The bill was introduced by wacko Paul Koretz from the Hollywood area. The numbers don't look good. If this bill gets out of "committee" which seems more than just likely, we need a little miracle to defeat it on the floor. There are too many liberals in Sacramento at this time. If this passes our next bear season, cat season etc. will be the last one. You won't be able to hunt squirrels, rabbits, coons, foxes or any other furry creature with a dog after next January. California has some of the best hunting anywhere, but unfortunately we have a high percentage of environmental idiots who have less sense than God gave geese. Contact your assembly representatives now. We must change a few votes or our hunting is about over.

"The scenery never changes unless you are the lead dog."
Hey GF,

Has anyone contacted the US Sportsmens Alliance ???

They are one of the few with any lobby power at all... hope they can help you guys !!!

D*mn that p*sses me OFF ! Bloody ignoramous' !!

Steve Lithgow

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