Past 50?


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How many elk hunters here shoot past 50? I had a 5 pin spot hogg stationary sight and I was never shooting past 50 and so I took the 60 pin off. Well my shoulder got better and now am shooting at 50 pretty well and am curious about 60. I lost the hardware to put that 60 pin back on...Ik stupid of me. Should I just stick with 50 yards or should I get a new sight and get out to 60?
I mean pretty subjective based on the situation, but my personal feelings is 65-70 and under. I practice to 80-100 regularly, but the far end of my limit would be, head down, feeding in a meadow with no idea that you exist, no wind… ect. Personally I prefer 40 and under. Of the 3 elk I’ve killed with a bow, 1 was 50 yards in the sage, 1 was 40 yards in a meadow and one was 6ish yards in the timber
I've never shot at an elk past 20 yards so that's my predicament lol. But I just sent My sight in to spot hogg to get fixed and to put the 60 yard pin back on as well. Chances are fair they just Send me a new sight. But I am in the same boat I feel that 65ish should be my limit and that's a fairly far poke.
Yes it is. I have met guys that shoot further or claim they will but that is their thing… kind of like “long range with a rifle” I’m a sub 550 guy always, if I can’t get closer than that, then it doesn’t feel like I’m hunting that animal properly. I have the luxury of living 2 miles from my awesome archery range, pre kiddo I would be shooting 3+ times a week. I shoot a spot Hogg fast Eddie 2 pin slider and with a properly tuned bow ( Hoyt RX-1 or RX-5) it feels like cheating.
I debated going to a single pin slider but I am just so worried that I'll blow a shot at a nice bull because he ran a little and I have to stop and let sown and re range
I hunt mostly timber, so I keep the pins at 30-41, I practice shooting 50 and in using hold over and knowing where the arrow goes at 50 with my 41 yard pin, and anything close the 30 yard pin does the trick just an inch or two high when I’m really close. If they are farther than 50 I figure I will have time to move the pins, I became really comfortable with it and haven’t been in the situation you described yet, but it could happen. Last year a bull came into 20ish, spooked on the draw, guesstimated him at 40ish (didn’t have time to range) and used my second pin to double lung him.
I debated going to a single pin slider but I am just so worried that I'll blow a shot at a nice bull because he ran a little and I have to stop and let sown and re range
don't go single pin. it really is a limitation. 3 pin slider. get a fast enough bow that the first two pins at 30 & 40 don't make a bit of difference on an elk for a quick shot (pretty big kill zone) and past 50 you should have time to dial it
killed my bull this year at 72 yards. longest kill was another bull at 74. that's about my threshold on game . bows good to 100 and i shoot that range often. kinda like shooting rifles real far. practice at 1000 and 500 feels like a chip shot. if its under 75 with a bow i don't even hesitate
What kind of MOA turrets you runnin’ on that bow?

I’ve got a 500 yard pin that hangs just below the lower cam on my setup.
I debated going to a single pin slider but I am just so worried that I'll blow a shot at a nice bull because he ran a little and I have to stop and let sown and re range
Ive gone to a custom order Black gold 3 pin slider. good out to 50 with a higher speed bow so first pin is 20/30. then if I were ever in a situation with a calm bull I haven't called to I could dial it out further.
but now I need a new bow for 2 blown shoulders and will only shoot inside 40.
15 Bulls taken with a bow.
3 of them with long bow.
Furthest shot was 35. all others 20 and in.
Ive felt that id be good to 60 in the right situation.
I do feel so much can happen once the arrow takes flight especially when calling them in. Ive had multiple bulls duck and whirl inside 20 and not get the shot I was aiming for. but fortunately being that close I didn't miss vitals.
I debated going to a single pin slider but I am just so worried that I'll blow a shot at a nice bull because he ran a little and I have to stop and let sown and re range

I have shot a single pin slider since 2012. With current bow and arrow combinations I’ve been able to set my slider at 50 yards and adjust at full draw for elevation on shots 60 yards and under. I will never switch to a multi pin sight.
Used a Black Gold Rush 5 pin since 2012 for mule deer/elk. 1pin at 20, 2pin at 42, last three pins squashed down...Used #2 once since then at 39 yds! This setup is purely based on my current shootability yet gets the job done. 45 lb draw.
killed my bull this year at 72 yards. longest kill was another bull at 74. that's about my threshold on game . bows good to 100 and i shoot that range often. kinda like shooting rifles real far. practice at 1000 and 500 feels like a chip shot. if its under 75 with a bow i don't even hesitate
What kind of broadheads are you using that fly true out that far? I can imagine shooting mechanicals out that far, but I would be concerned out penetration of mechanicals on elk at that range.
I'm all for a guy placing limits on himself ....and not for others.

