It would?ve been funny if that was one of those joke Fire Extinguishers that had foam, but the foam that sets up stiff like you get at the Depot to fill door gaps. Or if it had pepper spray and the valve got stuck wide open when pressed.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-19 AT 08:01PM (MST)[p]Even funnier if after checking it out with securety and having it ok the when sprayed he kicked the shyt out of the panzy with the fire extinguisher. Ya that would have been better. Im more tired of second hand puzys than i am second hand smoke, oh and i dont smoke, dont wear a flatty, and keep my britches pulled up where they should be. Those things bother me to.but i just ignor it and move to less offensive areas. I dont feel entiteled to any safe space but my home. And there i dont recomend rubbing me wrong.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-19 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]>I would have stuffed that fire
>extinguisher down that idiots throat.
accused of it????...wtf???....it's on video

How is that not an assault???

I would have stuck it in his other end....

I Wonder if the Guy Smoking Would just Stand there & let somebody Shoot Him if they Pulled a Gun on Him?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
That's typical of the Millennial's what a tool and after he screws up he tries to defend his pitiful position with rhetoric that is just b--s---.

Someone should have taken that extinguisher and sprayed him in the face and then see if it is just a mild irritant.
Bessie, without my cheater glasses on, I thought you said: 'PUT OUT OR I WILL'.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
The man sprayed and the woman with him are going to get the last laugh. It is apparent that they are preparing the lawsuit by complaining about having medical problems after being sprayed and seeking medical aid.

The guy who sprayed them is a outright a$$hole since they were out side and 25 feet away from any doorway or window and had permission to smoke there.

Also in most states that action would be considered a misdemeanor act of battery and he may face charges on top of the lawsuit.


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