Same Buck?


Founder Since 1999
Top two pics are from 2014, bottom 3 from 2016. Same area. They look a lot alike...??? Wouldn't you say?






Brian Latturner
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I think it is the same buck.

Either a smart deer or a remote isolated area for him to make it through two seasons with headgear that big.

Is he the buck living close to your #1 buck?
Hard to say. They look really similar. The back left fork definitely got deeper if it is the same buck. Perhaps the similarity just has to do with the genetics in the area.
Very similar, but I don't think they're the same. The 2016 buck has wider front forks and appears to have less mass than the 2014. If you'd like I'll come with you for a closer look at the buck in question.
I'd say he's likely the same deer, but if not, a closely related cousin. You are locating some solid bucks this year Brian. Can't wait to se eth epics of them on the ground.

Best of luck to you and your hunters.
I think they are very similar, but not the same buck. The cape just doesn't look like it is quite the same (yes, I recognize that it's different times of year). I just think it's two different , big bucks...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
deep forks left side and narrow fork back right makes me believe it is probably the same buck. Did the buck from 2014 get shot? Did you see him in 2015? Nice buck.

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