Proof of liberal governance failures


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-13 AT 08:44PM (MST)[p]Here's an interesting perspective on how the liberal plan ultimately results in failure. Now remember Detroit is insolvent, California isn't far behind with many cities insolvent, NY is in trouble and other liberal cities are on the ropes. This article was forwarded to me but it shows the dominos are starting to topple, With our federal debt approaching 20++ trillion before Obama leaves office where are we headed. You may not agree with the article but it clearly shows that the system is failing on many fronts not the least of which is democratic leadership buying votes may be too high a price for the rest of the nation to pay.

Maybe we would be better off to install a mandate that any city or state that's financially insolvent loses their ability to have the popular vote and electoral votes count in a national election. Additionally senators and representatives in insolvent states lose their ability to vote on national issues outside their states. It would sure force the politicians in both party's to concentrate on solvency as opposed to the rest of the country carrying them, and that's a big step in the right direction. By the way the vote idea was proposed by a couple of guys with PHD's. FYI



Now, Consider This:
There are more people on Welfare in Illinois than there are people working.
Chicago pays the highest wages to teachers than anywhere else in the U.S. averaging $110,000/year.
Their pensions average 80-90% of their income. You can't blame that on republicans because there aren't any.

Wow, are Illinois and Chicago great or what?
Be sure to read till the end. I've never heard it explained better.
Perhaps the U.S. should pull out of Chicago ?
Body count: In the last six months 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago .
221 killed in Iraq AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire US.

. Here's the Chicago chain of command:
. President: Barack Hussein Obama
. Senator: ##### Durbin
. House Representative: Jesse Jackson Jr.
. Governor: Pat Quinn
. House leader: Mike Madigan
. Atty. Gen.: Lisa Madigan (daughter of Mike)
. Mayor: Rohm Emanuel
. The leadership in Illinois - all Democrats.

. Thank you for the combat zone in Chicago .
. Of course, they're all blaming each other.
. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

. Chicago school system rated one of the worst in the country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

. State pension fund $78 Billion in debt, worst in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

. Cook County ( Chicago ) sales tax 10.25% highest in country. Can't blame Republicans; there aren't any!

. This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois . And he is going to 'fix' Washington politics for us???
. George Ryan is no longer Governor, he is in the big house.
. Of course he was replaced by Rob Blajegovitch who is...that's right, also in the big house.
. And Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. resigned a couple of weeks ago. That is because he is fighting being sent to...that's right, the big house.
. The Land of Lincoln , where our governors make our license plates.

But you know what? As long as they keep providing entitlements to the population of Chicago, nothing is going to change, except the state will go broke before the country does.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-13 AT 08:25AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-13 AT 07:45?AM (MST)

Boskee the simpleton, the party in charge has little or nothing to do with a states financial woes, ever think about the boom and bust cycles and trends of society and the human trait of short term thought?
Would you like to compare Clintons fiscal policies with GWBs?

I live in a pure red state and our republican governor is now proposing a fat pay increase and greater benefit package for all state government employees, we just got a large gas tax increase that everyone can feel at the pumps and my neighbor who works for the county road and bridge says he got a handsome raise because of it. Good for him I guess.
I live in a traditional western state that's doing well financally, for now anyway.
Detroit was doing very well once too, so were a lot of aging industrial based cities and states, actually our whole country was.

The republicans have shown incredible fiscal stupidity in the past, what they stand for these days is anyones guess, but we all know that long term fiscal thinking isn't their cup of tea. As an example just look at Americas health care policys from the past and how it bites us now.

Simple thinking fixes nothing when the problems are so much more complex than the colors of red or blue.
You will never admit it Piper, but where liberal Democrats have been in control for a while, you are going to find a higher rate of taxes and fees that they voted in to support various programs that we could do without or have cut backs.

I am willing to bet your taxes and fees in Wyoming are far lower then here in CA., NY, ILL., and several other liberal Democrat states. So quit crying.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-13 AT 01:24PM (MST)[p]
Piper, You're living proof that you can't fix stupid!!

