
Long Time Member

[font color="red
California has been kicking out some great bucks lately. Congrats to the hunter.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Rumor has it that that particular buck swam from Santa Rosa Island (once the Govt started shooting every deer) and freestyled his way to Alcatraz thru the dangerous Pacific tides. I believe it took him a little over two weeks to make the journey. As a side note, his body temperature dropped to dangerous levels and was seen at a nudist camp beach warming himself in the hot Kalifornicated sun. Somewhere near the gay bay.

Congrats to the hunter!
YBO, I have a buddy who has video of that buck swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. I'll see if I can find it.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
How does a buck do the back-stroke?
The only critter I've ever seen do a proper back-stroke was an antelope, in a small water hole, with an arrow through it!
It was a beautiful sight and a nice P&Y pronghorn.

The public gal did some good! That's a fine looking buck!

cool character on that monster! Wonder what it would be like to actually have a tag in a place like that and get to pick over all kinds of monsters! Henry's would be cool too, some day....:D

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
great deer!

Two observations:

It's interesting that the antlers on the island bucks all have that jaggedy, unvarnished look to them.

Doyle's "midget pose" is annoying. #bigbuckssmallpeople

Congrats to the huntress!!
>Doyle's "midget pose" is annoying.
>Congrats to the huntress!!

Was thinking the same thing. A great buck though

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
From what I heard from 2 years ago, Doyle approaches the state hunter and makes a deal that if they leave it alone until Denny gets his, he will help them with other bucks they have found and he just asks that they pose for a "MB" photo...
Great buck. Congrats to the Hunter. But what IS up with the midget pose?

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
Someone mentioned MIDGET? Where is 440? That could be his midget brother!

dirt darner!! now that's a man tristate can look up to' he said hell with guilds, hell with even going to the woods, just buy a big rack and make up b. s. for the rest.Talk about a wall of bucks, he had the whole side of barn full.!!.

What in the world does Darner or your hate for me have to do with any of this thread. I am starting to think you, NVB, Aspen, and Topgun have some form of related worship fixation towards me. I am not worried it's just strange. Y'all can really spin any thread into your general hate for little old me.
No need for Doyle to approach the state hunter to convince them to 'leave it alone' until Denny gets his. The auction hunter gets to hunt before the state hunter every year. The auction hunter will always get to pick his/her buck first unless they changed the rule to allow the two hunts to start on the same day....which I don't see them doing.

I don't know this second part on my own knowledge, but what I've heard is Doyle offers to guide the state hunter each year in exchange for video/picture rights. I think only 1 state hunter has turned him down to this point.

Yelum will know. Maybe he can chime in and educate us if I got it wrong above.
>No need for Doyle to approach
>the state hunter to convince
>them to 'leave it alone'
>until Denny gets his. The
>auction hunter gets to hunt
>before the state hunter every
>year. The auction hunter
>will always get to pick
>his/her buck first unless they
>changed the rule to allow
>the two hunts to start
>on the same day....which I
>don't see them doing.
>I don't know this second part
>on my own knowledge, but
>what I've heard is Doyle
>offers to guide the state
>hunter each year in exchange
>for video/picture rights. I
>think only 1 state hunter
>has turned him down to
>this point.
>Yelum will know. Maybe he can
>chime in and educate us
>if I got it wrong

Question! How does Doyle know who the state hunter is? That information is now considered private. Or does he just hang around the island until someone shows up?
>What in the world does Darner
>or your hate for me
>have to do with any
>of this thread. I
>am starting to think you,
>NVB, Aspen, and Topgun have
>some form of related worship
>fixation towards me. I
>am not worried it's just
>strange. Y'all can really
>spin any thread into your
>general hate for little old

Hey dud! In case you haven't noticed, I'm not giving you and your drivel any more time of mine on this site!!!

I don't know the answer to your question. But I'm going to assume it would not be hard to figure out if you spent some time out there just prior to the hunts. (Or the day of the auction hunt)
Really? So what are the dates for each tag? What if the auction hunter takes his sweet time? The state hunter just has to sit around and wait? Not sure what dates these animals were actualluy shot, but the hunt started ont eh 12th, Denny's was posted on the 13th and this thread started on the 14th. Would love to know how they say the state hunter has to wait until the auction hunter is finished and the tag is not date driven...
oldboys, not true at all.

Doyle finds the 10 biggest bucks on the island and he ands the hunter decides which one they want to go after. He also offers his help, free of charge to the state hunter. Why wouldn't he want to film one of these hunts. I know I would. And it benefits us, because without his pics and video, ya'll wouldn't have anything to Beech about, cause you wouldn't see em. Last year the state hunter declined Doyles offer. Doyle helped them find the buck anyway because he wanted them to be successful. Both ended up pretty happy. Did you see any good pics? Nope.

This years state hunter had never killed a deer. Doyle and is guys helped find the highest scoring buck on the island. She made an awesome shot, and his guys packed it out. A free hunt. And you benefit by seeing the pics. That's why we come on this site.

Did you see the state hunters rams killed the last few years, that Doyle didn't help? Nope.

On Dennys post, you got a few dozen post knocking Doyle and Denny, calling him nothing but a trigger puller, yet he's much more of a hunter than this Lady. Why you giving her the pass?



oldboys, the auction tag hunts both started on Mon the 10th, and the state hunters started Wed the 12th. Dead buck Mon, dead ram tue, dead buck Wed, with Doyle. State sheep hunter may still be hunting, without Doyle.

If Denny didn't kill Mon or Tue, both deer hunters would be hunting Wed. So far, every deer has been killed 1st day. I don't see that changing as long as Doyle helps.



Yelum, You may have misunderstood my tone. I wasn't knocking Doyle or Denny. I don't know what you mean by saying my statement was "not true at all"... I said he approaches the state hunter, helps them find a buck and only asks for a picture where he can use his logo (no $). The only part I left out was the video rights as well.

Please go back an reread my post and let me know where I was negative to anybody. Just stating what I understood. I may have been wrong in my statement, but think I was real close to factual. A good friend was with the first state hunter. (and he had nothing but nice to say about Doyle)...
Of course other than saying the "midget pose" is annoying, but you have to admit, the pose is annoying....
>On Dennys post, you got a
>few dozen post knocking Doyle
>and Denny, calling him nothing
>but a trigger puller, yet
>he's much more of a
>hunter than this Lady.
>Why you giving her the

Probably because she won't use the hunt as leverage to manipulate the system to her advantage at the expense of the majority of Utah's hunters.
theboys, I know you didn't say anything bad, that part of my post was referring to others. I meant your statement
"makes a deal that if they leave it alone until Denny gets his, he will help them with other bucks they have found "
They are always free to shoot whatever buck they want. Doyles hunt is over before theres start. Sorry for the confusion.



Just In!

I might be wrong on the Name of the Island!:D

No Offense to the Lady Huntress!

Nice Job on the Buck!


[font color="red
The buck boss, the buck.......

"I'm just looking for justice, a bit of that tit for tat, and to do it with some style a classic sense of panache"
Beautiful buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

elkassassin. how ture. how ture,/. tristate and denny will put a bounty on you.(that's a good picture of doyle)

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