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Can someone please explain why this kid is on trial???

No politics. No race baiting. Why in the world is he on trial? He shot three people in the middle of a riot. Two of the three have violent felony records, the third has a felony record and was pointing a gun at him. All three attempted grievous bodily harm. All of it is on video including him stating "I'm going to get the police" as he is running literally for his life.

How is this a trial? How is the prosecutor not out of a job for pursuing it? Is it all make believe television?
Put yourself in his position. Now ask yourself would you do it over again given the chance. Serious question.

The old saying...just because you can doesn't mean you should. In this case running around with an AR (or any weapons). Dumb fcking kid. This has nothing to do if he was right or wrong. Just asking for trouble running around in a riot with a gun.
Put yourself in his position. Now ask yourself would you do it over again given the chance. Serious question.

The old saying...just because you can doesn't mean you should. In this case running around with an AR (or any weapons). Dumb fcking kid. This has nothing to do if he was right or wrong. Just asking for trouble running around in a riot with a gun.
I understand your opinion but I am not sure how it is used as justification for a murder prosecution that from all appearances is unjust.

Maybe I am missing something here. Maybe the boy had just committed a violent sexual assault on a child and these three do gooders were planning on taking him to the police. There's gotta be some evidence we aren't seeing, right?
That's way better than the military or any police force I have ever heard of.
I'm reading a book about the Alamo Scouts in WWII. A guy I knew, Bill Nellist (he's dead now) was a team leader in the Scouts. They sneaked up on two Japanese machine gun emplacements at night and when it got light, one of the guys who was there said Bill Nellist shot all 4 of the Japs before the rest of the team had a chance to shoot. Bill was known as the best shot of all the Alamo Scouts.
my grandpa handed me a gun at a much much younger age and said and i quote
“ don’t you go running around with this and show your friends that you got a gun, a cop will shoot your ass.”
I don't know enough about this case to really say if he should be tried but just keep in mind, the right to bear arms does not give you the right to go looking for a fight. One of the basic rules of carrying a gun for protection.
He was looking to protect a friend's business from looters, rioters and vandals. You know, "peaceful protesters".
I get that. And I can appreciate it. But I doubt seriously that would/will hold up in court. Why was he there with a gun and was his life in danger is what they will look at.
I watched a bunch of guys show up at a BLM protest where I live last year. They were armed to the hilt. But I seriously doubt they had a legal leg to stand on if they used force to protect someone else's property. Thankfully it didn't come to that.

I'm no lawyer, judge or cop. Maybe one will chime in.
Alec Baldwin picked up a loaded gun and shot someone. He deserves prison.

This kid, dispute his noble intentions, crossed state lines with an AR, looking for a fight.

While I think he was defending his life(self defense), I think there should be some penalty for him putting himself there.

Protecting my friends cafe with a gun, in town, is a little different from protecting a place in Wyoming.

Having said that, the mayor and governor should stand trial for allowing this chaos to start with.

I've told both my boys, IF I need you, show up HOT But not everything involves us.
He was 17, from Illinois.

17yr olds can't posses firearm outside of parents vision. And Illinois is not Wisconsin.

I think he acted in self defense.

But he shouldn't have been there "strapped".
Let us face the truth. He is being tried for a crime due to a left wing liberal D.A. being in office. This was also what happen to the lawyer and his wife in Missouri for defending their property against BLM hooligans. Another reason why county elections are just as important as state or nation wide elections.

He was with an adult until he was separated by the crowd. What's the penalty?

is legal for all adults unless they are prohibited from possession of firearms. ... 29.304 and 29.593." Statute 29.304(3)(b) states: "No person 14 years of age or older but under 16 years of age may have in his or her possession or control any firearm" with added exceptions listed.

The exception are hunting related.

Any person under 18 years of age who possesses or goes armed with a dangerous weapon is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

I'll assume your Googler is broke.

Yup. This is a show trial. Nope he isn't without some blame.
Would he be a hero if he had done the same protecting the Capital on January 6? Just trying to put this in perspective.

