PT Cruisers for everyone!


Long Time Member
A minority, a woman, a victim.....the perfect candidate.

Meryl Streep just endorsed an Oprah Winfrey presidential run

And free government boxes of tissues for her State of the Union addresses after she's elected.

If the liberals only knew how she allowed pig hunting (unconditionally) on her Maui resort. They loved the flowers.
She made more of her own money than Trump has. and I never heard of her going bankrupt multiple times and hosing creditors. so that is a plus.

About all I know about her is she's black and has a tv talk show. but all I need to know about her is you azzhats hate her , so that means she is someone who could make a good president.

Don't fear her slurpers she isn't going to run. it's the other 300 million people in this country that can beat your failing orange man you need to fret about.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Maybe after the election she can get him on her TV show to find out where all Obama put wire taps in her oval office.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
> She made more of
>her own money than Trump
>has. and I never
>heard of her going bankrupt
>multiple times and hosing creditors.
> so that is a
> About all I know about
>her is she's black and
>has a tv talk show.
> but all I need
>to know about her is
>you azzhats hate her ,
> so that means she
>is someone who could make
>a good president.
>Don't fear her slurpers she isn't
>going to run. it's
>the other 300 million people
>in this country that can
>beat your failing orange man
>you need to fret about.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Good thing is there are NO comments by any leftists about reality tv stars not being qualified. Or how being rich isn't a qualification. Or that celebrity isn't a qualification.

Oh, and just for fun, when do we get to see HER TAXES? Shall we wager on what her rate is?

I mean at least you can make the case Trump ran a company. WTF has Oprah run?

It will be hillarious. The quietest campaign ever from the left.

No mention of:

-the evil rich
-the 1%
-sexual harassment(Oprah loved Weinstein and Clinton, lots of pics)
-foreign policy

Its a sad commentary by the left after ALL the TDS, the entire journalism profession tanking, etc. And their offering? A SUPER RICH, LOUD, TV CELEBRITY?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Who said Oprah was qualified? all I said was she's more qualified than Trump. I am not excited to see what Oprah would do as president but Trump has proven beyond a doubt he's unqualified. if you disagree with that go back to licking your windows and don't waste my time.

Trump said Oprah would make a great running mate . she'd make a better opponent . because she'd kick his azz.

Mark Cuban would make a better president than we've seen in decades. let's hope he runs , Oprah stays with her talk show and Trump flees the country.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-18 AT 03:54PM (MST)[p]YAHOO AGAIN!!!! I like that part about " a little less then three years from now". Just how much less is the big question. If Trump continues his agenda and gets several more good bills passed, three years from now may make a very big difference going against Winfrey who was and still is a big Obama lover and supporter and she will be carrying his baggage.

Oprah ranks about as high on my POTUS list as Daffy Duck. but the fact is she'd wipe the floor with Trump. hell anyone not in Trump's administration could. what you need to be asking is who would you most like to NOT see shove Trump down the drain pipe ? I'd bet Oprah is one place behind Clinton. and that's the only thing about her that's to like.

You're not fooling anyone. you refuse to bet on team orange that proves you know I'm right.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude that shows that Trump is smart not to go against a stack deck on probably his legal advisor's advice.
If the FBI were to come to my home and question me about anything, even knowing I am innocent of any crimes. I would refuse to talk to them before consulting an attorney. Reason why is that with their track record I do not trust them for wanting true justice.
I am aware of more dirty tricks they have played then you are while trying to get convictions to advance their career with a posh Washington D.C. posting.

Internationally renowned musician Seal trashed Oprah Winfrey on social media just days after her widely praised speech at the Golden Globe Awards on sexual misconduct in Hollywood, calling her a ?part of the problem for decades.?

In a fiery Instagram post Wednesday, Seal republished a pair of photos of Winfrey with disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, including one in which she appears to be kissing the producer?s cheek. Overlayed on the photos, in all-caps, is the text: ?When you have been part of the problem for decades, but suddenly they all think you are the solution.?

Seal added a sarcastic comment to the right of the photographs that suggested Winfrey knew Weinstein was mistreating women.

?Oh I forgot, that's'd heard the rumours but you had no idea he was actually serially assaulting young stary-eyed actresses who in turn had no idea what they were getting into. My bad,? Seal wrote.

What I like about this is the fact that Seal is black and they can not accuse him of being a racist for his statement about Oprah.
You poor losers. Trump went from 100% committed to a Mueller interview to not likely and you brush it off as nothing. sad.

Let me make this clear, I think Oprah is nothing more than a TV dork who has no business running a nation. EXACTLY like Trump . but if this is how we roll from here on she is smarter, better liked, richer , self made, younger and she has 1% of the baggage.

She is black and female and almost as ugly as Trump. that is a serious problem for Bubba but not to most voters that why she smokes him in the polls.

I seriously doubt she'll run because Trump will either be out of office or reduced to rubble before the election. so her desire to take Trump down will be gone. this debate is more useless than the usual useless debates here.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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