With that said, I'd put the 60 yard pin back on. It doesn't add to the weight or bulk and if you hit one closer and have a chance to get another arrow in there at 60, you might be glad you had it on.

I've killed some far critters but my self-limiting range seems to be getting shorter nowadays!

Just my 2 cents,
I debated going to a single pin slider but I am just so worried that I'll blow a shot at a nice bull because he ran a little and I have to stop and let sown and re range
That’s exactly the reason the single pin slider is a terrible option for Elk, IMO….

My bull this year was at 18, then spooked, out to 45, where I shot him. Full draw the entire time. Not likely with a slider
That’s exactly the reason the single pin slider is a terrible option for Elk, IMO….

My bull this year was at 18, then spooked, out to 45, where I shot him. Full draw the entire time. Not likely with a slider
That's why i went with a 3 pin slider on my bow my first pin 20-30 second pin 40 3rd pin 50 and if they are farther then that odds are you have time to adjust your slider
How many elk hunters here shoot past 50? I had a 5 pin spot hogg stationary sight and I was never shooting past 50 and so I took the 60 pin off. Well my shoulder got better and now am shooting at 50 pretty well and am curious about 60. I lost the hardware to put that 60 pin back on...Ik stupid of me. Should I just stick with 50 yards or should I get a new sight and get out to 60?
Here in the west you have a lot of 60yd shots and farther
don't go single pin. it really is a limitation. 3 pin slider. get a fast enough bow that the first two pins at 30 & 40 don't make a bit of difference on an elk for a quick shot (pretty big kill zone) and past 50 you should have time to dial it
JP, HntHrdr, and others, when you say fast enough, what speed do you mean? And what arrow weight and speed do you shoot?

I'm an eastern whitetail hunter, hoping to draw an AZ elk in the next few years, like everybody else!! :). I shoot an older Champion bow with speed around 260 fps, that will be upgraded when I draw!!
Good question, speed wise I’m not sure never chronographed my bow, my arrows come in at a 505grn, I shoot GT kinetic pierce with a 125grn CoC broadhead+extra 20grain weight up front I sit right about 15% foc. I pull 70lbs with a 28.5 draw length on a Hoyt RX-5 ultra. Was shooting an RX-1 with the same set up roughly and achieved two pass throughs on bulls the last two seasons. So speed seems adequate to me. I think us western hunters are less concerned with super fast light arrows since from my experience, elk and mule deer don’t jump the string like whitetails do. Now antelope seem a little jumpy, but never had an elk jump my shot.
Joe, speeds for newer bows are taking 70lb draw with a 28-30in pull and spitting a 500gr arrow at roughly 280fps. I shoot a 450gr micro setup with 28.5 inch draw length at 65 lbs and my arrows are reaching the 290fps range.
I’m shooting 80# limbs with a 31 1/2” draw, 524 gr arrows going just under or at 300 depending on how the chrono is reading but it matches the tape on my slider so right in there somewhere. Purpose built this bow for elk and I’ve never had one tuned better in my life. To the point where I can’t bring myself to buy a new one. Will one day of course but this one’s never going anywhere
What kind of MOA turrets you runnin’ on that bow?

I’ve got a 500 yard pin that hangs just below the lower cam on my setup.
Tough crowd. 75 yards and under I am surprised at the negative comments.

OP - I like that you knew your limits and reduced your range. Great job. Some guys have gone 150 yards plus, not my cup of tea, but the cool thing is we each get to practice and know our limits.

For elk in the west, I think 70 and under for an experienced archer that practices is very practical. I have been in wind that I couldn't shoot 50 yards. But being ethical is up to each of us to know our abilities and conditions.

Best of luck with your shoulder and hopefully you get that chance to draw back on a beautiful wapati next year.
Shoot 3d animals at long range- one shot for all the marbles- and you will quickly know what your effective range is…then deduct another 10-20yds- grin.

Every shot scenario is different. There have been 25y shots I’ve passed and then 70y elk I’ve killed…it just depends.

I Never shoot under 100. I like the challenge so I never stalk in to under 100 before I launch. If I accidentally get closer than that I back off to avoid scaring the animal. Once I range and I am comfortably out past 100 I begin to launch. I have 3 pins 100,150, and 200. I have really grown to like this setup.
Honestly I don’t mind taking longer shots on elk. Bigger kill zone and they don’t duck arrows like deer/antelope. Most bulls I’ve personally shot and had clients shoot over 50 yards have just sat and watched the arrow hit them. As long as you’re shooting a heavier arrow with a good broad head your fine if you can hit the spot.
I use a black gold 5 pin slider. I practice out to 100 regularly. Pins are set 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60. I try to keep it 70 and under but have had a situation where the first shot not ideal and was really glad I was comfortable out to 90 when he stopped.

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