He's not a hero, but to answer your comparable, if he was being physically attacked as Rittenhouse was, I would be defending him as well. Course there wasn't the violent anarchists on Jan 6 that there were in Kenosha. We all have a right to defend our life. In spite of what hoss posts, he broke no laws.
He's not a hero, but to answer your comparable, if he was being physically attacked as Rittenhouse was, I would be defending him as well. Course there wasn't the violent anarchists on Jan 6 that there were in Kenosha. We all have a right to defend our life. In spite of what hoss posts, he broke no laws.

I can only post Wisconsin law so many times. If you don't have your reading glasses, hit Walmart.

He was in another state, as a 17 year old, with an AR.

YES he should defend himself.

However. If his azz was home doing homework, he would have no reason to defend himself.

If you go LOOKING for a fight, in another state, it's a lot different than the Mccloskey's protecting their own house. Or the dudes that protected their own buisnesses.

He isn't 100% innocent. Doesn't mean he's not entitled to protect himself, but his intent does matter a little.
Carrying a weapon doesn't mean you are looking for a fight.

I have to be honest if I was in the area of people trying to commit felonies and most of the people it seems were felons I would be armed. Whether I was trying to put out a fire or just cross through the city I would have been armed.
Carrying a weapon doesn't mean you are looking for a fight.

I have to be honest if I was in the area of people trying to commit felonies and most of the people it seems were felons I would be armed. Whether I was trying to put out a fire or just cross through the city I would have been armed.

Open carry is for idiots.

But he wasn't just passing through.
I do not think the jury will convict him on any of the actual shootings as they will accept the self defense argument after viewing the video. As for the misdemeanor firearm possession by a minor, they may convict on that charge. Unless the jury is angered by the D.A. overcharging to gain a political point.
The judge allowing the defense to show that video where a cop thanks them for their help is going to also influence the jury in a positive way for Rittenhouse.
If the lazy cops would of been doing their job the poor kid wouldn’t of had to take matters into his own hands. The cops should be on trial.

“Grosskreutz who had drawn a pistol and was in the process of aiming it at the teen.”

What would have this dude have done with this pistol, if a crazied bunch of as-holes
had been chasing him through a parking lot, rather than the other way around.

When they are packin and their after you butt, you don’t know who is and who isn’t armed. This clown with the pistol was packing while he was making trouble the kid was packin trying to protect against this joker and his mob. This pistol packer was part of the same mob that the two guys that got shot and killed. By virtue of the fact that these three where part of the same mob, those without a weapons and those with weapons are equally as guilty. If your part of a bank robbery and holding the door, that kills someone, you’re as guilty as the guy with the gun, as far as I’m concerned.

It’s the same here. All three got what they had coming.

And I don’t wanna hear a word about the kid that shouldn’t have been there. He had every right, just like you and I would have.

If this kid doesn’t get aquitted on all counts, there’s trouble in Mayberry!!!
That FBI video showing shots fired, possibly at Rittenhouse, will destroy the D.A.'s charges of homicide and back up his self defense claim thinking he was in danger of severe injury or death and justify his shooting of the first suspect. The other videos will justify the shooting of the last two suspects. The suspect he wounded has made statements about he should have killed Rittenhouse by emptying his gun into him. That shows his frame of mind in being a danger to Rittenhouse. The defense will have a field day with that FLIR video taken by the FBI and released at the last minute.
Only thing that bothers me is the jury with 9 women on it. I have seen jury members go side ways many times in my 30 years in law enforcement. Women have the tendency sometimes to vote with their emotions and not common sense. If that happens it will be a hung jury and mistrial as most will vote for acquittal.
It's very important for the prosecution to get some kind of conviction to show the common people it's not okay to interfere with a BLM riot.

People are so scared now they won't even hold a rally around the Capitol building.

If the British had come down hard on those folks who dumped all that tea in the Boston harbor they may have still been in control today. And that Paul Revere guy should have just minded his own business.
Ya...... but he didn’t....... an here we are.
It's very important for the prosecution to get some kind of conviction to show the common people it's not okay to interfere with a BLM riot.

