Pendley is a Thief

Got a link we can read from 1984 or are we just supposed to take your word for it?

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Directions for those who are challenged:
Step one - open link
Step two - read link it answers all you snarky comments
Step three - accept you have nothing legitimate to add in response
>Directions for those who are challenged:
>Step one - open link
>Step two - read link it
>answers all you snarky comments
>Step three - accept you have
>nothing legitimate to add in
Okay snarky
When I opened your link the first time, this was all that was visible. But thanx for takin it 3 times around the dance floor. $30 mill was a rounding error in 84, like $100 mill is now. What was the amount of the entire contract? I'll read it again when I have time, but didn't see it breezein thru it the first time.


"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

"Depressed market conditions" is telling.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

Keep reading DW the $100 million wasn?t a rounding issue or today?s dollars. But rather the number from the GAO a government agency that polices government waste.

?The government commission declined to put a dollar figure on how much was fair market... A study of the Powder River sale by the General Accounting Office last year (1983) concluded that the Government received about $100 million below fair market value.?
Make a snarky comment get a snarky response. If he had made a substantive argument with a reason for support of a differing viewpoint the response would have been different. I hope you read the link though, it is disappointing that our government for many years has not policed itself and it's backroom dealings. This issue goes beyond parties or what part of the political spectrum you support. Cronyism is wrong and should not be accepted.
$100,000,000 in 1984 is now worth almost $500,000,000 based on CPI from the Fed. If someone can be part of stealing a half a billion dollars from you and every other taxpayer and you don't seem to care if they get a position of even greater and influence something is wrong.
If you were alive and remember, or have read the economic situation coming out of the Carter administration back then, we had upper teen interest rates, gas shortages, and a depressed economy all the way around. Was this something that was done by the Reagan administration as part of a multi faceted effort to stimulate the economy and lower energy prices?

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

And the snarky was a response to your thread title proclaiming Pendley a thief based on one article from a far left rag from 1984. Psst, your BHA is showing.

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

If it was would his boss have been forced to resign and him reassigned? And additionally cause congress to impose a moratorium on additional lease sales?
Nope, last time I check there aren't many bison roaming around and a properly managed grazing program does a good job of replacing them. Prefer cattle to sheep due to sheep more closely competing with deer and elk as foragers. But for fuels reductions sheep and goats do a better job so depends on the purpose/use of the grazing allotment.

Curious why you find my lack of acceptance of a thief in a position of power over the use and practice of federal lands to be whining though? calling Pendley a thief, you are insinuating that he pesonally benefitted from that cheap coal???....I didn't see in that article where that was stated.

That deal was exactly what I want our government to do....charge a nominal fee to private enterprises to exploit those natural resources so all the benefits from the mined product are in the private economy......

Afternoon Homer,
I would argue that the employment and a lobbyist for multiple extraction based industries was a pretty good payment in kind or quid pro quo type deal and a direct benefit.

I appreciate your honest expression of your opinion on utilization of public resources but I respectfully disagree. As a public resource the exploration of said resource should to the fullest extent possible benefit the resource owner (the US taxpayer) not the private companies that that wish to exploit it.

As an example if there were minerals on your land I wanted to drill for would you prefer 12.5 percent or 25 percent. If market is 25 percent wouldn't you prefer that? Especially when that money is going to help manage all your property?

Oil and gas royalties are the largest non-tax source of federal income and half of this money is dispersed to the state from which it came. This value was over $3,000,000,000 last year wouldn't it have been nice if that at been doubled by the federal government charging the standard fair market royalty rate?

I would argue in a capitalistic system like the one we supposedly follow the government should not be leaving money on the table! That's socialism or worse cronyism. Neither are things our government should follow.
This federal government is supposed to be benevolent .......they are supposed to leave the profit making to it's citizens to distribute as THEY see fit...I want that money to provide jobs for private tax paying employees. I have no desire for the federal government to get one dime more than is required to do their constitutional duties....on a shoe string....

Just a couple of points but while our Founders often mention the benevolence of God and how we should be a people of benevolent temper I am not seeing where you got a benevolent government from? The purpose of government for the Founders is the protection of life, liberty, and property ours and theirs.

The government is more than within its rights to own and distribute property as its elected officials see fit (not appointed) with the support of the majority of their constituents. The assets are held in trust for the people just as our game animals are. These assets include mineral wealth. As such there are no legitimate reason to not properly charge the market rate for such mineral development.

Additionally, the preponderance of Americans strongly rejection the notion of the privatization of public lands so therefore out elected officials should as well or face replacement. To attempt to circumvent the rule of law with an appointment made unchecked by our legal systems of checks and balances should concern you and everyone as your side might not always be in power and the tyranny may be unchecked. But such a strong proponent of the Constitution would know and support that. Regardless of your feelings in a representative system of government that's how it works, I pray the sentiment on this subject does not change as we as a nation will be all the poorer for it.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-04-19 AT 06:53PM (MST)[p]

we are not really that much in disagreement here......but....the feds can easily price the risk takers out of the market.....and any profit is gone if the "government" does the exploiting.....

To too many the word "exploiting" has a bad ring to it

....and I am not for converting public land to private....

Evening Homer,
Certainly has to be within applicable industry standards of prudent expectations. Again for oil and gas we have the API which helps write most regulations in coordination with the State and Federal regulators.

Words matter and if my choice of exploiting rung poorly that was not my intent, in the industry I work its a word of common usage when discussing extraction of oil or gas. I am sorry if it was poorly chosen.

As for the governments role in industry inspection and regulation is the extent of it in my opinion. While government has given significant support (financial and scientific) to a great many modern conveniences I will agree bringing them to market overwhelmingly requires private industry to utilize them.
I knew were were not far apart.....and....I didn't realize you even used the word "exploit"...I was talking the population in general....

Remember, I live in the ag industry in California...the difference between Fed and State regulators gets blurred.....but I have had it with all of them......

That's a tough way to make a living. We have a small herd of baldies and Herefords and my cousins still farm cotton and soybeans back in SC but its playing in the dirt drilling holes in the ground that really pays the bills.

We have the Railroad Commission as our regulatory body and they are pretty good to work with as long as you haven't tried to do them wrong. Then they crush you but usually at that point its pretty deserved. So most operators handle their business without too much effort, some are crooks but that's any trade I would imagine.
I may not have I assumed I used it somewhere from your comment on it Homer but I could have missed the purpose of that statement.
>I still don't see where you
>used the word "exploit"????

dam homi i had no idea you was that savey i would have had you take care of my investments i lost 40k last year don't ask me how i'm a retard...but i am impressed

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