Since the party in control is the one entrusted to run the operation and actually has some discretion on how funds are spent, where in the hell do you come up with the absurd idea they have no input in their financial woes? You just pointed out the increase in gas tax and a neighbor getting a raise, as proof of their control, so you just contradicted yourself. So while you think I'm a simpleton you just managed to support the article with your own example.

Why don't you tell all of us where the article is wrong? Prove that Detroit hasn't had billions upon billions of dollars in federal aid and funds provided by the auto industry. Spending more than you take in eventually takes it's toll is a fairly simple concept ( dispelling your other myth) and proof we're having cities file BK seems to support that they clearly aren't living within their means, just like our federal government. See piper simple concepts actually work or every company in America would have been out of business long ago and proof why we're going to see more Bk's in the future by other cities and possibly by states.

After all the states are dependent on federal funds for many programs and since we're living in red numbers at the federal level if those funds disappear the states will be have to absorb the costs or curtail the programs to avoid financial collapse. Still think the dominos aren't dependent on each other and being in power doesn't matter? wake the hell up dumbazz.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-13 AT 02:54PM (MST)[p]Yes RELH Wyomings taxes are lower, its mostly because we have a small population and a state rich in energy wealth, the neighboring state of Utahs taxes are much higher than ours though and its an even redder state and the bluer state of Nevadas are lower than Utahs.
My point was how the states (red or blue) spend money when they have it and can't stop when they don't.
It may be 50 years or more before Wyoming looks like Michigan or Illinois but it will happen and all these government benefits and pensions will be a huge problem.
Government employees think its an almighty document that they get raises every year, county, state, city or federal they all constantly want more, and they are such a huge voting block it usually happens.

Boskee, I honestly can't make much sense of your ramblings, massive tax cuts mainly for the elite, lots of government spending and living beyond your means is a classic republican concept, it has been since Reagan.
Its a misconception that republicans are generally fiscally responsible, they do the easy things like giving tax cuts, but that's all they do, and that's exactly what kills budgets and creates debt.
Piper I hate to bust your bubble, but goverment employees get their best pay raises and perks when under Democrat control.

The Democrat party has a long history of rewarding goverment employees and getting them to vote democrat in block. Just do a research and you will see that the best pay raise packages comes to goverment employees when Democrats are in the majority. You might get a eye opener and hopefully it will shut up your whinning on the subject.

You can start with CA. as they are a good example for the above research.

Piper ,when you don't know how the system actually works a wise man knows when to keep his mouth shut, you on the other hand seem rather adept at sitting in your own excrement. See Piper decades of democratic government & CONTROL in Detroit only proves they can't use the old OBAMA blame the other guy defense. What's wrong Piper.... hard to admit the truth. REPUBLICANS aren't responsible for DETROIT piper.

By the way Piper Nevada's taxes are cheaper because of the revenues the gaming industry provides, that allows them to rely on tourism & gambling for a large chunk of their revenues. See piper there's no free lunch and free lunches are a very big reason why Detroit went into the tank! Welfare doesn't create jobs and revenue no matter how hard you try to defend it, it only creates red ink and the fact you're still not smart enough (or in denial) to comprehend you're supporting them is hilarious.

Using the old liberal trick of saying a program is self sustaining when it's dependent on the taxpayers to fund it is complete bullchit. Government doesn't pay for anything Piper, never has never will. Government doesn't even pay for the ink to print all those red dollars bills they can't afford to print, you do, so how's that for a free lunch.
You conservatards are so smart, it must really hurt to know nobody will even let you run a lemonade stand in our government.

Someday voters will forget the 2007 meltdown Bush watched happen, then you can do it again. for now ask yourself, are you better off today than in 2008? if the answer is no then we're lucky you aren't in control.

Stay thirsty my friends
I guess you've pretty much given up fighting arguments with rational thought so it appears that you just keep changing the subject. Problem is nobody's buying what you're selling anymore and you've played out your hand on here.

