Points in Will


Active Member
I am aware of a group working to have points looked at as "personal property" and thus, able to be willed to family upon death.

Thought about it and it seems reasonable and something that will be an issue in every state.
Anything paid for one should own and treat as personal property..But they again, if someone dies before collecting SS benefits, well, sucks to be us.
So my dad has 23 pts in our state (which is random draw)...what if he never draws...

Not about gaining from death...just the money he forked over. Give them to grandkids....

And yes, it will come down to this. I hate it too.
Was tried once in Wyoming and was met with a hard NO. Didn't get a vote in committee.

Its a bunch of crap, you buy points, you get what you pay for, a point.

I'm perfectly fine knowing I have a bunch of points that I'll never use, I knew and assumed the risk when I started.

Dumbest idea I've ever heard of, they aren't personal property.
If the points can't be transferred while they are alive, then why should they be transferable after someone dies?

I've been saying point systems are a terrible scam for 20 years. Just like Socialism, points systems seem like a good idea on paper but you have to look at the long term consequences.

At least hunters in Idaho and New Mexico have seen this and resisted the scam. It is sad other states are stuck with the scam, because once you implement a point system it would really cause problems to go back to a random draw.

if points can be transferred it will result in high demand hunts like bighorn tags only going to people who had a grandpa that built up a lifetime of points. Having 30+ points doesn't guarantee you a tag, just gives you a better chance. Let the old men with a pile of points have a chance at one last good tag instead of guilting them into passing them on in their will.
Points not used should be looked at as your contribution to conservation.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
Points are great! Drew some great tags playing the game.. My Kids too. Points should be transferable in Life and death. We pay for em, we should be able to do anything we want with them... Tax em? OK, I'll take the write off. BH1
Death of top pool applicants is the only way the top pool will move for the tougher preference draws. Throw in willing and now the current top pool goes up, a kid with one point can jump all top points applicants if he inherits max points. Points don't have any real value. States can and and change the draw rules, including cheapining (like willing would do) or elimination of points systems all together.
So, like any other willed personal property, points could be sold at an estate sale and I could add to my 19 moose points? And all I have to do is show DWR my receipt when I apply for the tag? That could remove 2 (or 3 or 4, depending on how many I buy) high point holders from the pool? Sounds like a win, win, win situation to me! NOT!!!
Sure just have old grandpa buy points since he no longer hunts and will to one of his family members. You will have every non-hunting family member buying points for those in the family that hunt.

You got exactly what you paid for (preference/ bonus point), in your name to be used by you. You are only guaranteed the point you are buying. Nothing less nothing more. If you don't like it you can stop buying points at anytime and you won't have to worry about willing them to anyone. Some people's thinking is just plain nuts!
Could just not have a points scheme.

Doesn't seem like Idaho and New Mexico hunting is lacking.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I agree when my uncle passed he had drawn an elk license that he had waited to get for years. I asked the F&G if I could use the license and they said no.

He had paid for years to get that license why could he not pass it along to a relative. The money had been spent and they collected.

I am for this I hope they do it
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-19 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]If I start putting my mom in now and she lives 10 more years or so I could add those 10 points to my 30 points and maybe have a shot at finally drawing that pauns buck tag. Or I could just will all the points to someone else and they could draw without putting out any effort.
After thinking about it it seems like just another recipe for abuse. I don't like the idea.
I have dang close to 70 total points for various Utah critters and those points will die with me.

Points are not property and shouldn't be. Especially after the fact. No state has declared points can be passed down. That was never in the cards to begin with. Anyone banking a large amount of points can cash out to hunt--it's their choice to sit on the sidelines waiting for the best and if ya die before that Too Flippin Bad. I am sitting on a good number of elk points--I could have hunted archery, late rifle, lesser areas if I wanted to cash out but I have not and if I bite the bullet tomorrow oh well...