People are so scared now they won't even hold a rally around the Capitol building.

If the British had come down hard on those folks who dumped all that tea in the Boston harbor they may have still been in control today. And that Paul Revere guy should have just minded his own business.
Pretty good defense materail there. Really puts to light what went on. Trying to provide medical help, and got ambushed.
Gator you may be right about them misreading him due to his youth and having a baby face. Audie Murphy was another one with a baby face that won a CMH for his valor.
Tri--from Wikipedia:

"...including a Kenosha resident Joseph Rosenbaum.[7] A gunshot was fired into the air by a third party, and Rosenbaum lunged at Rittenhouse and attempted to take his rifle. Rittenhouse then fired four times at Rosenbaum, who died shortly afterwards.[8][9] At the second location, Rittenhouse tripped while fleeing and a man kicked him. Rittenhouse fired at the man twice but missed.[10][11] Protesters approached Rittenhouse while he was still on the ground, and Silver Lake resident Anthony Huber struck Rittenhouse with a skateboard and struggled for control of his rifle. Rittenhouse then fired at Huber once, killing him.[12][9] West Allis resident Gaige Grosskreutz then approached Rittenhouse while holding a handgun, and Rittenhouse shot him once, severing his right biceps."
If you supposed to be a medico where's his little armband with the Red Cross and why the heII is he packing?
Why was Grosskreutz packing? Why does anyone pack heat??? It's called protection. Do you pack heat?? I sure as heck do. In case you haven't noticed, there are crazy people everywhere! Not just Kenosha...
Seen all the bs before. Dude got attack with an AR in his possession. He responded, appropriately. Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid. Despite what hoss says.

Damnest thing.

My 15yr old, who has an AR, didn't get attacked in Wisconsin. This was made possible by him NOT traveling to Wisconsin looking for trouble.

Simply life tip.

Some people don’t learn that lesson. I had it beat into me early in life and I’m so grateful. I was with a pretty wild group, but I always seemed to not be there when the wild and crazy happened. I feel bad for the ones like this guy. I know AR rifles are manly and cool, I have a few of them too, but those need to be used wisely especially when in riots and surrounded by others that don’t seem to welcome you. Just ask a cop. I think it will turn out ok for this guy. He deserves punishment for being underage since we’re so bent on following the existing laws for gun control, but he doesn’t deserve prison. Prison would be bad for sure. He could end up being bullied and forced to do things to other more powerful prisoners for their pleasure.
I have mixed emotions about if he should have been there or not. A certain percentage of the protesters were there just to flex their muscles and cause trouble. Nothing to do with the protest, just an excuse. But I can see what can happen if you're on the innocent side of that. You might end up on trial. If I was to do anything......I would pick one of the turds and at some point he would leave to crawl back in his hole. Probably about daylight. He wouldn't show up the next night.
Why he was there is an emotional or a common sense issue not a legal one. Should he have been there... no
Why all the fuss over an AR-15?

One dude was hammering on his head with a skateboard, one dude was aiming a handgun at him. The other ( got shot after about he pursued KR for about a hundred yard chase ) was deranged.

{Those three need a little 'life tip', like...don't endanger someone else's life}

Type of weapon should not make a difference; how he used it should.
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If I'm on that jury, he's already acquitted -- even though he was an idiot to be there in those circumstances to begin with.
Rittenhouse may be an idiot or a patriot........ regardless, he was surrounded by idiots, that shouldn’t be there in those circumstances. Had the other idiots, with their pocket pistols, looking to make trouble, not been there Rittenhouse definitely would not have been there.

Yes, the protesters had a right to be there. So did Rittenhouse.

Who jumped at who.
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Rittenhouse may be an idiot or a patriot........ regardless, he was surrounded by idiots, that shouldn’t be there in those circumstances. Had the other idiots, with their pocket pistols, looking to make trouble, not been there Rittenhouse definitely would not have been there.

Yes, the protesters had a right to be there. So did Rittenhouse.

Who jumped at who.

The part I don't get about the "he never shoulda been there" crowd. Still a relatively free country, for now.

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