Range Creek sheep hunt


Very Active Member
First of all I would like to thank all of the MM members that gave me advice over the last couple of years. After 19 years of applying I finally had a permit.
During preseason scouting we decided to concentrate on the northern end of the unit (Lighthouse, Jackcreek and Lunts)do to the very limited access from above we decided to float the river. Only problem we had was none of us had any rafting experience. At that time we decided to hire a rafting company to get us downstream. We found a company that was willing to provide the transportation and let us do everything else.
My hunting party consisted of 3 of my 4 sons, a nephew and a couple of close friends. We left the Wednesday before the hunt to get down stream to do some scouting prior to the Saturday opener.
This adventure was the most unbelievable hunting experience that I has ever been a part of. To spend 8+days on a river hunting sheep with 3 of my boys is something that I will never forget.
During our time on the river we were able to spot between 40-50 rams on the Northern part of this unit. We were able to harvest an 8 1/2 year old ram that was just icing on the cake.
Here are a couple of photos of my ram with my sons and nephew

That's great! What an experience. More pics? More story? Or will we see it in a mag? Love that you made such an adventure out of it!
Great post.
Thanks for sharing.

That is some rough looking country.

Congratulations on your Ram. Beautiful.

I have 19 points and should be able to get this tag also
I have been looking at the rafting option also..
But dont own one or have a lot of experiance either...
Could you PM me a name or number to contact the rafting company you used?
No body wants to rent or borrow me a raft.LOL

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