Life isn't fair and that's ok

some of you should read that one more time ;-)
I know that it really sucked when my oldest son died in 2015 with 18 Utah deer points. They cost a lot of money over the years and then they were gone with the wind. I couldn't even use them with a group application anymore.
I think causing point creep long after I am dead is not good.I think you should be able to sell your points when ever you want to the highest bidder, that way It should only take a couple years before nobody has any points, and that is a one time sale only per person, entire families could get one tag and be back to zero, grandpa can still be alive for the hunt.
While we are at it let us transer our lifetime licenses to our kids when they die ;-) On a serious note, I was 22 and single when I bought my lifetime license. At the time I bought mine I asked if I could also purchase them for my yet to be born children and was told no. It seemed stupid for them not to allow the pre-purchase for unborn people because at the time all they wanted was the $500 revenue. At least I tried ;-)
After I burn up the last of my points, which should be in the next 5 to 8 years, I will be pushing 70. I think I will just hunt where I want to when I want to, maybe the strip, maybe white mountain, maybe a sheep hunt. Who in the hell is going to arrest a senile old man just walking around the hills with his rifle. I had a heck of a run on points, now were in the age of opportunity hunting!
Question? Lets say im a resident and my dad is a non-resident with 10 elk points. So as a resident how would that work since residents don't have points on elk/deer/antelope???????????

being able to will off your points would never work. Be to much hassle. Waste of time and money.

besides the game and fish needs to direct their money to the new game and fish building they are going to build in Cody. They already bought the land for a county comminsionor. ohhh the poltics
If you think point systems are a good thing: transferring points is a stupid idea.

If you think point systems are a bad thing: transferring points is a stupid idea.

There?s a theme here. See it?


My son passed away with enough points to draw a Wyoming sheep tag. While I lament that fact, it's the least of my concerns.

>If you think point systems are
>a good thing: transferring points
>is a stupid idea.
>If you think point systems are
>a bad thing: transferring points
>is a stupid idea.
>There?s a theme here. See it?
>My son passed away with enough
>points to draw a Wyoming
>sheep tag. While I lament
>that fact, it's the least
>of my concerns.

And then if they did make it legal everyone would want to go back trying to get dead relatives points. would never work. The idea of it does make me laugh
Sounds like a great idea. Just think, if we passed this, in 15 years it may take 56 points to draw San Juan elk.
Do people really think this is a good idea? C'mon man!
Do you guys cry when you don't win the lottery like some people do every year not drawing a tag? Seriously people points dont guarantee anything but your name in the pool x amount of times. Quit crying or don't hunt utah because you didnt draw the last 20 year. Boo hoo. Transferring point is a stupid idea. And if someone dies you shouldnt care if you get their points and if that's the case I am damn glad you aren't in my family because you wouldn't get a dang thing.
Slightly off subject, I realize it's not the same thing. But if you've been in the ?points game? forever and haven't drawn out for whatever reason and you're most likely not going to be healthy or able bodied enough to use your accumulated points you should be allowed to make sure they don't go to waste.

I don't know if other states offer this but Arizona has a ?Tag Transfer? program.

Under Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. 17-332), there are circumstances where a big game hunt permit-tag can be transferred. Should you be unable to use your big game tag, the Department is unable to reimburse you for your fees or reinstate your bonus points.

Circumstances where a tag can be transferred or donated:

?Transfer from a parent, grandparent or guardian to their minor child or grandchild. A parent, grandparent or legal guardian holding a big game tag may allow the use of that tag by their minor child or minor grandchild pursuant to the following requirements:
The minor child is 10 to 17 years old on the date of transfer;
The minor child has a valid hunting or combination license on the date of transfer;
A minor child less than 14 years old has satisfactorily completed a Department-approved hunter education course by the beginning date of the hunt;
The parent or guardian must accompany the child in the field or, if a grandparent allows a minor grandchild to use the grandparent's permit or tag, the grandparent, parent or the child?s guardian must accompany the child in the field. In either case, the adult must be within 50 yards of the child when the animal is taken.?

Donation to a Qualifying Minor Child or Grandchild

?Donation to a qualifying organization for use by a minor child with a life-threatening medical condition or permanent physical disability. You may donate your tag to a qualifying nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that provides hunting opportunities to children with life-threatening medical conditions or qualifying permanent physical disabilities. There is no tag transfer fee for making the donation. Please contact the organization directly to arrange for a donation.?

Perhaps it's an ?Apples and Oranges? thing but food for thought.
...just apply as a party with the dead guy....


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