Remi Warren says it's YOUR fault,not his!! The end to hunting


Long Time Member
Here's ya a beauty. A dude who makes his living posting on social media, who works for Meateater, a social media company, wants you to know, he's not the same as the rest of those other IG hunters destroying hunting.

Oh, and don't dare call bullshit on him, be sure then your part of the anti hunting crowd.

Here's ya a beauty. A dude who makes his living posting on social media, who works for Meateater, a social media company, wants you to know, he's not the same as the rest of those other IG hunters destroying hunting.

Oh, and don't dare call bullshit on him, be sure then your part of the anti hunting crowd.

Nope, he didn’t say that at all hoss. He’s asking hunters, social media posters etc., to be mindful of what they post and for the hunting community to police themselves.
Maybe once in awhile explain the science behind hunting instead of just the chest thumping after the kill. Sometimes even explain why we hunt and why we get the gratification of hunting.
He’s not saying all social media is bad and is ruining and destroying hunting. Just some of it. So he’s asking that we all do a bit better with what is posted and maybe even to stop all the infighting that the hunting community does within itself.
Remi is a good dude and he try’s to do things right. I for one thought it was a pretty good article and that it made a lot of sense.
Wait, what?? Did you read it?

Given your comments, I took the time to read carefully (likely missed something anyway...). I didn't really see anywhere where he was pointing the finger outward without including himself in the group. Used lots of "we" and "I"....

Did I miss something where he was saying he is not the same as us? I sort of felt like he was saying the opposite.
Here's ya a beauty. A dude who makes his living posting on social media, who works for Meateater, a social media company, wants you to know, he's not the same as the rest of those other IG hunters destroying hunting.

Oh, and don't dare call bullshit on him, be sure then your part of the anti hunting crowd.

I'm sure you're a good dude, but is there ANYTHING you are happy with in life? :ROFLMAO: Seems like there is not much in life that you don't complain about (in a different way from Elkass of course!!)

I read the article and didn't have any of the same takeaways you had - Remi is arguably an "authority" on this subject given his background and raises several points that we all ought to consider.
Here's ya a beauty. A dude who makes his living posting on social media, who works for Meateater, a social media company, wants you to know, he's not the same as the rest of those other IG hunters destroying hunting.

Oh, and don't dare call bullshit on him, be sure then your part of the anti hunting crowd.

Hmmm. Did you even read it?
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I'm sure you're a good dude, but is there ANYTHING you are happy with in life? :ROFLMAO: Seems like there is not much in life that you don't complain about (in a different way from Elkass of course!!)

I read the article and didn't have any of the same takeaways you had - Remi is arguably an "authority" on this subject given his background and raises several points that we all ought to consider.

You read an article about how social media is hurting or, "ending" hunting, written by a social media hunting celebrity and your take away was he has a few good points.

Sure he does.

I read Matt Rinella write similar things, that he ended with "I won't post".

Yup. You got me.

I'm sick of watching a way of life(hunting) get destroyed, and then have to listen to those destroying it, wag a finger at us.
Be it instahunters, or corporate hunters.
haha Remi has for sure made a living on social media, but I thought the article was fairly well written and valid points brought up. Hossy has some serious issues going on. Every post seems to be out in right field.

Did I miss the part where he was going to not contribute via social media?

I caught the part where if we all don't support his commercial exploitation of wildlife, then we are antis.

Or, as WLH put it,

You read an article about how social media is hurting or, "ending" hunting, written by a social media hunting celebrity and your take away was he has a few good points.

Sure he does.

I read Matt Rinella write similar things, that he ended with "I won't post".

Yup. You got me.

I'm sick of watching a way of life(hunting) get destroyed, and then have to listen to those destroying it, wag a finger at us.
Be it instahunters, or corporate hunters.
yep, that was my takeaway, and yours was that the sky is falling and you are the only one who gets it. Just another typical day on MM with hossblur (y)
an article titled "how social media will end hunting" posted by a social media "star" that wouldn't have the career he has were it not for social media with no less the 4 articles linked to the bottom of the story regarding filming your hunts for no media.

yeah, i don't see any blurred lines there
Maybe Sneider can write us all a bill to regulate social media, and how many beers Hoss can drink before posting.

Hoss whines about a well written article about social media, then whines on a social media platform about social media....
You read an article about how social media is hurting or, "ending" hunting, written by a social media hunting celebrity and your take away was he has a few good points.

Sure he does.

I read Matt Rinella write similar things, that he ended with "I won't post".

Yup. You got me.

I'm sick of watching a way of life(hunting) get destroyed, and then have to listen to those destroying it, wag a finger at us.
Be it instahunters, or corporate hunters.
Not what he said. He said some of CONTENT on social media is "hurting" hunting.
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I think its a great article... He's calling to the mat all the guys and gals out there who post content that they claim to be hunting, but actually isn't and/or hurts the image of the rest of us hunters.

