pay to play on state land


Long Time Member
Saw in the paper they want to try to pass a bill that requires us to pay $10 to be on state land. from hiking to whatever.

of course they have the meeting for the public to speak at 8am when everyone has to be at work.

I just might have to take some time off and raise hell. They start this crap then more fee's come with everything else
Guess they've been looking at NM for ideas on how to extract $$ from their State Lands...
Wait till they send the Game dept an invoice for a few million for the right to hunt it.
I'm with you. But as there is always one, the ever changing world with public land. I would rather pay $10.00 to access public land then have it sold to the highest bidder. I can't ever afford to buy the kind of land that it takes to hold game animals. So for me I can stomach a fee to keep it public.

Just another way to think about it.

Good ol California started this about a year or so ago. $10.00 to access the fish and game wildlife areas. But low and behold, they give you a free pass if you have a hunting license. Wonder how long that will last.
The idea behind this is based on sportsman wanting more say in how state lands are managed. The State Land Board Commissioners are required by law to get the maximum revenue from trust lands to benefit mostly schools. If recreationists have "skin" in the game, to the tune of a $10 stamp each, more consideration will be given in how these state lands are managed.

Michael, if you go to speak, for the sake of hunters, fisherman and all recreation users, you might want to speak in favor of this stamp.
My questions is where can you buy these stamps?

How does it work if your just passing through state land

Who is going to enforce and check on stamps? Does that require more state workers to drive around and check?

They are going to have to put up signs saying state land and a stamp is required. Not everyone uses a GPS
>My questions is where can you
>buy these stamps?
>How does it work if your
>just passing through state land
>Who is going to enforce and
>check on stamps? Does that
>require more state workers to
>drive around and check?
>They are going to have to
>put up signs saying state
>land and a stamp is
>required. Not everyone uses a

I get it, these things above are what you worry about, not the future of public access on state lands.

You probably also complain about license fee increases...

Sportsman are their own worst enemies and it most likely will never change.
Just wait,next is a fee on national forest lands. Then a fee for using horses. Then a fee for every horse you use. A fee to use the trail. I'm just thinking about what can happen in the future. When they say a ten dollar fee ya I get it is a small amount. I want more info where all the money goes. For wildlife that is great. But to more bennies for state workers I don't agree. I don't complain about tag cost cause I don't draw anything. Hehehe.

Once again I know it's a small fee. But when I helped a outfitting company and working in the oil industry I now see where something little turns into something much larger
I don't have a problem with the $10 fee, for sure if it helps them not to sell off our Public lands.

I know a section of state land that if the suggested $10 fee would buy out the livestock grazing lease and the area would not be grazed it would be a great place to hunt pheasants, deer, etc. Now, in most years, there is little habitat left by the time hunting season rolls around.

I would be the first one to pony up $10 if something like this could happen with the money.

We have ha to pay a small fee to access State Parks here in MD for a long time. It takes money to maintain them. I find a $10.00 more than acceptable.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-18 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-18 AT 09:00?AM (MST)

>Just wait,next is a fee on
>national forest lands. Then a
>fee for using horses.
>Then a fee for every
>horse you use. A fee
>to use the trail. I'm
>just thinking about what can
>happen in the future. When
>they say a ten dollar
>fee ya I get it
>is a small amount. I
>want more info where all
>the money goes. For wildlife
>that is great. But to
>more bennies for state workers
>I don't agree.
>I don't complain about tag
>cost cause I don't draw
>anything. Hehehe.
>Once again I know it's a
>small fee. But when I
>helped a outfitting company and
>working in the oil industry
>I now see where something
>little turns into something much

Do you get a say in where grazing fees collected on State lands go? Do you get a say in where outfitter fees collected to use state lands go? How about timber receipts? Oil and gas revenue?

Do you raise hell with the legislature (who appropriates funding) on where they spend those fees they collect?

Why would you have to have a say in where the funding goes for paying $10 to recreate on State Lands? It will go into the same fund as all other revenue generated on State Lands.

Plus, it would be a voluntary use aren't required to hunt or recreate on State land. Don't like paying the tiny use fee, good, go hunt private or federal.

I'm all for this, as I want to see recreation (which is the second leading industry in the State) have higher priority when decisions are made regarding State lands here.

For the record, Montana collects a small State lands use fee, that's tacked on to the conservation license there (IRRC, its about $5) and the State generates about 1 million from that.
It's $30 to access state lands here in Washington state. Of course everybody bitches about it. I don't mind the fee so much, but what I don't like is that the permit you get for $30 is only good for two vehicles. We have three vehicles in our family so one of them we cannot use to drive onto state land.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-18 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]whining over 10 dollars? boohoo, stay home or don't access them. does it cost money to improve, patrol, maintain our public lands? yes. stop whining and support the lands. we should pay 100 dollars each year to access blm and forest service lands.
Here in California where I hunt on Forest Service land you can get firewood permits for $10 a cord with a two cord minimum. Dead and/or down wood only. I buy 2 cords every year, but I hardly ever get wood. I just do it because I like supporting it.
I'll gladly pay $10 to keep public lands in public hands. Otherwise the state will stay to sell and the Wilks bros will buy it all up and lock everyone out.
Been paying $30 a year to access state land here in WA for 6 or 8 years now.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
Where and when is the meeting? And I assume written comments are also accepted. How would a person go about submitting comments?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-18 AT 12:13PM (MST)[p]The meetings have already taken place in various towns.

The goal is to pay off a 300 million debt in the school system.

1 idea was to tag the cost on consv. stamps that we get from the game and fish.

The other idea is to buy over the counter like at ATV store.

The idea of hiring a state employees to drive around to make sure people have the stamp. Everyone was against that cause that cost will just put ya more in debt.

The cost was also brought up anywhere from $ 2-10 dollars for a stamp to access state land.

The other idea was to change the grazing agreements/lease agreements.
State land is held in trust by the federal government. So really they shouldn't be able to do this without paying the government. No one wants to pay the feds. I doubt it will pass.
$10 , big deal. I'd pay it.

But if you think a $10 fee from recreational users will give you much clout against big business in our present political climate all I can say is, good luck.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I wonder if one day we all might have to pay a fee to take a crap?
Dept is no problem for politicians, just invent a fee or tax to pay it off.
>$10 , big deal.
>I'd pay it.
>But if you think a $10
>fee from recreational users will
>give you much clout against
>big business in our present
>political climate all I can
>say is, good luck.

I agree, but its not about "political clout".

Its about having recreation be a higher consideration when debating the merits of say, state land exchanges that cost recreational users access. Access not just to the State sections, but also many times access to other public lands accessed via state land holdings.

It seems odd that with outdoor recreation being the number 2 industry in the State, that its such a low priority for the State Land Board to consider when making decisions regarding State Land.

Plus, IMO, since Wyoming Residents pay no income tax, I think its fair to ask them to pay a small fee to use State Lands.

There will be a bill at the legislature this session to do this, but my guess it wont pass with all the meddling about appropriating where the money goes.

Not an issue to fall on a sword over...that's a fact.

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