Put A Caption On Me Please...


Long Time Member
Okay, folks, this is meant to be a fun thread where I post a somewhat goofy or unusual photo to be captioned by the masses. I'll try to keep them outdoor-oriented, i.e. hunting, fishing, camping, wildlife, etc. but some might be domestic critters & people. I'll try to do one per day.

Each one will have a number to use in your replies, so as we go along replies will match the photo without having to repost each photo again.

Here's .....

Number 1

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And there I was, this maroon musta been a thousand yards out, and he started flinging lead! First round was at least 10ft above me, second was 20 ft behind me. I figured the safest thing I could do was stand still! So I did! And that's why I'm standing here talkin to you today!
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Okay, folks, this is meant to be a fun thread where I post a somewhat goofy or unusual photo to be captioned by the masses. I'll try to keep them outdoor-oriented, i.e. hunting, fishing, camping, wildlife, etc. but some might be domestic critters & people. I'll try to do one per day.

Each one will have a number to use in your replies, so as we go along replies will match the photo without having to repost each photo again.

Here's .....

# 1 Where's Jackie Bushman.
#1 "What the hell kind of question is that?"

#2 "You sit there and you stay. Do not even turn around. If I see you move a muscle, I am gonna beat your ass. Just wait until your father gets home."
Going forward please do not use REPLY. Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Friday's entry...

Number 3

Mine for #3:

1. Are you sure we're not taking this 'cleanliness is next to godliness' crap a bit too serious??

2. Did you remember the rubber ducky and bath bubbles?
#3 For this years hunt Bill and Ted knew that the best way to see a big buck is to set your gun down and use the bathroom.


Elk Assassin guaranteed a piscutter if you go and hunt around the basin.
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"As spokesperson ...um 'spokesDOE' for the DLM...that is 'Deer Lives Matter', I'd like to suggest a 'Defund Hunting Seasons' movement nationwide would surely help our cause.";) #1
Going forward please do not use REPLY. Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Saturday's entry...

Number 4

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Going forward please DO NOT use REPLY. Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Sunday's entry...

Number 5

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It was nice of them to put this sign here so the deer know where to cross the road safely.

I don't care if anyone else doesn't want to sit with me. I ain't wearing of those dam_n masks.
Going forward please do not use REPLY. I do not need the extra notifications replies generate!

Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Today's entry...


fly rod.jpg
#5 "I'm so dang hungry. I'm sitting here with 25 years of unsuccessful emails and 25 bonus points. Will I ever get to eat elk"?

#6 "Yogi gave up on waiting for the salmon to run and had a fly-fisherman for a snack instead"
Going forward please do not use REPLY. I do not need the extra notifications replies generate!

Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Today's entry...


Going forward please do not use REPLY. I do not need the extra notifications replies generate!

Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in a new thread message so we know which one it is.

Today's entry...


View attachment 43565
#7 This is what happens if you talk about politics on MM Founder will be looking for you.......Up a s--t creek without a paddle
Going forward please DO NOT USE REPLY. I do not need the extra notifications replies generate!

Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in A NEW THREAD MESSAGE so we know which one it is.

Today's entry...


Going forward please DO NOT USE REPLY. I do not need the extra notifications replies generate!

Just include the NUMBER of the photo for your caption in A NEW THREAD MESSAGE so we know which one it is.

Today's entry...



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