You're kind of in the same boat as Obama except he's got plenty of scapegoats and you, and Piper only have yourselves. Millions upon tens of millions of Americans are not better off today than they were in 2008 so I guess that kind of trumps that argument doesn't it. When you're exhausting your savings just to live because you can't get a good rate of return on your savings that's hardly better off is it, in fact it's only going to put more strain on an already stressed system. Now go pedal your trike elsewhere. America couldn't care less if you're doing better all they care about is what's happening in their family and in their bank accounts. You know for a guy that's doing so well and freely admits he doesn't need the money one would think you'd refuse the farm subsidy but I'll bet you smiled as you wrote out the deposit slip....... and you're pointing fingers at who.......
Boskee are you a female? I ask that because you argue much like my wife does, always changing the subject and claiming people say things they don't.

Most people are better off today than just after the rightwing smoke and mirrors disaster, the country was on the brink for a while and now many people are going to have to live on less.

I don't like the income inequality that is so prevalent these days, but that horse has been let out of the barn, I'm afraid the decline and change of America is here to stay.
Piper why don't you check the polls and see if the average American agrees with you that they are better off then they were at the end of 2008. Talking about changing the subject, you sure are guilty of doing just that in your last post.

If you think the Dems do such a great job of running things, instead of moving to France. Just pack your bags and move to Chicago where the Dems have been running things for over 40 years. You should be happy there. Just do not take your guns with you, they are forbidden and not wanted.

The dems don't do a good job of running things, not really much different than republicans.
The big federal deficits are owned by republicans, Reagan and GWB were the most fiscally irresponsible presidents in modern history. I give Obama a pass because he isn't a big spender or a big tax cutter and he inherited one giant mess.

The main reason I despise most republicans is their disregard for the environment, their dislike for the common working person and especially their views on public land and sportsman issues,
then there are the other overwhelming negatives like completely irresponsible fiscal policies that most people can feel in their pocketbooks.
Being a little better on gun issues and not giving as big of raises to government workers doesn't come close to making up for the negatives IMO.
Yeal! you give Obama a pass and he is spending so much he is going to make Bush seem like a spendthrift before he leaves office in 2016.

Piper if you believe half the bullcrap you post, you are so far gone that it is not worth anybody's time to argue with you. It would be like arguing with a mushroom that stays in a dark damp cave.

Idiots like you are going to be the downfall of this once great country and you are too ignorant to relize it.

"The dems don't do a good job of running things, not really much different than republicans"

They why piper, do you keep demonizing the republicans and singing the praises of the democrats?

Governmant is a smoke and mirrors game, both parties are equally guilty, and you piper have taken the bait! The only true sides of the battle are the government vs. the citizens!
20 trillion in debt seems bad until you remember the Affordable Care Act will kick in soon. We're fine, right piper?

I don't know eel, Answer me this? Why does American healthcare cost twice as much as most of the world? that's in the trillions per year. (real money)
Why do the citizens in 50 other countries live longer than us? even in Canada they live on average over 2 years longer and their lifestyle is very similar . (its not rice)

Come on eel,your so eager to defend Americas rightwing healthcare system, whats your excuse, does it mirror Limbaughs?

Whos fault is it? or is there not a problem?

You complain a lot, yet you have no real explanation except that everyone should be like you and if they get sick or a kid gets cancer they are just losers.

Come on rightwingers, lets not just complain about Obamacare lets hear your fix, or your defense of the status quo?
Well we'll just have to see if Hillary can do better than Bush and Obama won't we? just 3 years and the republican'ts will have something new to whine about. I'm sure as hell ready it's like groundhog day around here.

Stay thirsty my friends
"Why do the citizens in 50 other countries live longer than us? even in Canada they live on average over 2 years longer and their lifestyle is very similar . (its not rice)"

The answer to pipers question since he can't figure this one out.


It has nothing to do with the quality of our healthcare and everything to do with lifestyle of the lower middle class American subculture.

If you think Canada's rationed and socialized medical system is having an affect on lifespan your an idiot piper! Of course we already know that.
You better hope Hillary does get elected 220. If she doesn't you'll have to eat so much crow, you're likely to choke on it and die!

How exactly is the American Health Care System a right wing system?

Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law by LBJ, HIPAA which added Trillions to the cost of administration of health care without any improvement in care was signed by Clinton, the ACA which doesn't do much of anything in terms of quality of care was signed by Obama.

