

Active Member
1. If readily available to you, would you scout via airplane if it cost you next to nothing?

2. Do you use cell phones or radios while hunting with buddies?

3. Is it unethical to use radios or cell phones while hunting?

4. Have you ever made love to a real woman?





I just put your answers through the scanning machine and I've got good news and bad news. Good news is you passed. Bad news is it wants you to define a "real woman". Just because you can touch her doesnt mean she is "real"
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-12 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]1. If readily available to you, would you scout via airplane if it cost you next o nothing?

Yup, if it was a new area.

2. Do you use cell phones or radios while hunting with buddies?

Yup, sorta...we use ham radios to communicate with home; better transmission avenues than cellular.

3. Is it unethical to use radios or cell phones while hunting?

Depends. Is your wife gonna text me some more pictures?

4. Have you ever made love to a real woman?

Dunno; I'll have to ask my wife's sister.
1. If readily available to you, would you scout via airplane if it cost you next to nothing?

2. Do you use cell phones or radios while hunting with buddies?
On occasion. i.e. - hey man, come help me pack this elk out. I promise it's only one bench down the canyon... :)

3. Is it unethical to use radios or cell phones while hunting?
Unethical, or do you mean against "Fair Chase" standards?
The Boone and Crockett Club, along with many other hunting orginazations have determined that using electronic communication to assist with harvestig an animal is not "Fair Chase".

4. Have you ever made love to a real woman?
None of your business. My wife doesn't like me to kiss & tell. :)

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