QAD rest question


Active Member
I read the other post and a lot of people seem to like the rest. I have also heard of issues with it not dropping fast enough for quick bows. I was gonna get one but wanted to see if others here experienced that? I'm shooting a PSE X force at about 310 fps. Thanks for any info.

I'm around that speed and have never had an issue with the rest PERIOD! Others may have different results or view though?? Just my 2 cents on my rest and results.
I have never had a problem with the dropping out of the way issue. The problem I have had with it though is if it gets any dust any where near it, it will not stay up when I click it up. It will still pick up the arrow but won't stay up when I want it to periodically.
A lot of problems with the QAD come from improper setup of the rest. It must be timed right and the rest must come up in the last 3/4" of your draw cycle with timing marks lined up at your full anchor point. I really like mine and have had zero problems with it. Do yourself a favor and dont buy the cheap model. Those are worthless!
I agree with Cahunter. I too think many people do not set this rest up properly including many pro shops. It has to be tied on in the right spot and timed correctly. I am shooting at 312 fps with this rest and have had zero problems.
I've had the QAD since 06 on a Mathews Switchback XT with o problems. I am going to buy the Z7E this year and it will have a QAD on it for sure. I don't use the little clamp that comes with the QAD I run the QAD string through the buss cable and burn the great.
I do the same as jodog. I also tie with some serving string above and below the string to make sure it doesn't slip. Another tip is a lot of guys set the rest on a brand new bow or set of strings. Don't forget to check the timing after a few hundred shots once the strings have stretched.
I had one for two years on my Elite Z28 averaging around 314fps it worked fine until about a month ago and I started to have intermittent issues with it not dropping fast enough. It is a great rest and worked well for the time I had it but I shoot allot and it wore out.
i have one on my Hoyt CRX35 and have zero issues.

What I do when tieing the drop away string in is use the same knot as my D-loop, only tie one side of it. Then you can slide the knot up and down the string as needed. after you get the string where you want it pull the knot tight and serve above the knot to keep it from creeping up. Once you try this you will never stick the string through thecable or use the clamp again...
Awesome thanks guys. How bout the cold? Any issues in cold weather? I wish I had you all around to set it up not sure if I trust the shop now.

I have hunted in real cold weather, rain ,snow and I have never had any trouble with it at all. If I would have had ANY kind of a problem with the QAD or any rest I would throw it away and move on to something else ! Great rest.
I shoot a limbsaver DZ-32 and it is a sickeningly fast and I havent had one issue. The only problem i had with the rest is that it didnt come far enough felt when mounted on the bow but after a couple mods its great.
it's a great rest! No issues and I agree with a lot of guys that said timing and the cable is usually what causes issues. If your cables stretch from a lot of shooting you have to adjust your cam timing and it would also effect your cable on your rests operation. Twisting cables usually changes timing/position on everything attached to that string. The higher end models have a set screw allowing your to make adjustments with the cable easily. I also don't go with the clamp, I do what jodog does then serve it in position. Most of the guys that seem to have issues with them use the draw of the arrow to raise the rest instead of cocking it before you draw as the instructions state. Using the rest in this fashion subjects it to a different wear pattern and may effect useful life. They're pretty reliable but sometimes they make a bad one but they stand behind what they make.
If you are having problems with the rest staying up then send it back they will send you a new one.
I was considering this rest, but those long prongs just make it that much more prone to strike the vanes. They don't need to be near that long.
If this rest is set up correctly you wouldn't be hitting those prongs if you were shooting 500 Ft/sec. In any case they give a short and a long set in their setups to aid your tuning. Most fall away's that lie flat after release don't impact the vanes and that holds true for other brands. With any brand of fall away that lies flat if you're hitting it you're not set up properly.
I was just wondering why you guys do not use the clamp that comes with it? Have you had or heard of people having problems with it or just dont like the look or what?
Make sure they leave you 1" of cable up near the flip up lever that way you can make adjustments for fine tuning. You got a great rest and remember to flip it up before you draw for the shot. Once you get used to it it becomes part of your shot sequence.
Boskee, thanks for the tips I am really anxious to get it set up so I can get shooting with it. I think this is the best rest for my needs from all the research I have done it sounds perfect. Thanks again for the tips.

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