I've been watching Remi for many, many years. His hunts have always portrayed something special, magical, and downright heavenly about what it means to hunt. His content portrays very well the things that I value in hunting... He is asking everyone to be more conscious about what they post, have some integrity in what they share, and live by some common sense ethical standards as hunters.
yep, that was my takeaway, and yours was that the sky is falling and you are the only one who gets it. Just another typical day on MM with hossblur (y)

No, mine was the usual.

I agree with Remi.

That's why I don't have FB, or IG.

IF you haven't, go listen to Meateater.
Matt Rinella went after his brother, Janis, Callahan. It got pretty uncomfortable.

Listening to guys who cash a check from social by posting hunting tell everyone that if we don't support them, we've joined with the anti crowd is pretty laughable.

I never thought much about it until "Cecil the lion", when that fiasco got blamed on hunters, followed by importation bans, and hunting restrictions.

There are real word consequences.
I just finished getting every piece of Under Armor to be like Remy, now he switched to First Lite. Boy all these Meat Eater boys getting upset with social media, but making a fortune and turning trophy hunting into flat brimmed oppurtunity hunting.
I never thought much about it until "Cecil the lion", when that fiasco got blamed on hunters, followed by importation bans, and hunting restrictions.

There are real word consequences.

What fiasco got blamed on hunters?

Do you have any idea what happened there?
I hate to be the one to break it to you but, Monster Muleys is social media. It's not just Facebush and Instablammm (see what I did there Tri?) Internet forums are social media. Period. People constantly bitching and complaining and arguing on forums have a similar negative result to the other types of social media.
I hate to be the one to break it to you but, Monster Muleys is social media. It's not just Facebush and Instablammm (see what I did there Tri?) Internet forums are social media. Period. People constantly bitching and complaining and arguing on forums have a similar negative result to the other types of social media.

Is Instagram using the phrase "Blaaaaaaaam "?
I've got a trademark on that!
It's hard to see times change, but they do change regardless. Every generation goes thru the same thing. Like it or not, a new generation of hunters are here, and 20 years from now another will be here.

45 years ago, my grandpa laughed at my dad (and me) with our rifle scopes. He said he had killed all his deer with iron sites, and we were fools to waste that money and should man-up.

Now... I see it in my son- who certainly "grew up" learning to hunt from 2 generations before him. But nonetheless, he loves to show me social media stuff about these new gen hunters, and I see him leaning into it.

And I laugh about it just like my grandpa did way back then...
I hate to be the one to break it to you but, Monster Muleys is social media. It's not just Facebush and Instablammm (see what I did there Tri?) Internet forums are social media. Period. People constantly bitching and complaining and arguing on forums have a similar negative result to the other types of social media.


I've been a member for years.

No one has been "monetized" in here, as far as I know.

Further. Feel free to search me. I think I shared 1pic.
MM is very different from FB & IG in the context of this discussion. Kill pics aren't popping up next to your SIL's Pottery Barn ad.

A person has to seek out MM to find it, it's not popping up on their home page.

We should still be good stewards of hunting, but it's not the same.
Or, how about this? A dude so damn old they fly him into Ogden, wheel him out to AI, so he can shoot a deer, for $300,000?

I ain't even got to the Bowmars, Ted Nugent, the Waldrips, or hundreds of others who post on social media, looking to profit, and kicking the rest of us in the nuts to do so
I’m really proud of myself that none of these peoples names even ring a bell with me. Well, of course I know uncle Ted but that’s it
I ain't even got to the Bowmars, Ted Nugent, the Waldrips, or hundreds of others who post on social media, looking to profit, and kicking the rest of us in the nuts to do so
Ted Nugent??? You lump Ted in with those guys??? Now you've crossed the line! Your Google search shows you've spewed more garbage than all these people you are talking about combined. Maybe you deep down want the followers on your instaface acct? An insecure social media wannabe??? It all makes sense now!
I got no dog in this fight.

I haven’t read the article Warren wrote nor much of the in-depth discussion from y’all in this thread.

I haven’t followed the new age social media hunting heros that a lot of guys seen concerned about. To busy still trying to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle.

I’ll just throw this out there, for what it’s worth.

I guess I’m not bothered by these young and not so young social media hunting hero’s as I consider them very similar to the hunting magazine journalists, photographers and editors back in the 1950 through the 1980. The O'Connors, the Keiths, the Boddingtons, the Bears, the Adams, the Capsticks, the Eastmans, the OutdoorWriters (one of our resident chefs) who where at one time the same kinds of men, at a different time with a different of media to share.

