Prank Help


Active Member
I need some help getting back at my boss. I work with a FNP in her clinic. It is a good atmosphere, and I would like to keep it that way, but I need to pull a prank on her. I have some ideas, but I have not come up with the ultimate prank. I could use some help. Especially from anyone who works in the medical field. All work related pranks will be considered. Thanks for the help! As Bessy would say, "post 'em up!"
LAST EDITED ON May-06-12 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]>I need some help getting back
>at my boss. I
>work with a FNP in
>her clinic. It is
>a good atmosphere, and I
>would like to keep it
>that way, but I need
>to pull a prank on
>her. I have some
>ideas, but I have not
>come up with the ultimate
>prank. I could use
>some help. Especially from
>anyone who works in the
>medical field. All work
>related pranks will be considered.
> Thanks for the help!
> As Bessy would say,
>"post 'em up!"

Well, there is always the fake JCAHO inspection. Or someone from a controlled substances board could call her.

Give a few more details about her likes/dislikes, etc.
There are only two guys in our office, and I have been joking around that I have to hold my breath at the front door to get through the fog of estrogen until I can get to my office (the man cave). Well it got decorated up last week...
Get one of those freeze dried rattlesnakes that is in a coiled striking pose. Put it on her desk chair and push the chair back under her desk. when she comes in and pulls the chair out, get ready for a mind boggle scream.

I will not tell you how I know.

LAST EDITED ON May-06-12 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]

What did said NP do to deserve the "revenge"? Specifically- decorating your office doesn't say much.

What kind of setting/patients do you see? It doesn't sound like a hospital setting.

KY on the ear piece of her phone- an office full of empty pens-pens glued together in pairs. I'll talk to a few NP at my office tomorrow, and find out what they would hate.

I had a little remote controlled mouse once and left it just behind a gal's keyboard in her office. As soon as she got in I moved the little guy and she came running out screaming!!! It was one of the best gags ever...The group that worked for her were all women they laughed thier butts off!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
If it was the guys at the fire station you bet the saran wrap would be in order. As well as Cool Aid in the shower head, alarm clock set to go off under the dresser at 3am, reconnecting the horn to the blinker... But she has to still see patients. I like the idea of KY on the ear buds of the stethoscope, and the mouse on the desk. I have a predator decoy (I call it "rat on a stick), the stick may have t go away. I also have a cardboard picture of sasquatch, which might come in handy.
The snake idea is great! I could use that a bunch if it doesn't get busted up. Keep them coming, the creative juices are flowing!
--Fill up an overhead cabinet with packing peanuts

--Put an add on craigslist for free mothers day balloons and flowers with her cell number

--If she wears a lab coat you could slip something slimy into her coat pocket

--Rig something on fishing line to pull in front of her or fly out of a desk.

--Put some charcoal or shoe polish on her stethoscope so the inside of her ears are black

--Attach 10' of fishing line to a beer can and attach the other end to her coat. Have it coiled up and out of the way. When she gets up to leave she will be towing the can. (kinda funny if you have the right circumstances)

--Tape the remote control fart maker under her chair and press the remote fart button every once in a while.

--Hire a male dancer dance for her only he pretends to be a patient at first and then

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