Sacramento County


Long Time Member
"Antifa" Members Accuse Him of Being a "Racist"
A California man had his registered firearm seized by local police after “antifa” members on social media accused him of being racist on the internet — the first case of its kind.

On July 7th/8th, left-wing extremist twitter user @anonymouscommie doxed a Sacramento resident named Andrew Casarez. The anonymous account accused him of being a “neo-Nazi troll.”

On the very same day, the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office opened up an investigation into him. During a background check, they found that Casarez was a registered gun owner. On July 13th, 2020, Sergeant Nate Grgich executed a search warrant for his home and car.

Nothing illegal or of a criminal nature was found during the search, but Sgt. Grgich was able to get a judge’s permission to seize Casarez’s handgun, a pair of pants and a “racist” t-shirt using a new law enforcement tool called a “gun restraining order,” which was signed by Judge Jaime R. Roman.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office is bragging about being the first in the country to seize a firearm using primarily the owner’s political ideology as the excuse.

Casarez sounds a bit Hispanic. Aren't neo-Nazi's a white supremacist group?
Although it amazes me that liberal Sheriff's are elected, nothing surprises me in Kalifornia anymore. The ripple effect of this on other gun owners might be pretty scary.

guy was posting racist stuff on the socialist media during these trying times. Kinda dumb. Dumb sh!tts shouldn’t have guns. Definitely a new kind of search warrant though. Could be a slippery slope.
Didn’t say I agree with the warrant. Just said the guy brought the attention to himself. Would you disagree? The guy is a Black eye to gun owners.
that doesn't have anything to do with the constitution.......dumb people deserve the same rights as the genius's... enjoy the have to avoid the 1st??
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I read the did it say he was making threats and inciting violence???

" He was posting enough racist rhetoric and propaganda on Facebook that it was concerning that his behaviors could become violent in retaliation.”

people with your level of understanding is our problem....
constitutional rights preemptively suspended????

is this really what you are advocating??

" Sgt. Grgich’s sworn affidavit explains that the mere act of having your personal information posted by “antifa,” COVID-19, and Casarez’s alleged views on race during an imaginary rash of ongoing “hate crimes” are all reasons for why his Constitutional rights must be preemptively suspended. "
constitutional rights preemptively suspended????

is this really what you are advocating??

" Sgt. Grgich’s sworn affidavit explains that the mere act of having your personal information posted by “antifa,” COVID-19, and Casarez’s alleged views on race during an imaginary rash of ongoing “hate crimes” are all reasons for why his Constitutional rights must be preemptively suspended. "
That is what pisses me off.
I'm not tired.... must have another article or some other info about him inciting violence and making threats???
Only in California as of now??
Use to live in California left in 87 for greener pastures it was starting to go to
Sh*t when I left, but I can’t believe what it has become
No other info on this homer, just assuming the LEO found whatever the man said was bad enough to take action. I guess maybe I’m being naive.
so.....when you somehow make someone dislike you and they call LE and claim that they are threatened by and afraid of you because they know you are a gun owner.....and the LE with a court order shows up at your house and disarms you with no need to give you any information on who or what has accused you.....

You're ok with that???

Naive is not the word I'd use.....
Don't feel alone......I'm pretty sure lots of folks haven't really thought about it.....and after doing so think way differently

A person can only hope that Homer, I’m afraid there are far to many brainwashed people in this country, Hell just look at some people on here, and this is a hunting forum!
Thank you homer, I try to take the side of law enforcement. This instance I suppose was just too far. I could give a rats a$$ for antifa or the other domestic terrorist groups.

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