President Trump's 1st lady



Would be the best in White House ever....wishfull thinking.

That's pretty shallow....

Just sayin...:)


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-09-15 AT 10:08AM (MST)[p]Sure wasn't his looks! $ rules the world. Wish I'd been a snake on that plane!
uh, money? of course it was.
Good hell, I'd marry him for that kind of money! We all have our price. (Just kidding, or course)

We know what she is, they were just haggling over the price.

Who was the PLICK that Alerted Me & didn't Like the Pic this time?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-15 AT 07:03PM (MST)[p]It did violate the 50% rule, but it was a great pic. Sure beat the heck out of looking at Clinton for 8 years (God help us that we don't get 8 more.)
Look people. It is simple. Men and women are attracted to different things in the opposite sex. I'm going to set this forth to the best of my knowledge and observation. Opinions vary.

Men are attracted to good looking women. More particularly, men are attracted by physical manifestations of female health and fertility. That matches up with a young woman with rich, luxurious hair (sign of health and fertility) and youthful facial features, a generally hour glass shape. That is the way nature has made men. If you are looking for a deeper reason for why this may be the case, my hypothesis is that it promotes human reproduction processes best.

Women are attracted to powerful men. More particularly, women are attracted to both physically strong men and successful men. In fact, generally the successful attribute probably has more effectiveness for attracting women. Thus, being a top executive, owning your own successful company, having a lot of money are all manifestations of success and will be attractive, generally, to women. If you are looking for a deeper reason for why this may be the case, my hypothesis is that it promotes human reproduction processes best. More specifically, a father who is successful will more likely be able to provide the resources desired to support a child.

It seems silly to berate this woman for following this natural inclination. It is just as silly as to berate Trump for marrying such a good looking young woman.

Now if you want to berate someone for something, Trump's dumping of earlier wives for upgrades -- if that has indeed been his practice, I don't rightly know -- would be a more ripe subject for complaint. If he has been dumping women for a younger upgrade, that seems base to me.
According to Mr. Trump he has over 9 billion reasons why women would be attracted to him.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]

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