Possible relocation to AZ


Active Member
I received a job offer yesterday that is located in Lake Havasu yesterday. Of course my wife and I are trying to determining whether to take it or not. We both like the mountains and one hesitancy for us is thinking about the blasted heat. Anyone from around there? What's the city like? Are mountains with elk and deer within reasonable driving distance?

Any input on the area would certainly be appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-14 AT 06:35AM (MST)[p]The closest mountains are possibly the mountains outside of Kingman....I'm not sure. I would not think that the deer hunting in the area is all that good. But, I know guys that used to swear by the hunting in the Kofas, which is very similar.

Prescott, and Ashfork should be about 2 hours away and that is 5,000', pines and elk. That is as close as it is going to get. There should be lots of good hunting between those 2 spots.

Do a mapquest....north to I-40, Kingman, then east to Ashfork and Flagstaff.

In addition, you have quail, doves and fishing.

Where are you now?

You know how you can tell that you've been in AZ to long...in the evening, when the sun is low in the sky, or has just set and it is 105-110 and you say that it is nice out.

I was in Ajo, and Yuma...it almost got to a hundred once...but then the sun came out.
John 14:6
Thanks stinky. If it weren't for the thought of how hot it is I would probably be more gun ho for it. Our intentions would be to only be there for three years.

Right now I'm in central UT. If I can stay put here that would be ideal. A few possibilities but nothing in writing and pay would be significantly less. Guess we'll see. I have three weeks to decided and plan on taking the family down to check it out during that time period.
I have been to The River a few times in spring. I remember only being able to sit in a chair in the water with an umbrella over.It hit 118 Deg. by 11 am.
I grew up in Havasu & graduated from high school there in 86. Its a great town, but is hot for sure & it last along time. There is quail, dove hunting, desert muleys, but your going to have to head toward flagstaff for elk. We used to have a saying that to become a millionaire in havasu you have to go there with 2 million. You definitely better have a good paying job because wages are low. The summer is fun if you have a boat, but the weekends get pretty crowded with Californians on the lake. Good luck in your decision, but I would definitely think long & hard about it!!
Utah to Havasewer for less money!!!!What the He!! did you eat paint chips as a kid!I have been there in june and july its not hell but you can see it from there.No deer of any size no elk till you get east of Kingman.Stay in utah and live out the summer !
I have lived in LHC for the past 18 years. I'm not sure how long others who have commented have lived here. My son is graduating from LHC high school and has accepted a scholarship in Texas on academics. We have world class fisheries that host a bass tournament about every weekend throughout the year. I have raised a family here and have truly enjoyed the City. We have a responsive City and a great Police and Fire Department.
We spend the majority of our time hunting and fishing. We do not have elk in Lake Havasu but they are not far away. We have some of the best elk hunting no more than two and a half hours from Havasu. The deer herds around Havasu are tough but toads are taken every year. The weather is tough in the summer in a word it gets hot. LHC has issues from time to time but I can tell you after 18 years here it has been a good place to raise a family. If you need any further information please feel free to shoot me a PM.
Thanks for the input goinhuntn. I would be working as a Pharmacist, so I'd be far from a million but decent wages.

The reason we are considering this is due to the pay from the get go. We would love to stay in UT, but the market is a bit flooded. The most realistic circumstance in UT is trying to float around a number of sites until landing a full-time position. Work could be sporadic and likely no benefits going that route. Other than the HEAT, the position in Havasu offers a lot to be desired stability wise.
The homes and businesses have good air conditioning. You will not shovel snow in the winter. From June to October, you live like a lizard scurrying from one air conditioned island to another. You can do three years standing on your head and then find a job in the town where you want to spend the rest of your life. If you like bass fishing or think you might like it, Havasu is one of the best smallmouth fisheries in the country and the largemouth fishing is pretty darn good as well. Hunting desert mule deer is nothing like you have done in UT and is a definite challenge. Deer densities in the desert run about 1 per square mile, so if you see four bucks running together, its going to be a long time before you glass another deer. Buy a lifetime license when you have lived here for 6 months and you won't need to pay the non-resident license fee if you move out of state and still want to hunt in AZ.

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

An Arizona Outfitter specializing in the harvest of World Class big game of all species.

Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

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