Radical Islam in our schools and universities


Very Active Member
I reccomend you watch the whole video. It's not to long.


I'm sure all of our good liberal friends on this forum will put there liberal spin about how kids can think for themselves. Thats not the point. The point is this garbage should not be taught in our schools. If you want to take an elective course on sharia law and islam, by all means knock yourself out, but it should not be part of any mandatory curriculum.

Spin away fellers!!!!
I remember when you first started posting an I thought you were ignorant and then you posted 1978 posts and removed all doubt in my mind. That's all I've got to say on that.
don't expect a comment on that one she's a christian so that makes her opinion of no concern, yep she's biased...
Since when have I ever been against Christians Manny? I am one, well not by your definition I'm Catholic and as you've already informed us Catholics and Mormons don't qualify.

I'm against this us against them mentality. You guys need to try hard not to be stupid.

How would a Muslim soldier serving the U.S. feel about this video? This lady is a spreader of hatred an is no better than Fred Phelps and the people of Westboro Baptist Church. Why would anyone give this nut job anymore creditability than someone like Fred Phelps or any of these hate organizations leaders?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-12 AT 10:08PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker

You didn't watch the whole clip did you? She made it very clear several different times that she was not against muslims. She is against radical islamic principles being taught as part of curriculum in our schools. She laid out some hard facts about whats happening in this country in regards to our childrens education.What say ye!

I had to take a philosophy class back when I was working on my associates degree. I had to sit through an hour of this physco ladies liberal ideology 3 times a week. It was an absolute waste of my money and was several hours of my life I will never get back. Heaven forbid we require a class that teaches something meaningful like personal finance.I work in finance, and if I had a nickle for every 18 year old kid who screwed up their credit, because they weren't taught what a budget is, or why it's important to have a good fico score, i'd be a rich man.Nope, we are destined in this country to indoctrinate our children and fill there little heads with empty calories. What say ye cornhusker?

If were going to allow the extreme islamic principles to be taught in our schools, isn't it only fair that we teach, mormonism,catholism, atheism, ect.The big difference is christian religions are not teaching our children to murder innoncent people by blowing themselves up.If a college student is interested in theology or comparative religion, let them take the classes or even major in it.

I know you think we need to let our kids be educated at the ideological buffet so they can learn to think for themselves. I don't have a problem with that, so spare me the lecture. It's the steaming pile of $hit were serving them up at the left wing desert bar.
Yes it would be awful to understand the people you're in a conflict with wouldn't it? lets just get our information from people like Manny, that shuld cover it.

Halfwits are always in fear their minds will absorb evil if they're subjected to it so they keep their heads up their butt.

No harm can come from knowledge, maybe a lot of americans would still be alive if Bush had understood Sunni and Shiite wouldn't be butt buds after the war.

Stay thirsty my friends
Once again separation of Church and State should be the deciding factor about either no religion be taught in school or if you let one religious course to be taught then you need to teach them all, that way no favoritism is shown to one religion over another. Honestly I like her point on keeping religious teachings to be done in the home. That way if the kid has a different point of view on a particular religious aspect, the list of who to blame is very short.
I should first apologize to Cabinfever no need for being that obnoxious as I was on the internet. So I apologize.

I watched the whole 14:20 worth. I know what she said about disliking Muslims at the 9 minute mark. It was the message she was sending early in the talk and throughout not how she covered and said that she wasn't against Islam that I found hateful.

WVBOWAK I must disagree the basic tenets of the major religions should be taught in the schools. Most parents can't or won't teach them at home. It is virtually impossible to teach a World History course without teaching about religion. It is much of the basis of all cultures. Understand thy enemy and thy friend.

That doesn't mean one gets favored. I basically teach the basic beliefs and people of the religion in the order they came into being. If you leave out the historically relevant things of religion you leave gaps and lack of understanding of history. Yes Manny I teach the historical portion of Christianity including the Reformation as well as the development of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-12 AT 09:36AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-12 AT 09:31?AM (MST)

Okay since you bring it into that light then yes you would leave out huge chunks of documented, fact based history like the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, the spread of Roman Catholic Church throughout Europe, the Crusades, and many other religious centered historical events. But you are teaching FACT BASED events and BASIC DOCTERINES AND BELIEFS, and not in-depth THEOLOGICAL IDEALS; which I applaud you on. However what this mislead woman is talking about is not a history lesson, but about as close to a multicultural biased social experiment as you can get, which I am sorry but it has no place as required curriculum in schools. But once again I am basing this off of just a video, maybe this is an after school enrichment program that also teaches Eastern culture philosophies such as Taoism, Buddism, Hinduism, and what not. Maybe this woman cherry-picked this one section due to what a hot button topic it is these days. Lots of people still have the events of 9-11 very fresh in their mind, thankfully my son wasn't born and he was a year old during my deployment, and until I moved to Alaska all I did was support GWOT. Those were some long days and nights.
All I am saying is that a subject matter like what the woman presented should fall under Church and State separation, and not be part of required curriculum. Then again agendas of certain groups has gotten things like Ebonics as a course in many larger urban area high schools, so where do you draw the line? Not being a racist, just pointing out something that is similar to what was being discussed in the video.
I think a comparative religion class, if taught objectively, would be great. Give the history portion of how each one came into existence, what their core beliefs are.The key word here is objectively. I don't have a problem with youth being subjected to radical ideas. An hour worth of CNN will cover that nicely.As a parent and taxpayer, who is paying for my kids education and the education of others, I don't want to pick up the tab for a radical platform in the education system. There are more useful classes that need to be taught.

