Ram Body Dimensions


Very Active Member
I was reading an old Jack O'Conner book. In the hitting them at long range part, he said a mature ram is like 22" from the top of the back to the botton of the chest. That's noticibally thicker than a deer, almost as tall a body as an elk. Does this sound right? It would make a significant range and holdover error if using the deer dimensions as reference. I know the ram I got in 99 seemed thicker yet not nearly as long as a mature buck.
That is a tricky one.

Sheep certainly are stockier than a muley buck---not sure, nor really took an interest in the length of 'em.

22--24 inches deep for a chest seems very reasonable.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-12 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]I agree with PleaseDear,
My Wyoming Rocky was certainly a blocky little bugger in body although they have really short legs. I also think that it depends on where the sheep is. The Wyoming Sheep seem definitely smaller than some of the Montana monsters. And then there are greatwestern's "dog sheep" to consider.(dwarf sheep).
I would never argue with the master JO! He knew his sheep!

I am off to the Windrivers for a fishing trip. If I can jump on one, I will measure him for you! LOL.
Thanks guys. I'm thinking of leaving the rangfinder in the truck and going by dot subtension since I'm backpacking.

LBH.. Thanks. If you do, I want to see the video... :)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-12 AT 07:31PM (MST)[p]OK.. bad thought to leave the rangefinder home. Especially as happy as I am with my shooting this weekend. Plotted trajectory in 100 yard intervals to 600 yards (limit of range) of 5 shot groups. I was suprised the old gun can still shoot groups like I shot! I spent my previous range time finding the best shooting combo I could cook up at 200 yards...

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