Rattling for Mule Deer


Active Member
I finally drew a late season archery tag in Cali.This will be my first mule deer adventure as well as first late season hunt. What are your experiences with rattling for these bucks? I've heard it works great from some folks, while others say not to bother with it and its not effective. Just curious what all of you guys think.
Havent tried it for muleys, have for whitetails. However, as with whitetails with muleys you need to have the right conditions/setup for it to work. Just because you rattle antlers together during the rut doesn't mean you will have a whitetail come running every time.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I hunted a big buck all last fall. He was the boss buck. no other buck would challenge him but when the smaller bucks would fight the big one came running in. I could never get him to stop moving for a shot with my bow

this attitude only lasted a week tho. after that rattling didn't not work very well.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-16 AT 08:46AM (MST)[p]This hunt will mostly consist of high desert. I have read that rattling results can depend on terrain. That mule deer in the desert tend to rely more on vision than maybe a whitetail in the woods, who relys more on hearing. But I have no experience here.

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