Prairie Chicken Question


Long Time Member
It’s almost time to start watching grouse strut….. over the years I watched varies species of grouse strut, on their lek, in March and April. I’ve never lived near prairie chickens so never been able to watch them. By any chance does anyone know of a reliable location I could drive to where I could watch them during their strutting season and maybe take some amateur photos/video.

Thank you.
Great question Homer……. There are some in Wray, Colorado, that’s 630 miles, one way. I’m trying to locate some closer, if possible.

Ya want to jump in for a quick trip?
3 miles north of Grasmere , Idaho......turn east on dirt road to top of round bald hills......
Thanks Homer, do you know if it’s Private or Public lands. Can you see the lek from a public road?
Great. I can see a road going east just north of Grasmere. It dead ends not too far east? Apparently you’ve been there?
Yes....always late November....there were always dozens of them clucking around........when do they breed??
Come Monday I’ll call the Idaho Fish and Game and see I can talk to the local upland specialist.
I got a spot north of Elko probably farther than you want to go but they strut their stuff mid to late April
Hey Lumpy?

You Planning On Seeing What A Couple Of These Taste Like?:D

They've Gotta Be Better Than The BOMBERS We Have Here!
Hey Lumpy?

You Planning On Seeing What A Couple Of These Taste Like?:D

They've Gotta Be Better Than The BOMBERS We Have Here!
Well BC, I’ve eaten blues, spruce (aka fool hens) sage and ruff. Of those four the ruff is the only one actually liked, as table fair. I’ve never eaten a prairie chicken but based on the breast color of the ruff vs the prairie chicken I don’t think I’ll be going after the prairie chicken as a food source. That color looks pretty gamy and chewy to me. There’s fellers who claim they prefer that wild taste but I’m not one of them.

Just wanna watch them show off for the ladies and see the unique feather arrangements.

You know me……. Watching wildlife interact is high on my list of stuff to do. All types of wildlife!!!!


Well BC, I’ve eaten blues, spruce (aka fool hens) sage and ruff. Of those four the ruff is the only one actually liked, as table fair. I’ve never eaten a prairie chicken but based on the breast color of the ruff vs the prairie chicken I don’t think I’ll be going after the prairie chicken as a food source. That color looks pretty gamy and chewy to me. There’s fellers who claim they prefer that wild taste but I’m not one of them.

Just wanna watch them show off for the ladies and see the unique feather arrangements.

You know me……. Watching wildlife interact is high on my list of stuff to do. All types of wildlife!!!!

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View attachment 105547
Looks like a chukar to me?

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