Rage broad heads?



So now that these have been around for a while and people have had a chance to hunt with them, what are everyone?s opinion of them and why?

Just Living The Dream
I don't care for them! They didn't hold up or even penetrate one side of the steel drum. In fact they exploded on impact and almost hit the guy firing the arrow.

This week at the ATA show they had an invite 100 yard archery shoot. Meaning they only invited the best of the best pro's to shoot only the rage broad heads at a 100 yard target. $5,000 dollar prize for 1st.

Randy Ulmer was beat out by Tim Gillingham in the finals because his blades opened up in mid flight and took a right turn and exited the county. Tim ended up winning only because he glued his heads shut LOL

I don't want a braodhead that will open up and cause me to loose an archery shoot or worse a deer or and elk.

The rage is what you will feel when you miss an animal because it opened up in mid flight. The rage is what you will feel when you hit bone and it explodes.

Wac'em and stack em. If you want to go to an expandable use the grim reaper.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
God knows how many times the broadheads were shot resulting in a worn O-Ring, possibly leading to it fly open in flight. I have shot these for two years now and they have destroyed every animal I have shot them at. Deer, Antelope, Mountain Lion, anything I could throw at them they destroyed.

Pics to back it up...


>>-Bull Ridge->

Check out bowsite.com, and feast your eyes on the hundreds of posts about these heads, and other expandables.

Used them, and never had a problem. IMO they're not worth the worry of "are they going to open when they hit?" or "will they open during flight?".

I'll stick with my ThunderHeads. They fly straight, are tough as nails, razor sharp, and there's no doubt in my mind that if I do my job, they will do their's.
these would be great for a person hutning a stand or a blind in my opion the blades come free from the o ring way too easily when walking through just about anything ive tried new o rings and doubled them and the blades still slip through.... thats my only complaint the practice heads fly just like the real broadhead that was a real plus... i switched to the g5's just because i spot and stalk more often
I have never had one open in flight, and I have seen Randy Ulmer shoot several mule deer with them and every one of them went down in sight with no broadhead malfuntions. Like I said, I have never had one open up in flight, but just to be safe, I use a thin strip of electrical tape in the middle to make sure the blades don't open. on impact the blades tear the tape away. And for the record I was a huge opponent of all mechanical broadheads prior to seeing how well the rage worked. greg
I hear if you put some glue on them they wont open up in flight. If you hit where you aimed they will still kill what you shot.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-09 AT 02:48PM (MST)[p]Why on earth would anyone shoot a BH that has been or has to be glued or taped shut? Or altered in any way shape or form from the manufacturer?
Doesn't sound like total 100% confidence in your gear to me.
I am just giving the guys that shoot the rage some crap. I personally believe all broadheads will kill if you put them where you are supposed to.

I actually think the archery tournament was cool. I wish more manufactures had the balls to do the same. However I wish they would do a tournament where the average Joe could enter and shoot their product.

The guys in the tournament were shooting 100 yards and putting them all in a 2.5 inch dot. Impressive shooting to say the least!

Randy?s arrow was the only one that went hay wire which is too bad. I like Randy he is one of my hero's. I also like Tim he has helped me out quite a bit. Congrats Tim.

I am actually getting excited to shoot the new EPIC broad head. If it performs as good as it looks this might be the best mechanical out. It is being manufactured right here in Salt Lake City by a couple of friends.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Yeah the 100 yard Rage tournament was sweet- I have to clear up some things said. First Tim G, did not glue his heads shut nor did anyone else in the tournament!!!!!!!!! There were 24 shooters 12 of them pro's and 12 of them TV stars! There were a few mis haps in the practice rounds where the heads opened up, and finally Randy had to shoot a 10 with his last arrow to tie Tim- not to beat him! When the final overall tally of scores were added up Tim basically gave everyone else a butt whoopin....
Randy shot awesome but others have been overlooked due to whom they had to shoot against! Cameron Haynes, mike slinkerd, Scott eastman to name a few.

After the shoot all sorts of people were talking about how they wire their heads shut or use extra rubber bands just to assure they will stay shut. There is no doubt a Rage, when it works properly is a deadly tool- the accuracy has now been proven, and they do make a nasty hole!

I would say anyone looking for a very accurate, dependable, sexy looking, nasty hole leaving head should stop their search at the EPEK!! enough said........
I chrono'd my 06 Tribute last week, and it was 294.

29.5 Draw
73lbs pull
GoldTip Pro Hunter 7595
100gr ThunderHeads

...hitting right on with my fieldpoints.....
Your one lucky guy because I have never seen a fixed point fly over 295 fps. So if you can great. I wish I could because I would love to shoot the G5 Montecs again. I am just saying for the speed bows now like the X-Force, Monster, 82nd etc there is no way they would fly. Atleast not at my set up which is 29" @ 70 lbs. Which is why I will only shoot Rage 2 blades.

>>-Bull Ridge->

If I can fling one of those sticks at 294fps through that mulie buck i've been seeing....then I'll be lucky!!!

Why do you think that fixed blades wont fly from those speed bows? They aren't going THAT fast are they? With a hunting setup (>400 grns)how fast are they getting? My Tribute is binary cam just like most of the superfast bows now. Does an extra 20 or 30 fps make that much difference?
My buddy and I both switched last year to the Rage 3 blade. So far the tally goes 2 bulls, 1 mule deer, 3 whitetails, 3 turkeys, 1 coyote, 1 raccoon. All of these animals died within sight or left massive blood trails. We have not had any problems with blades opening to soon but we do change the o rings often to try to prevent this problem. I think with our success with this head we will probably be using them again in 09.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-09 AT 10:47AM (MST)[p]I have some experience with the rage 2-blade & none of it has been bad. I've killed 3 mulies and an elk with them and everytime they worked flawlessly. Just to be safe, I think it's wise to change o-rings often though. Although this year I drew an archery LE big bull tag and decided to try a fixed blade, the Hellrazor did it's trick. No reason really for changing other than I wanted all new heads for the hunt, I went off of a recommendation from a friend on the Hellrazors so I bought em and they flew very well. I shoot a PSE X-force & chrono'd them at 330 fps. Also shot my buck this year with 'em, very deadly combo.

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