The current internet system is still in a very infant stage and the contributors are still figuring it out and vying for a place in a new and still emerging communication technology. The men who published in the mags. of the 1950 - 1980, had a couple hundred years of history to draw from. These young guys today are plowing completely new publishing environments.

I would not be too hard on them for another 50 years or so. Remi Warren and his kind, who publish these critiques, (via social media) will help them grow and improve, polishing their craft until a future generation will enjoy a more perfect product.

Just my thoughts tonight.
Take that bull the Jimmy John's owner shot.

The non hunting public sees someone pay $435k to shoot an elk, that's a headline grabber.

Then the videos and pics start getting posted, and the world sees a massive posse of dudes(29-30??). They see a dude launch a long, long shot. They then see that massive posse standing around, on a hot day, with a tape measure out, measuring horns before addressing the meat. Then they see the shooter, who gets hauled in his hoof because he isn't in any type of shape to actually pursue a bull in that country.

How does showing any of that to the non hunting public, help hunting? Or even not hurt hunting?

And that one isn't too bad.

I remember that genius Bowmar tying a go pro on a spear to kill a bear. That did a world of good for bear hunting.

Yes. I see a difference in MM, or Rokslide, or Hunt talk, and pics on them. That is a place hunters go to swap pics, stories, or bs.

IG, FB, etc, pushed it out to folks who may not of been looking for it, similar to the famous adds that pop into here from time to time.

I am, HOWEVER getting pretty sick of the "we all are in the same boat" line that those who profit from hunting keep tossing out. My answer back is, no, the 99% of us that don't make our living off wildlife are in the same boat. You jumped ship, and only want protection when there is heat.
I got no dog in this fight.

I haven’t read the article Warren wrote nor much of the in-depth discussion from y’all in this thread.

I haven’t followed the new age social media hunting heros that a lot of guys seen concerned about. To busy still trying to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle.

I’ll just throw this out there, for what it’s worth.

I guess I’m not bothered by these young and not so young social media hunting hero’s as I consider them very similar to the hunting magazine journalists, photographers and editors back in the 1950 through the 1980. The O'Connors, the Keiths, the Boddingtons, the Bears, the Adams, the Capsticks, the Eastmans, the OutdoorWriters (one of our resident chefs) who where at one time the same kinds of men, at a different time with a different of media to share.

The current internet system is still in a very infant stage and the contributors are still figuring it out and vying for a place in a new and still emerging communication technology. The men who published in the mags. of the 1950 - 1980, had a couple hundred years of history to draw from. These young guys today are plowing completely new publishing environments.

I would not be too hard on them for another 50 years or so. Remi Warren and his kind, who publish these critiques, (via social media) will help them grow and improve, polishing their craft until a future generation will enjoy a more perfect product.

Just my thoughts tonight.

The difference being reach.

No one was getting Fred Bear articles unless they went looking.

IG puts it out to folks who aren't.

Hunters still are viewed in a favorably by the general public. Trophy hunting is not. Context is everything.
For example If people understand the effort, time, skill a guy like Founder puts into his deer, that's easily explained.

IG doesn't provide context, so all the world sees is a big dead deer with a smiling guy behind it.

Pics are worth a thousand words, unfortunately in most cases. We live in a short attention span world
Who on Gods earth, made Steve Rinellas, his brother or Remi Warren the Spokes people for hunting, I’ve never followed them nor will I and I will continue to read short stories and look at pictures from hunters. The Meat Eater should blame himself for all the guys he’s got posing with bloody hind quarters hanging over their shoulders And crying this is my public land. How on earth can you tell people that Under Armor is the best hunting clothes on earth and than switch to first lite. Big Posers!
There is nothing wrong in paying $435,000 for a big game tag.

There is nothing wrong with having people help you fill it.

There is nothing wrong about not being in good enough physical shape to complete the hunt on your own.

There is nothing wrong with killing a bull with a long distance shot.

There is nothing wrong with sharing pictures digitally on the internet.

There is nothing wrong with trophy hunting.


I don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on hunting. I have hired guides. I have hunted in groups. I don't shoot at big game over 400 yards away. I can physically hunt big game in the mountains without help. I do share pictures of animals I kill on the internet. I trophy hunt. I subsistence hunt. I depredation hunt.

This is America people. Do you remember when we imagined it was "the land of the free"? Well it isn't anymore. And quite frankly its the millions and millions of "Hossblurs" out there that have decided what you shouldn't and can't do. That's why it completely blew my mind listening to yall raging for a ban on baiting and cameras. WHO TAUGHT YALL THIS IS HOW YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT?