Cornhusker, you sound like a great teacher who teaches objectively. Thats great. We need more teachers like you.But do most teachers teach without bias? My biggest beef is with the universities and colleges. My experience in college was that there is very little objectivity. I went to college in a very consevative town, yet most my professors were using there classes to spread their liberal ideology. Yes, I came out of it unscathed, but I still had to pay for it.My point has never been whether we should not expose our youth to all ideologies. My point is, how can our kids think objectively, if radical left ideas are the predominant principles taught in school. I'm just saying......
Most kids aren't going to learn about muslims anywhere but school. teaching is understanding, and muslims have become part of our life like it or not. teaching is not preaching, understand who you're dealing with to better make friends and if that fails understand your enemy.

We can ask kids to grab a gun and fight but we fear teaching him what makes his target tick. brilliant.

Stay thirsty my friends
440, so are you saying that hitlers youth were in no way affected by his ideologies? Are you saying that youth are not impressionable? Knowledge is useful and productive, ideologies are useless empty calories that are more suited for TV than the classroom.

"In a time before most of us were born, a very charismatic man stepped upon the political scene and in a very short time became the head-of-state. He promised to strengthen the nation, revitalize the economy and inspire its youth through service to the country.

He said to the people of the nation, "Give me your youth!" Tragically, they did just that.

The great orator was named Adolph Hitler and the organization he started was called the Hitler Youth. Tragically, many of the leaders in the Hitler Youth program were, upon reaching the age of military service, drafted directly into another organization of his creation, the S.S."

Are we giving our youth to the ideological radicals of this nation? Are we focusing too much on ideology, and not enough on the skills our youth will need to be successful in the work force?
That's the same agument as saying if we don't teach kids about sex they won't have it. don't talk about drugs and they won't try them.

Islam is real and it's in our face, it's a religion protected by the constitution and there are muslim americans. pretending it's evil and turning your back on it won't make it go away.

Any kid so weak minded learning about the islam is going make them a muslim terrorist has big problems anyway. if christians have so little confidence in their religion that informing teens about the beliefs of others scares the crap out of them then maybe those problems are genetic.

Stay thirsty my friends
> Most kids aren't going to
>learn about muslims anywhere but
>school. teaching is understanding, and
>muslims have become part of
>our life like it or
>not. teaching is not preaching,
>understand who you're dealing with
>to better make friends and
>if that fails understand your

So you support teaching Muslims in school about Christianity since they won't learn about it at home? You support teaching Christians and Muslims about Judaism since they won't learn it at home? Teaching Protestants about Catholics, Judaism, etc?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-12 AT 02:31PM (MST)[p]440

It's not whats being taught that disturbs me, it hows it's being taught. Hitler and the haulocaust are big part of history. Should it be taught? Absolutely. Should we break open hitlers book of ideology and teach it as a pathway to prosperity? If you don't know the answer to that, you have bigger problems.

"Any kid so weak minded learning about the islam is going make them a muslim terrorist has big problems anyway."

So how come american born muslims are carring out acts of terrorism on american soil? Remember, they don't have to recruit 1000's to carry out a terrorist act that will murder scores of innocent americans. Lest we forget, it only took 19 to carry out 9/11.

I have zero problem with american muslims or any muslims for that matter. They have as much right to be in this country as anyone. My beef is with radical islamic and radical left ideology being taught in schools

It's one thing to teach history, but quite another thing to teach ideology as fact.
How many classes promoting radical islam are in public schools? really? this is much about nothing.

I learned about Torquemada and the inquistition in school and I'm not a christian. in fact it helped me decide all superstitions are nonsense .

We're not a christian nation this is a fact , you can't just lock islam in the closet and make it go away. so get it out in the open and talk about what separates the radicals from the average decent muslims because there are many.

Stay thirsty my friends
"We're not a christian nation, this is a fact"

76% percent of americans identify themselves as christians and that was over 90% when the declaration of independence was signed.Four of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were current or former full-time christian preachers.The clear majority of our founding fathers were christian or believed in a supreme being. "one nation under god"....."In god we trust." You can spew your hate towards God and Jesus Christ all you want, but it won't change the facts about this countries history.

Whats your next argument 440......that english isn't the primary language in america.

"get it out in the open and talk about what separates the radicals from the average decent muslims because there are many."

