Pref. Points & Leftovers


Active Member
Can I skip the initial tag draw, buy a P.P. when they're put up for sale in Sept. and then buy a leftover tag?
Good question! I would think YES but only a guess on mny part.
Buying a 3rd season tag OTC just before the season starts, I don't see why a person could not do it.....change of plans would enable you to do so if asked.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-09 AT 05:27PM (MST)[p]I have done this same thing to get an antelope point.Just hope there is a lftover you are interested in.
Or put in first choice for a "dream" unit and second for your real choice unit to save the points.

Pat C.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

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