Guys this is the same as the age old debate about what is art and what is pornography. I've seen the sculpture "David" in Italy. Its the most unbelievable piece of art I have ever put my eyes upon. I can literally look at it for hours. It truly is fine art. I have seen Debbie Does Dallas. Its filthy porn I don't think anyone should watch including myself. BUT I REALIZE IF I DON'T DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO WATCH THAT GARBAGE WE COULD JUST AS EASILY LOSE THE RIGHT TO SEE LIFE CHANGING ARTWORK.

You know what most of those old hunters would tell you now. "I may not believe in trophy hunting, ballistic turrets, trail cameras, etc.... BUT I'LL DIE FOR YOUR RIGHT TO DO IT." They knew like that damn pornography, banning one thing after another is the self destruction of America. Either no one gave you that lesson or you decided you were to important to listen.

Instead all we are stuck with is a bunch of Hossblurs and Karens that think the way to fix everything is just ban whatever they say, AND THE WIMPS WHO WON'T STAND UP TO THEM.
Who on Gods earth, made Steve Rinellas, his brother or Remi Warren the Spokes people for hunting, I’ve never followed them nor will I and I will continue to read short stories and look at pictures from hunters. The Meat Eater should blame himself for all the guys he’s got posing with bloody hind quarters hanging over their shoulders And crying this is my public land. How on earth can you tell people that Under Armor is the best hunting clothes on earth and than switch to first lite. Big Posers!

I don't have IG.

Do you?

They have a massive social media presence.

Like it or not, the biggest presence, speaks
There is nothing wrong in paying $435,000 for a big game tag.

There is nothing wrong with having people help you fill it.

There is nothing wrong about not being in good enough physical shape to complete the hunt on your own.

There is nothing wrong with killing a bull with a long distance shot.

There is nothing wrong with sharing pictures digitally on the internet.

There is nothing wrong with trophy hunting.


I don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on hunting. I have hired guides. I have hunted in groups. I don't shoot at big game over 400 yards away. I can physically hunt big game in the mountains without help. I do share pictures of animals I kill on the internet. I trophy hunt. I subsistence hunt. I depredation hunt.

This is America people. Do you remember when we imagined it was "the land of the free"? Well it isn't anymore. And quite frankly its the millions and millions of "Hossblurs" out there that have decided what you shouldn't and can't do. That's why it completely blew my mind listening to yall raging for a ban on baiting and cameras. WHO TAUGHT YALL THIS IS HOW YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT?

Guys this is the same as the age old debate about what is art and what is pornography. I've seen the sculpture "David" in Italy. Its the most unbelievable piece of art I have ever put my eyes upon. I can literally look at it for hours. It truly is fine art. I have seen Debbie Does Dallas. Its filthy porn I don't think anyone should watch including myself. BUT I REALIZE IF I DON'T DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO WATCH THAT GARBAGE WE COULD JUST AS EASILY LOSE THE RIGHT TO SEE LIFE CHANGING ARTWORK.

You know what most of those old hunters would tell you now. "I may not believe in trophy hunting, ballistic turrets, trail cameras, etc.... BUT I'LL DIE FOR YOUR RIGHT TO DO IT." They knew like that damn pornography, banning one thing after another is the self destruction of America. Either no one gave you that lesson or you decided you were to important to listen.

Instead all we are stuck with is a bunch of Hossblurs and Karens that think the way to fix everything is just ban whatever they say, AND THE WIMPS WHO WON'T STAND UP TO THEM.

There's nothing wrong to YOU.

YOU aren't in the majority of hunters, let alone, the country as a whole.

And btw, those old hunters, hunted for way different reasons than inches and likes. You'd be wrong there as well
Take that bull the Jimmy John's owner shot.

The non hunting public sees someone pay $435k to shoot an elk, that's a headline grabber.

Then the videos and pics start getting posted, and the world sees a massive posse of dudes(29-30??). They see a dude launch a long, long shot. They then see that massive posse standing around, on a hot day, with a tape measure out, measuring horns before addressing the meat. Then they see the shooter, who gets hauled in his hoof because he isn't in any type of shape to actually pursue a bull in that country.

How does showing any of that to the non hunting public, help hunting? Or even not hurt hunting?

And that one isn't too bad.

I remember that genius Bowmar tying a go pro on a spear to kill a bear. That did a world of good for bear hunting.

Yes. I see a difference in MM, or Rokslide, or Hunt talk, and pics on them. That is a place hunters go to swap pics, stories, or bs.

IG, FB, etc, pushed it out to folks who may not of been looking for it, similar to the famous adds that pop into here from time to time.

I am, HOWEVER getting pretty sick of the "we all are in the same boat" line that those who profit from hunting keep tossing out. My answer back is, no, the 99% of us that don't make our living off wildlife are in the same boat. You jumped ship, and only want protection when there is heat.
You just made the guy's point about some content on social media...congrats.

