
Very Active Member
I know that this may be a long shot but last night someone smashed out the window in my truck and pretty much stole every hunting item I own right in my own driveway. Things that were taken were: my brand new Z7 that is all black with a 7 pin Hogg sight, my Leica 1200 rangefinder that has the rubber armoring peeling off on the the front end of it, my Leupold HD spotting scope, a Garmin GPS, bad lands superday pack, surefire elite flashlight and several other small stuff that was in my pack. The bow and rangefinder has enough distinctiveness about them that they would be recognizeable if seen on ebay or any other site so if you see anything like what I described please let me know. The total worth of everything stolen was almost $5100.

Thanks for your help.
that sucks! get your homeowners insurance on the ball right away. how long untill your Henries tag? i hate thieves, but thats pretty brave leaving all that in your truck, unfortunatly there are ALOT of a$$holes around and you cant really trust people.i cant say to much, i have a rifle sitting in mine right now unlocked-- i think i will go get it. sorry to hear
Lowest life forms on Earth, thieves and fanatic treehuggers. Hope your stuff turns up although unlikely. Get your insurance on it ASAP and good luck with your hunt. I'm laid off and nothing better to do, so I will check ebay and Craigs List for the next few days and see if I can find anything. Good luck with the hunt.

Make sure the lowlifes in your area know that you're willing to pay for information and they will turn on each other. Post a reward on craigslist wouldn't hurt.
Man hope you find it all soon.BUT I would start a back up plan just in case.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I am really sorry to hear that. One of the first things I would do is go hit all the local Pawn Shops.

I sure hope you can find your items.
Hopefully you have a homeowners policy or even a renters policy. If you do, contact your agent and start a claim right away. With the list you have, you should begin the process to have your policy pay on the loss.

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation, but you may as well take advantage of what is available to you. Good Luck.. KattKrapp
That sucks dude!

Marley That is just plain Shi..y!! Hope insurance gets on it quick!! What are the dates for your henries hunt?? I may be in UT and would loan you some items if you need!
That's first class CaHunter, I appreciate the offer but I should be okay.....I have filed with the insurance and they seem to be working on things pretty well. My hunt starts October 23rd so I hope to have most of it back by then. Hopefully all I will need is my rifle and one bullet.
I just keep thinking of other stuff that was in my pack as the day goes and so far my list is up to $5900 worth of gear. I want to find who did it and take them to my dental office, strap them to one of my chairs and just start drilling holes in their teeth.....marathon man style.

Have you reported the incident to the police? If you have serial numbers on any of those items, they can be entered into a local and or national crime database as stolen property. I won't BS you, its a long shot but if you dont do it and some police officer has some guy stopped with suspected stolen property, he won't be able to do anything if those serial numbers haven't been entered. Hope this can be of some help. Good luck.

Sorry to hear that. I had a similar thing happen to me 5 years ago. Make a detailed list, and your homeowners should help you out! I'm constantly on e-bay, so I'll keep an eye out.
Dude, that sucks hard core.
I know how you feel. When I got down to the Henrys on my 2nd scouting trip my tent trailer that I left down there got broke in to. Only got into one cupboard, but they got my backpack (with gloves, headlamp, etc etc in it), 4 green bottles of propane and a car battery charger.

Those low lifes can burn in hell for all I care.

I hope you slam a monster on your hunt.

Mathews Z7
CX Maxima Hunter 350
Sure Loc Single pin
Epek XC3 Broadheads
Just treatment plan 24 x 02962 and then buy all new gear. I'm just kidding, I feel bad for your situation. But seriously, when you find him give me a call and I'll help you pull his teeth three at a time.
Marley, Good luck on getting your stuff back and finding out who done it. I'd be in the killing mode myself but a little of that "dentists chair" action sounds pretty good for a warm-up to the main event. I guess it's what drugs does to a guy but i'll never understand stealing somebody else's stuff. Never!

Your thread really got me going cause i'm pulling out for a little combo hunt and fish in a matter of hours. My pop-up camper and truck is LOADED with gear! If i got ripped off right now...i just couldn't/don't want to, even comprehend that!

The thing that really sucks is that it wasn't just some of my hunting was ALL of my hunting gear except my rifles. Everything from my spotting scope to my calls and scents. I made it real easy for them too....I had everything in my pack to keep it organized and my bow case. Those two things were an easy grab.

It looks like I will be able to get everything back in time for my Henry's hunt except the Leica 1600 as they are now on back order with most companies until November.
That sucks marley. A few years ago a friend of mine got up early to go hunting. He took his gun and pack (binos, rangefinder, ammo, tag, etc.) out to his truck and went back inside to get his thermos of coffee and lock up the house. When ho got back out to his truck it had all been stolen. Less than 5 minutes.

It sounds like you're rebounding. Good for you!

Marley,I,am between hunts when your in the Henries.I can send
you my 1200 then send back when done.


You don't have to be the best,just good
as the best,forget the rest.
$5,000? Don't worry, Marley will make that back tomorrow with 8 cleanings, 2 root canals and a crown or two.

Sorry to hear. When my place was broken into the worst part wasn't the lost items, rather the lost piece of mind. Hope you get back to full.
Marley, it must be a Henry's Mtn thing. I'm the person who drew the NR management tag. I was having a garage sale last weekend. Had a druugy blond steal my Swar. E.L.'s. Called the cops gave a descripion including type of car, where she said she lived, trooper said he could do nothing. I had home owners insurance its just that you feel so violated. Hope you kill a monster and find me a monster 3pt. Good luck Ron
Thank you guys a ton for all the help and offers. My friend will be going on the hunt with me and he just purchased a Leica 1200 this past summer so he will be over my shoulder with it I'm sure. Sorry to hear all your stories of stolen stuff. It is a piece of mind thing though. I find myself checking the locks on my doors 3 times now before going to bed which I never thought much about in the past. I really think whoever stole my gear had it all scoped out well before he broke in. There are way nicer cars on the block than my truck and I was the only one broken into and my windows are so tinted you can't ever see what's in there if you put your face to the glass. So I think it was someone that actually saw me put the gear in there. Thanks again for your concern.
Moosie, send me a PM before your hunt starts and I will let you know what I see as far as big 3s go.
Hey Marley - Sorry to hear about your misfortunes. I always load my truck the night before a trip and it does not always get unloaded when I get home. Good idea to change that habit.

Does kinda sound like an 'inside job' did they know that stuff was in there? Anyway - you'll be alright, move on and kill a monster.

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