Post your dead wolves please!



Idaho starts hunting wolves tomorrow. I'm sure most of you know that. So please, if you are an Idawhore please post your dead wolves. If you have one in your sights and gut shoot him you better go find another one to fill your tag cuz you will never find that one. For those of you who do get your wolves please treat them like they do the elk. Blow ones hind leg off and trail it for 2 days while it gets weaker. When it seems off guard put one in its guts and trail it for another day or two. When the wolf finally gives into exhaustion you can go up to him and start stripin his hide off while he's still alive since they seem to like to eat the elk while they are still alive. Sorry, I'm just stuck in the biblical days of an eye for an eye.

Good luck to all you wolf hunters in Idaho tomorrow. Kill one for me will ya?


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
Sorry I just hate those things. I hope they manage those beasts to a "t" because if we screw this up and take them below objective the feds may never give sportsmen back the right to manage wolves again. Hopefully the 600? wolf objective is better than the few thousand??? they currently have now.

I still would like to know that every wolf killed died a slow death.


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
I don't think I could afford that much ammo. I wouldn't be able to control myself.


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
>the feds may never give
>sportsmen back the right to
>manage wolves again. >

>silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!



so you lost it's blood trail, it happens every day. a harvest of a couple hundred animals CAN turn into good management

just my opinion, i wont be anywhere i can help, but if i was----I WOULD!
Me, bull, and KB are goin to IDAHO, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I say now that you can hunt them they should drop wolf poaching fines to around $20......... I'll donate $2000 to help the first 100 red necks!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-31-09 AT 11:53PM (MST)[p]Smoke a pack a day....wolves that is.
I saw three during my last moose hunt up in unit 67 last year. One of them looked pretty sick, I guessed lead poisoning. Not sure though. Maybe he swallowed a 300 SMK and choked.
We saw some up in unit 15 during the late whitetail hunt. My buddy said one of those looked like it was starting to circle the drain too. He heard a loud bang and the wolf took up sick all of a sudden. 408 CheyTacs make big noises even from 1324 yards with a 1/4 value 6mph wind. Probably scared the poor thing.
Sure hope I get a chance at one. That'd be cool.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Longbow. You are a smart man. IF you see a wolf at 1364 yards you need to make as much noise as possible in order to alert the wolves to you position that way they aren't tempted to stalk you. That attempt at scraing that poor wolf probably saved your life. It's funny how all those wolves keep getting sick isn't it. I personally think they are allergic to humans. Everytime we get near them they seem to catch something. Guess they will never be able to co-exist with us huh. ROFDL! I have a new best friend!


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
Just curious. I shot a coyote once in the guts. It ripped his guts open and his intestines were hanging out. Every 10 yards or so his intestines would wrap around his legs and trip him up. He would fall, get up, rip more intestine out and run again. I was laughing so hard I couldn't hit him again. .......

Never seen a dog kill him self running a 1000 yard sprint lol.

Can someone try to zip a bullet along a wolf's guts and open em up and see if they do that little trick too???


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
Does anybody know how much a non-res wolf tag is?

I don't see it on the ID website.

"Now we come to the most important pre-season question. Do you just want to go elk hunting, or do you want to bring one back? If you desire the latter, there is no substitute for hard work. The bigger your goal, the harder the work required to get there. Good luck!" - Cameron R. Hanes
Montana has a number to call when you fill your tag so they can keep track of the quota. It'll ring off the hook all day from the wackjobs I'm sure. I'd like to be the one answering the phone calls.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-01-09 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]I hear some of the wolf-loving groups are planning to buy tags and call the hotline number and just SAY they killed one just to save a few wolves. That way the season will be shut down before the quota is really met.
Those pesky PETA bastages.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
Hopefully the FNG will make them show and or pass a hunter safety course before they sell them a tag. I agree though, bastages!

"Ain't no pisscutter worth it but we keep doing it!" -Bobcatbess
>>I hear some of the wolf-loving groups are planning to buy tags and call the hotline number and just SAY they killed one just to save a few wolves. That way the season will be shut down before the quota is really met.<<

Mandatory Report and Check: Any hunter
killing a wolf must report the harvest within 24 hours
by calling the Wolf Reporting Number at 1-877-872-
3190. Consideration will be given to those hunting in
backcountry units. Additionally, any hunter killing a
wolf must, within 5 days of the date of kill, present
the skull and hide to a Fish and Game regional office
or conservation officer for removal and retention of
a premolar tooth and to have the hide tagged with an
official state export tag.
No person who does not have
a fur buyer or taxidermist license or appropriate import
documentation may have in their possession, except
during the open season and for five days after the close
of the season, any raw wolf hide without an Idaho or
another state?s official export tag attached.

