Poachers, makes me sick


Active Member

This was right next to some ground we have. I have had run ins with these guys. Glad they finally got caught. We called in a few suspicious things. I heard them on the last day of the deer hunt fire a dozen rounds just after a herd of elk went over the ridge onto their ground. Pretty ridiculous. Glad they got some pretty good fines.
That seems to be about as bad as it gets. How many other animals did they poach over the years? No way was this the first time.
Never stopped them before, but hopefully the prison time hanging over the two's head for 20 years will change their thinking/behavior. Doubt it!!!

Hopefully the judge ordered the twenty years probation and will watch them close and plans to sentence them to prison if they violate. Always hope.
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" Jay Reeder and Brandon Porter each pleaded guilty to four felonies and received lifetime revocations of their hunting privileges." MEANINGLESS...... and their prison time was suspended. They got a slap on the hand, nothing else. They will continue to poach unabated.
The punishment doesn’t match the crime. They should have 2000 hours community service,(served to benefit wildlife) larger fines and increased incarceration lengths.
Wow, I can’t imagine what their selfish acts did to impact the animals in that area, terrible people
Hunting licenses or hunting privileges don't mean anything to guys like this. It sounds like they have a chunk of ground and think they are entitled to anything that runs across it. More than likely, they will be back at it.
Wow, I can’t imagine what their selfish acts did to impact the animals in that area, terrible people

in ‘18 I had a hit list of 5 bucks 170-190. I had been watching them grow for years. I killed one. Best buck I saw the next year was 150ish. I am sure this had something to do with it. But you never know. Sucks either way. Pretty shifty dudes.

This was right next to some ground we have. I have had run ins with these guys. Glad they finally got caught. We called in a few suspicious things. I heard them on the last day of the deer hunt fire a dozen rounds just after a herd of elk went over the ridge onto their ground. Pretty ridiculous. Glad they got some pretty good fines.

Good work on making the calls, I’m sure that helped.
According to Val....they were set up....you gotta here the true.....lol

Val Reeder
If you only knew the whole story not just the cops a bunch of set ups and undercover enticements illegal as hell you all need to here the true
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" Jay Reeder and Brandon Porter each pleaded guilty to four felonies and received lifetime revocations of their hunting privileges." MEANINGLESS...... and their prison time was suspended. They got a slap on the hand, nothing else. They will continue to poach unabated.

They did take all their guns and make it illegal for them to own a firearm. Kinda hard to poach without those. $72,000+ in fines ain't cheap either. I'd say they did better than most cases on this one. I'd still like to see real jail time for poachers

If they do break their 20 year probation they will end up in jail for 2 years, which isn't a bad punishment to hang over a poacher's head. I'm sure the neighbors are watching even closer now and all it takes is one more poached animal for them to end up in jail.
Criminals don't care about laws. If (they) had the slightest bit of ethics and morals they wouldn't have committed the crimes in the first place. I suspect we will hear about them again in the police blotters.
I'm all for poachers loosing hunting rights. Unlike jail time, it costs us as tax payers nothing. Taking away their hunting rights and right to own firearms does make it much easier to prosecute them in the future of any violation.

The comment from Val Reeder was sad. If that was my family member poaching, I would have been the first to turn them in. They also had drugs on the property. If Val tries to defend their actions, all I can say is that sometime the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
If they are willing to slaughter and leave animals for a thrill it makes you think of what else they could do for fun

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