I agree? The problem is, if we are going to teach comparative religion, you have to in fairness represent all religions and it needs to be done without bias. I believe it takes the right teacher or professor to do this. In any case, it should be an elective class.
We are a christian majority nation, but we are absolutely not a christian nation. the founding fathers went to great lengths to assure this fact. when you say in god we trust what god did the mean? did they ever say.

Both the constitution and article 11 of the Treaty Of Tripoli shoot down any hopes of calling us a christian nation and pulling it off.


Other nations make english a required class because they know it's for the better of the nation and the student to speak it.
isn't it fair to say radical islam is a part of our lives we'd be better off understanding? if this were just a superstition sales pitch I'd agree with you, but denial of knowledge of other superstitions to protect our more popular superstitions is not the best interest of the nation.

Stay thirsty my friends
Just because her xenophobic rhetoric is pronounced with a middle-eastern accent doesn't make her any less xenophobic and homogenetic than all the rest of the "one culture - one country" idealists.

Learning about other cultures does not hurt kids or influence them to change a new culture. In fact, it has been proven that it does quite the opposite. I am in no way worried that my kids will up and convert to Islam because they experienced what it was like to be a Muslim for a week.

I am more worried that they will slip into the complacency of only half-way thinking about things and make decisions based on adherence to close-minded principles based on fear and misunderstanding.

Maybe if we taught a little more sharia law in our schools then we would have soldiers and other personell dying over the burning of a few copies of the Koran. Maybe we would be intelligent and sensitive enough to realize we can't run roughshod over other cultures and expect other peoples to just conform to our way of thinking. Of course, we have been real successful with that haven't we?

Oh and there IS no official language of the United States. Just because the majority speak English and it is the de facto language doesn't mean it is official. The framers of the Constitution wanted it that way too. They felt that if they did they would disenfranchise a great portion of the population, which was German speaking at the time.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 01:37PM (MST)[p]I have a degree in history and still do historical research as a hobby. The history of western civilization is the history of christianity. They go hand in hand. If you don't teach the history of christianity you have no western civilization.

Anyone who has read anything on the history of islam knows that their history is very, very interesting. The history of islam plays a very important part in the development of the history of the world. Especially where it interacts with christianity during the crusade period. I believe more of their history should be taught since it has become more important in recent years.

Now taking this into consideration, I believe the history of all major religions should be taught. It is imperative to be able to understand how our different societies developed. Teach the history and only the history in public schools. We don't teach christian doctrine and ideology in public school and the same rules should apply to islam. Islamic doctrine should not be taught in public schools. If we tried to do a social experiment where 7th graders pretended to be christian for a 3 week period and learned bible verses, the ACLU would be screaming bloody murder. The same should apply to islam or any other religion for that matter. Teach the history not the doctrine.

If muslim nations are pumping $$$$ into American universities and public school systems you have to ask who and why! It's a legitimate question. Are they mainstream muslims trying to educate the world on their culture or are they radical muslims trying to make inroads into western society for the purpose of undermining our society and recruiting potential terrorists. School age children are impressionable and its the parents responsibility and choice to determine what their child is exposed to as far as religious doctrine. When they get to be teenagers and young adults then they can make up their own mind what they want to believe.

Just my 2 cents on the subject.
Roy xenophobic and homogenetic=big words..... i being a simpleton only understand simple terms... ;-)

Tis an interesting question here, i think ultimately it would come down to the idea of being educated VS. being trained.

If we are serious about educating people than all types of knowledge, including religious theology, should be at least offered at schools....that includes Islam....

If on the other hand we are in the business of 'training' people to fulfill niches in society than there is no real need for it and it should be totally seperated from schools....

personally, i have no opinion on this both of those are valuable to the fabric of humanity none more so than the other....just depends on your point of view.....

Trigger what you should have said is western culture was formed by christians who jammed it down your throat like it or not.

When jews, mormans and hindues start killing us and we're sending kids off to fight them we can make leaning about them a priority, until then isn't it safe to say islam might be where the emphasis should be?

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 11:45PM (MST)[p]Of course thats how you see it 440, thats just how you roll. We wouldn't expect any less from you!

Try gargling with salt water, it'll help with the sore throat discomfort.
Not a problem anymore, we can see how far your Santoum guy is getting with the next phase can't we? better pray a little harder, god isn't getting the job done when a muslim is your ruler and his competition is going to be a morman. I love it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Now all of a sudden Santorum is my guy. I don't think so. Love the way you spin master types change things around to fuel your position.

Please show me any support I have given Santorum.
I just figured you to be a Ned Flanders supporter.

Either way why isn't god making a christian the ruler of this blessed christan nation? not even going to be an option. maybe Manny is right god is spanking us and satan is pouring the pork to us? scary stuff.

Stay thirsty my friends
and now you're asking questions about something you don't think exists. Funny stuff!
It's called sarcasm. it's what you do when you're making fun of someone.

Stay thirsty my friends
Don't worry, everyone knows you're the court jester around here. Your position is secure!
That's good, it's better to be funny when you're not being serious.

Stay thirsty my friends

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