Also refer to comments like 'SSS' regarding wolves from supposedly 'law-abiding hunters/conservationists.'
I just think they're shooting things just to get on film it's about having more content even killing Dinks that they would normally not shoot if they did not have a camera.
I think you’re talking out your ass because there’s been many hunts published where they do not kill anything.
You just made the guy's point about some content on social media...congrats.

Also refer to comments like 'SSS' regarding wolves from supposedly 'law-abiding hunters/conservationists.'

I got his point.

It's his total lack of self awareness that is eye opening.

He's like the drunk at the bar pointing fingers at all the drunks.
I got no dog in this fight.

I haven’t read the article Warren wrote nor much of the in-depth discussion from y’all in this thread.

I haven’t followed the new age social media hunting heros that a lot of guys seen concerned about. To busy still trying to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle.

I’ll just throw this out there, for what it’s worth.

I guess I’m not bothered by these young and not so young social media hunting hero’s as I consider them very similar to the hunting magazine journalists, photographers and editors back in the 1950 through the 1980. The O'Connors, the Keiths, the Boddingtons, the Bears, the Adams, the Capsticks, the Eastmans, the OutdoorWriters (one of our resident chefs) who where at one time the same kinds of men, at a different time with a different of media to share.

The current internet system is still in a very infant stage and the contributors are still figuring it out and vying for a place in a new and still emerging communication technology. The men who published in the mags. of the 1950 - 1980, had a couple hundred years of history to draw from. These young guys today are plowing completely new publishing environments.

I would not be too hard on them for another 50 years or so. Remi Warren and his kind, who publish these critiques, (via social media) will help them grow and improve, polishing their craft until a future generation will enjoy a more perfect product.

Just my thoughts tonight.
Similar, but not quite the same. Editors at the outdoor mags would never even think about publishing some of the stuff that gets posted on the web.
I got his point.

It's his total lack of self awareness that is eye opening.

He's like the drunk at the bar pointing fingers at all the drunks.
No, your confusion is that you're accusing him of posting the same things he's citing as detriments that will offend the NON-hunting public. He's more like a 2-beer guy pointing at the drunks.
No, your confusion is that you're accusing him of posting the same things he's citing as detriments that will offend the NON-hunting public. He's more like a 2-beer guy pointing at the drunks.

I don't have to accuse, these guys post it themselves

I live in Utah, .05 is drunk?

Let me ask you, your the professional.

When you wrote an article, why did you do it?

I mean, was it for product placement?


Personal brand?

How many personal sponsors(products) sponsored you(not one offs), but actual contracts with everything from clothes to coolers and everything in between
And a second point Matt Rinella made.

How many hunts do these IG guys(he used Steve) go on when they really don't want to, but have to, because it's their job?

So are they hunting, or working?
Meh. Some of you guys are way too insecure, jealous or just plain bitter.

Remi Warren and Steve rinella are about the best you can ask for if you were to look for someone to represent hunters to the non hunting world.
At one time, I agreed with you with Steve.

Now he employs HUSH. The poster children for the IG hunter.

It's kind of "coincidence" that after Steve's brother tosses a hand grenade into Meateater media, that Remi decided to comment, I guess?

Honestly, if you haven't listened to it you should.

It got to the point that the usually eloquent Steve's only answer was "because it's my f**cking show". Pretty funny if nothing else?
I don't have to accuse, these guys post it themselves

I live in Utah, .05 is drunk?

Let me ask you, your the professional.

When you wrote an article, why did you do it?

I mean, was it for product placement?


Personal brand?

How many personal sponsors(products) sponsored you(not one offs), but actual contracts with everything from clothes to coolers and everything in between
I did it to earn money, just like any other 'job." I never entered into any contracts with any product makers, but I certainly had plenty of perks over the 50 years I was in the business.

But you're off on a tangent that has nothing to do with how some internet content is hurting hunting. The NON-hunting public don't give a rat's ass about what type of gun a dude shoots or the brand name of his skivvies. What does turn them off is a photo of some dude surrounded by 50 dead coyotes that he claims to have killed in the name of 'conservation.'
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I did it to earn money, just like any other 'job." I never entered into any contracts with any product maker, but I certainly had plenty of perks over the 50 years I was in the business.

But you're off on a tangent that has nothing to do with how some internet content is hurting hunting. The NON-hunting public don't give a rat's ass about what type of gun a dude shoots or the brand name of his skivvies. What does turn them off is a photo of some dude surrounded by 50 dead coyotes that he claims to have killed in the name of 'conservation.'

I agree. As a waterfowler I cringe at the pics of dozens of ducks stacked up for a grip and grin.

I get perks. I get a manufacturer would sponsor an event.