A hunter may authorize another person to comply with
the above requirements if that person possesses enough
information to accurately complete the necessary form.
Please thaw your wolf hide and skull before bringing it
in for tagging.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
If anyone knows a farmer who sees them regularly and wants some....I mean one gone, let me know. I will go.
I"m sure hoping that Montana's season is a go. A buddy from Dillon just emailed me, and I'm trying to see if we can use his house as a base camp to go hunt them. I'd love to shoot another wolf.
And when I say "another' wolf, don't get your panties all bunched up. The ones I've shot so far were in Alaska, where it is legal.
^ Sweet!! I hope it is still a go for my area on Oct,1. We have an area the wolves are frequenting.
>Stinky go to the Idaho State
>Forum the wolves are already
>dropping!!! Pics included.

Can you share a link to that site?
And you complain about a wolf eating an elk alive and yet you willingly allowed the coyote to suffer as described because it was funny? As a sportman and a hunter we owe it to our prey to complete as quick and humane a kill possible. Your words, descriptions, and type of ethics are what adds fuel to the PETA arsonal.

>Just curious. I shot a coyote
>once in the guts. It
>ripped his guts open and
>his intestines were hanging out.
>Every 10 yards or so
>his intestines would wrap around
>his legs and trip him
>up. He would fall, get
>up, rip more intestine out
>and run again. I was
>laughing so hard I couldn't
>hit him again. .......
>Never seen a dog kill him
>self running a 1000 yard
>sprint lol.
>Can someone try to zip a
>bullet along a wolf's guts
>and open em up and
>see if they do that
>little trick too???

>silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
I'm sorry, you are right. That wasn't very funny at all.

It was freakin hilarious.

Ever pull up to an oil well to go to work and see blood all over the place? then you look off to the side and a doe that just gave birth has her entire end ripped out while a pack of yotes gorge on everything they can get their teeth on. Then you see a torn up newborn faw on the other side of location with two dogs on him????

Sorry, I just have zero respect for an animal that can do something like that. IMHO


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
an animal that has survived every method man can throw at it to try and exterminate it gets no respect from you?

Its an animal, outright hatred towards one is ignorant. IMO of course.
I agree with ya stinkystomper, as Ive seen what they do to newborn calves but I dont write it on the internet for people to take offense too and make a case against fellow hunters either.
Speaking of respect. Anyone have respect for an animal that would do this?

" The shot was well over 600 yards and he was standing still. I aimed for his guts and pulled the trigger. He dropped immediately and ended up graveyard dead 30 yards from where he was shot. The hole was dead center of his guts and he was perfectly broad side"...
Holy crap! That type of guy is a work of art! I'd like to take him out back and beat him with a rubber hose. Then nerve of people. Shooting 600 yards? and in the guts???? who would ever do such a thing? Just point me in his direction. Why I outa......


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
Yep ramtagless, that is pretty dang bad,
"30 yards" till he was "grave yard dead" that must have been as terrible a 30 seconds as it is for everyother animal that has ever been wounded or maimed, or attacked by another animal. I always said you were an animal stinky---but in a good way of course :)[font size="22"]

Dead is dead, is it not??? You have no clue the destruction those bullets he shoots cause. You could shoot him it the arse and he would be dead VERY shortly! Ror your info and peace of mind, all my shots have been heart shots....well over 500 yards. And im an amature compared to stinky.[font size="22"]

If your using the right ammo then absolutely. I guess your saying that even if I was using a grenade launcher I need to hit the vitals??? I also use my 50BMG and purposely shoot animals in the hindquarters. I've never had an animal move from that shot either. DEAD ON CONTACT. That's how I hunt. There's a reason I keep my bullet energy in excess of 5000 ft/lbs.


silly liberals, paychecks are for workers!
sorry i missed out on so much. did the topic change to hunting dall sheep, marco polo rams, arctic snow leapords??

i thought we were just talking about garbage gut wolves and coyotes. honestly- if i have a shot at a foot or base of the tail i'm prbably trying it. worst case- he might get in fection and run off and die late--- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! and if it's a wolf great. you dont even have to punch your tag, you can go try and lower the insain population #. that population number needs to go down fast, if we leave it to the liberals/tree huggers will end up where we are now
I think they should go back to allowing trappers to use cyanide. That will put a dent in the wolf population....

i'm basically planning ahead, there aren't very many wolves where i hunt in oregon. but they have been have a TON more reporst of them.
but i did hunt in idaho 2 yrs ago and seen lots of wolf sign - very little elk sign[ other than the bull i killed]


what if i had , lets just say, a german sheperd that had the very beginning stages of parvo. and he got lost, tragically, on one of my deep woods pack trips. seems to me, although i'm no vet and could be wrong, that if "by chance" the wolves came into contact with "parvo" it would be a tragic loss of wolf lives-- tear, wipe my eyes.

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