Presserving velvet on horns


I got a buck with my bow the other day and the horns still had the velvet on them. There are places on the horns where the velvet is sraped off but just a little bit. The question is: What can I do to presserve them from the velvet coming off? I would like to keep them the way they are since that was the way I took the buck. Right now I have them in the freezer. Is this ok. Please help...

If you live in the hot, dry desert, you could set the skull plate (not the whole head) out in the hot dry air with a good breeze blowing (use an electric fan if there's no wind). They will dry out in a matter of a few hours. The key is to keep the warm air circulating. As the velvet skin drys, it hardens and will set the hairs in rawhide. You need to check that the velvet skin actually drys out and doesn't rot. Also, if you already have splits in the skin, the velvet might want to pull away from the bone as it drys. A little super glue should hold it. Also, don't handle the velvet any more than necessary. It's quite fragile and easily damaged. After it's nice and dry, you can spray on a light mist of bug killer to prevent unwanted guests.
If you're not going to take them to a taxidermist to have them injected this is what I would do. Keep them in the freezer for several months. Then after several months take them out and poke some pin holes in the tips of each point. After that find a cool, dry place and hang them upside down to let them dry. As they dry you will notice moisture and blood dripping from the tips of the antlers. After a little time like this they will be dry. I have done quite a few like this and they have turned out great.
I am in the same boat and Standman gave me good advice, leave it in the freezer for a few months.............. Thanks, Allen Taylor......

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