There is a difference on IG.

Just look at the hashtags under the photos.

The WHY always matters
There's nothing wrong to YOU.

YOU aren't in the majority of hunters, let alone, the country as a whole.

And btw, those old hunters, hunted for way different reasons than inches and likes. You'd be wrong there as well
You missed the point as usual. All the little kids in the world can argue about I think this is wrong or I think that is wrong.

The difference between the old hunters and people like you is THEY WOULD HAVE DIED DEFENDING YOUR RIGHT TO DO SOMETHING THEY THINK IS WRONG. You will just sit and cry for a decade on the internet hoping someone will make them stop for you.
I agree. As a waterfowler I cringe at the pics of dozens of ducks stacked up for a grip and grin.

I get perks. I get a manufacturer would sponsor an event.

There is a difference on IG.

Just look at the hashtags under the photos.
I've never been on IG, but I have been a FB member for many years. Sometimes I see content from hunters that makes me wonder if they are are like the tin man in the Wizard of Oz.
You missed the point as usual. All the little kids in the world can argue about I think this is wrong or I think that is wrong.

The difference between the old hunters and people like you is THEY WOULD HAVE DIED DEFENDING YOUR RIGHT TO DO SOMETHING THEY THINK IS WRONG. You will just sit and cry for a decade on the internet hoping someone will make them stop for you.
Not many 'older hunters' here that have more years hunting then I do. If I think something is 'wrong," the last thing I'd be doing is defending the practice. Condemning it is more like it. And I don't think I'm alone among the 'older hunters.'
Not many 'older hunters' here that have more years hunting then I do. If I think something is 'wrong," the last thing I'd be doing is defending the practice. Condemning it is more like it. And I don't think I'm alone among the 'older hunters.'

I'm not asking you to defend the practice. I'm asking you to defend your fellow American's right to do it. There is a difference.

And we aren't talking about murder or rape or fraud or any other crimes with victims. We are talking about showing someone a picture of a dead animal, or paying money for an auction tag, or sticking a stupid peice of plastic to a tree. Something that doesn't hurt you or your family in the tiniest little bit.

The old hunters new the difference. Obviously at some point people quit listening to the lessons of their fathers.

Definition of social media

: forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)
There is nothing wrong in paying $435,000 for a big game tag.

There is nothing wrong with having people help you fill it.

There is nothing wrong about not being in good enough physical shape to complete the hunt on your own.

There is nothing wrong with killing a bull with a long distance shot.

There is nothing wrong with sharing pictures digitally on the internet.

There is nothing wrong with trophy hunting.


I don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on hunting. I have hired guides. I have hunted in groups. I don't shoot at big game over 400 yards away. I can physically hunt big game in the mountains without help. I do share pictures of animals I kill on the internet. I trophy hunt. I subsistence hunt. I depredation hunt.

This is America people. Do you remember when we imagined it was "the land of the free"? Well it isn't anymore. And quite frankly its the millions and millions of "Hossblurs" out there that have decided what you shouldn't and can't do. That's why it completely blew my mind listening to yall raging for a ban on baiting and cameras. WHO TAUGHT YALL THIS IS HOW YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT?

Guys this is the same as the age old debate about what is art and what is pornography. I've seen the sculpture "David" in Italy. Its the most unbelievable piece of art I have ever put my eyes upon. I can literally look at it for hours. It truly is fine art. I have seen Debbie Does Dallas. Its filthy porn I don't think anyone should watch including myself. BUT I REALIZE IF I DON'T DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO WATCH THAT GARBAGE WE COULD JUST AS EASILY LOSE THE RIGHT TO SEE LIFE CHANGING ARTWORK.

You know what most of those old hunters would tell you now. "I may not believe in trophy hunting, ballistic turrets, trail cameras, etc.... BUT I'LL DIE FOR YOUR RIGHT TO DO IT." They knew like that damn pornography, banning one thing after another is the self destruction of America. Either no one gave you that lesson or you decided you were to important to listen.

Instead all we are stuck with is a bunch of Hossblurs and Karens that think the way to fix everything is just ban whatever they say, AND THE WIMPS WHO WON'T STAND UP TO THEM.
Well said.

Once again, I agree with you TriState. None of us are 100% right or 100% wrong, 100% of the time but I appreciate your perspectives and your big picture views more often than not.
I'm not asking you to defend the practice. I'm asking you to defend your fellow American's right to do it. There is a difference.

And we aren't talking about murder or rape or fraud or any other crimes with victims. We are talking about showing someone a picture of a dead animal, or paying money for an auction tag, or sticking a stupid peice of plastic to a tree. Something that doesn't hurt you or your family in the tiniest little bit.

