Plateau/fishlake LE question...


Very Active Member
Ok, I went down to fish lake this past week and did some fishing. We had a windy couple of days where we could not go out on the lake so dad and I took a drive around the area on the atvs. Saw a few bulls, the biggest was maybe pushing 320??
Is this average for this area or are there bigger?? My dad has max points and he was happy with the bulls we saw down there. What are the draw odds for this area for someone who has max points (Early rifle)? Thanks in advance.
If you go to the top right on the home page here at MM you can click on the "Check your Draw Odds" link There you can check the odds of any hunt your interested in.
ot sure the quality of bulls on it.sure there is bigger than 320s on it tho .just hunt the unit your most comfortable with. most le units in utah have chances to produce giants.
320 is probably average for Fishlake. I've hunted elk alot down there and we have seen some pretty good sized bulls but don't expect to see 400" bulls behind every tree.
I had that tag a few years ago and had to listen to all the naysayers about fish lake, I was lucky enough to get bull after a long week and a half huntin that went 374 gross and I was invited to post my story in trophy hunter magazine. I also saw several bulls at least that big All these bulls were only 500yds off a main dirt road. You would not have expected them to be were they were except we happened to spot them the day before the hunt changing all of our well thought out plans. Fishlake rules, easier to draw, with some very nice bulls on it.
I have been applying (some years) for FL bow, I keep hearing about all the ATV's and that their are roads everywhere. Some ATV get together there? I prefer to hike in 2-4 miles to avoid most and does not seem realistic in FL.

I wsould love to see a pic of that bull. I was lucky enough to draw the ML tag for that area and will be there on the 23rd of SEP for nine days. Can't wait.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-09 AT 09:28PM (MST)[p]I drew with four points. But there was four of us total taht drew and my other buddies only had two apiece, we were very lucky, they also got some smaller 300 to 330 class bulls
I will try to post some pics
tracker12 sept23, should be the best possible time. I shot mine on the sept 20th and they been screaming for the past 3 days. Good luck to ya.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-09 AT 08:40AM (MST)[p]I think that the 320 score is probably really close to the average bull taken on the unit...That doesn't mean that there is not a chance of a better bull... My wife and daughter killed bulls of 377 and 383 respectively, and I will be trying to top that this year.... but I don't realistically think it will happen!!! LOL

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