Prayers for Justr...

Kenny, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you guys all weekend. I also haven't been able to let my son out of my sight since hearing the news. I feel sick to my stomach for you and your family :-( I know for a fact you're a great dad and family man and my heart really goes out to you guys...the three things you always want to talk about are your kids, bucks, and bulls :) Stay strong bud.[/IMG] ~Z~
Impressive Tribute! Born on April 27th... that's a great day! I'm sure he will always be an absolute blessing to those that knew him... He is now a blessing to those in another place. Thanks for sharing and please let me know if there is anything that I can do for you!
I've tried to post something meaningful dozens of times now, but can't seem to find the words. Since I heard the terrible news, I've had a heavy heart and I can't imagine what you are going through. I look at my son with a whole new light and protective instinct. Hang in there brother, and know that you and Carrie are in mine and my family's thoughts and prayers. Call me if you need someone to talk to, and let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Very sorry to hear. Can't imagine a tougher situation.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Wow, what a tragic thing for you and your family to be going thru. I also pray that our maker will send some comfort and relief to you at this time.
There is nothing worse than losing a little one. Children are the greatest blessings in life.
That little angel is now in heaven and is being taken care of by the angels of heaven.
May peace be with you and your family...
Prayers for all of you!

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