The old hunters new the difference. Obviously at some point people quit listening to the lessons of their fathers.
But see, that's not true. Questionable practices have the potential to hurt me or other people. Why? Because those who don't like any of it have the potential to enact laws that not only affect a certain practice but a law that might affect a lot more.

Whether we think it's wrong or not, here's one example that happened in the early1990s where certain practices can have wider implications. The animal rights crowd didn't like baiting or hound hunting for bear in Colo. They got a voter initiative passed by 70-30% that banned both, and it can NEVER be overturned. To do that, they HAD to have the support of NON-hunters.

At the same time, there were rumblings in AZ that a similar scenario was about to take place. To short circuit a voter initiative, AZG&F eliminated baiting & hound hunting from the spring hunts. Twenty years later, the spring hunt still exists. And... although I don't think it will ever happen, the game commission could reinstate both baiting and hounds or one or the other. They can NEVER do that in Colo.

AZG&F and the state's hunters could certainly have defended baiting/hounds. But just like what happened in Colo., they would have lost.
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I'm not asking you to defend the practice. I'm asking you to defend your fellow American's right to do it. There is a difference.
I forgot the above in my last reply...

There is no difference. One can't defend someone's 'right' to do something questionable without also condoning that something.

I hate to take it off of a hunting issue, but I bet the liberals would love it if everyone defended one's 'right' to have an abortion? You're all in, eh?
I forgot the above in my last reply...

There is no difference. One can't defend someone's 'right' to do something questionable without also condoning that something.

I hate to take it off of a hunting issue, but I bet the liberals would love it if everyone defended one's 'right' to have an abortion? You're all in, eh?
Preventing the taking of an innocent human life is different than defending the killers right to freedom of speech.
Holy crap..... This thread is proof of the power of fake news!

One BS-fake post by Hossblur and less than 24hrs later folks are debating the difference in prevention of the taking of a human life vs. free speech. :oops: :rolleyes:
Preventing the taking of an innocent human life is different than defending the killers right to freedom of speech.
That's YOUR opinion, Lumpy. The liberals don't agree, and in a way, neither did the SCOTUS.

And it's a good thing all the critters we kill are guilty of something so they're not just 'innocent' lives as the animal rights crowd wants everyone to believe. :rolleyes:
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But see, that's not true. Questionable practices have the potential to hurt me or other people. Why? Because those who don't like any of it have the potential to enact laws that not only affect a certain practice but a law that might affect a lot more.

Whether we think it's wrong or not, here's one example that happened in the early1990s where certain practices can have wider implications. The animal rights crowd didn't like baiting or hound hunting for bear in Colo. They got a voter initiative passed by 70-30% that banned both, and it can NEVER be overturned. To do that, they HAD to have the support of NON-hunters.

At the same time, there were rumblings in AZ that a similar scenario was about to take place. To short circuit a voter initiative, AZG&F eliminated baiting & hound hunting from the spring hunts. Twenty years later, the spring hunt still exists. And... although I don't think it will ever happen, the game commission could reinstate both baiting and hounds or one or the other. They can NEVER do that in Colo.

AZG&F and the state's hunters could certainly have defended baiting/hounds. But just like what happened in Colo., they would have lost.

That's my point. You are loosing your liberties to these activists because you think that is normal behavior because you do it yourself.

Now you are changing your language using "condone" something when before you were calling it standing against "wrong". You are shuffling words to think you can win an argument.

Plus you start saying questionable practices effect you because it will lead to you loosing more rights. THE PRACTICE ISN'T COSTING YOU YOUR RIGHTS. ITS THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS JACKASS MEDLING IN YOUR BUSINESS THAT COST YOU.

Your last argument is equivalent to saying if you hadn't have ignored the homeless guy he wouldn't have pistol whipped granny for the drug money.
I understand the logic of the liberals.

If there is no God, humans are simply another animal. Aborting a human is no different when stepping on a **** roach.

It’s purely survival of the fittest, ie: the strongest, most cunning, most deceptive, most ruthless, most intelligent, most healthy, etc etc. are the most natural entitled to power over anyone weaker.

The only laws for human civilization are those the most powerful culture impose because internal consequences are absurd. And human laws are made by the elite and change at the whim of the most powerful of the elite.

If there is a God and for humans that believe there are eternal consequences, there is a difference between the lives/death of human and the lives/deathd of animals, because………these humans believe they are not animals.

The left live in a different thought/logic universe than the right.

That’s my story………I’m sticking to it.
That's my point. You are loosing your liberties to these activists because you think that is normal behavior because you do it yourself.

Now you are changing your language using "condone" something when before you were calling it standing against "wrong". You are shuffling words to think you can win an argument.