Which of these three presidents were or are right wingers?

W Signed the Medicare Part D bill and Obama expanded that program to cost more than ever W did.

How come the Democrats didn't pass a bill that had a public system in it. They couldn't even pass a public option when they controlled all the levers. They didn't need a single Republican vote to get that through and democrats canned the public option, not Republicans. Remember Joe Lieberman (Candidate VP Democrat ticket 2000) stating he wouldn't support public option.

So if it helps in your daily hatred of the right to think our system was created by right wingers, have at it but here in reality our system is very much a bipartisan cluster #uck and democrats have had added TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS to the tab with their laws.

Republicans are not blameless but the left wingers are not innocent in the mess either.

piper, maybe we have a shorter life span than other countries because we send soldiers to die in other countries that are too poor to defend themselves? Why are they so poor?

Terry, I see your lobotomy was a success.:)

Piper I'd seriously recommend you listen to your wife more often, especially when debating ALL subjects. I think it's pretty clear to us, based on your mindless drivel, she's the brains in the outfit. You may also want to seek counseling on those deep seeded anger management and misalignment issues concerning Republicans.
Triggerdork Hillary is the front runner today , big time.

I can't say she will win, she may not even run, or die before then. but I will do this, I'll put a bathide up she wins in 2016, you pick someone else. if either one wins we owe the other, if neither wins we forget it.

We on? put your money where your oversized mouth is and let's have a reason to care.

Better donate $100 to this today and hope you get it back from me in a few years. you know your heroes like Adlelson are crapping themselves and sending in millions. don't be such a leach .

Stay thirsty my friends
How did I know you were going to pull the old bathide out and try to make a wager.

How's this I will give you a bathide if she wins, she loses, you leave this forum permanently...forever.

Of course this will never happen. It would be stupid on my part to take that wager because you couldn't possibly keep your end of the bet! Oh if only.
Nemont- American healthcare is a rightwing system because it has government involved where it shouldn't and no government involvement where it should. Classic rightwing.

Compare our healthcare system to all those other countries where everyone has access to healthcare without going broke, what would the difference be? is ours a more liberal system so to speak?
Not hardly, it is some nutty employer based government subsidized stopgap strange inefficient oddball thing that rightwingers like to call free enterprise or capitalistic.

Rightwingers like to say government is the problem not the solution, OK, but they don't have the guts to tell people to go without healthcare if they cant afford it.
So we get this rightwing stopgap piecemeal governmental involvement that does nothing but cost money.
>How did I know you were
>going to pull the old
>bathide out and try to
>make a wager.
>How's this I will give you
>a bathide if she wins,
>she loses, you leave this
>forum permanently...forever.
>Of course this will never happen.
>It would be stupid on
>my part to take that
>wager because you couldn't possibly
>keep your end of the
>bet! Oh if only.

The truth can be painful sometimes. What's wrong, you can't take it anymore? You'll owe $100 and still have to listen to 440. It'd be easier to just walk away now wouldn't it?
This piper guy, can't reason with him. Everything that comes out his mouth is based on as false misconception.
Triggerdork you're just like RELH, big talk on everything until you have to put a dime on the line then you have the self confidence a person like yourself should have. zero.

If $100 is too rich for your blood make it $5 , is your opinion worth $5 to you? no? maybe you're a little smarter than you sound.

Stay thirsty my friends
Blownutz, I can honestly say that many of the opinions you mention on here aren't worth $.05 and that's valuing them on the high side. :)

How come the government involvement that the Democrats bring to the table in regards to health care is completely ignored by you. Again which of these right wingers; LBJ, Clinton and Obama added the right amount of government with their huge and expensive programs?

How come when the Democrats have control don't they get more government into the part of health care that "needs" it according to you?

That isn't a right wing position in any way shape or form because the "system" is a result of both sides putting in their favorite ingredients to bake the cake.

I understand you don't like right wingers, I am fine with that but to ignore the reality of how we got here shows you are just another part of the problem and have no interest in a solution.

If you let the left off the hook because of your idiotic bias then you deserve every out of line bill you get from a medical providers and every higher premium notice you recieve.


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