Plus you start saying questionable practices effect you because it will lead to you loosing more rights. THE PRACTICE ISN'T COSTING YOU YOUR RIGHTS. ITS THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS JACKASS MEDLING IN YOUR BUSINESS THAT COST YOU.

Your last argument is equivalent to saying if you hadn't have ignored the homeless guy he wouldn't have pistol whipped granny for the drug money.
I'm not trying to 'win an argument.' That's your MO.

Have a nice day.
I'm not trying to 'win an argument.' That's your MO.

Have a nice day.
Yes you are. Why else would you shuffle your own words.

Somebody legally killing a deer hurts no one. Someone sharing pictures of that dead deer hurts no one. Someone using a dog for bears hurts no one. Someone using bait hurts no one.

Stupid people trying to ban stuff based only on the emotions they feel about something SCREWS ALL OF US. I expect that crap from non-hunters. I am disgusted to see it amongst hunters.
Yes you are. Why else would you shuffle your own words.

Somebody legally killing a deer hurts no one. Someone sharing pictures of that dead deer hurts no one. Someone using a dog for bears hurts no one. Someone using bait hurts no one.

Stupid people trying to ban stuff based only on the emotions they feel about something SCREWS ALL OF US. I expect that crap from non-hunters. I am disgusted to see it amongst hunters.
Eithics are a fickle fleeting target.
Yes you are. Why else would you shuffle your own words.

Somebody legally killing a deer hurts no one. Someone sharing pictures of that dead deer hurts no one. Someone using a dog for bears hurts no one. Someone using bait hurts no one.

Stupid people trying to ban stuff based only on the emotions they feel about something SCREWS ALL OF US. I expect that crap from non-hunters. I am disgusted to see it amongst hunters.

accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
"the college cannot condone any behavior that involves illicit drugs"

approve or sanction (something), especially with reluctance.
"the practice is not officially condoned by any airline"
That's bullspit OW. I can condone moral behavior. I don't know where you got that definition but it's crap.
gotta be a couple “your’s” on this thread wrong somewhere. Maybe even some “there’s” ? You guys are really losing sight of what’s important. Where’s homer?
That's bullspit OW. I can condone moral behavior. I don't know where you got that definition but it's crap.
The dictionary is a good place to start. It will also define the difference between 'loosing' & 'losing' and 'effect' & 'affect.' Words have meanings, & meanings have words.

So once more..."One can't defend someone's 'right' to do something questionable without also condoning that something."

Another...Merriam Webster Dictionary

condone verb
con·done | \ kən-ˈdōn \
condoned; condoning

: to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless
a government accused of condoning racism
condone corruption in politics

And another...Dictionary.Com

[ kuhn-dohn ]

verb (used with object), con·doned, con·don·ing.

to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like):

to pardon or forgive (an offense); excuse:

to cause the condonation of; justify the pardoning of (an offense).

And another...Cambridge Dictionary

verb [ T ]

/kənˈdoʊn/ UK


to accept or allow behavior that is wrong:
If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.
It's been said many times on this forum about the old adage of wrestling with a pig. And here we are with so many people arguing with Tri-bait. Someday maybe people will realize the pig enjoys it.
It's been said many times on this forum about the old adage of wrestling with a pig. And here we are with so many people arguing with Tri-bait. Someday maybe people will realize the pig enjoys it.

Didn't you read his post? He's not arguing anything.

I've never seen someone trying to convince everyone that his inability to have a backbone is proof he has a backbone.
one thing I do know is this hoss guy is a freak and has no place on this site. All he does is spew nonsense and bring people down. I would love to meet him in person and give him a good tune up as he needs one. I cant see how anybody could like him. He must not have any friends and I see why. He is definitely anti. This hoss guy is so warped and most see how messed up he is
The title of the thread: "

"Remi Warren says it's YOUR fault,not his!! The end to hunting"​

Nowhere in the article does he say anything remotely like that. Fake news, man!! :ROFLMAO:

Your correct. The quotation marks shouldn't be there. You got me on incorrect use of quotation marks

Here is what he did say. And I used quotation marks correctly I believe

-"When Hunters Act Like Anti-Hunters"

-"To be honest, in recent times, they have been winning this on many fronts with the help of a small majority of hunters who have forgotten where the battle is fought and won.

To top it off, anti-hunters have done a good job of spurring infighting within the hunting community. They have created miniature emotional and irrational responses for hunters to jump on bandwagons against each other."

Now since your into proper English, a majority means more than half, you should send him a red lined paper

Second, what anti hunter spurred him being criticized for social media? That's a straw man.

I specifically did. Further, I'm far from the only on doing so.

So to use your logic, THATS FAKE NEWS MAN.

I will strive to use quotation marks, commas, periods, exclamation points, etc better in the future, then, you can fact check actual writings.

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