Scandalgate Update?



LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-13 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]

Hey, whatsup with the scandals? can't find anything about it.

Did you get what the little boy shot at? again? yeah, you did.

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-13 AT 10:54PM (MST)[p]will this work .. nah not for you libtads...just because the real American people are frantically trying to survive this depression don't mean this administration didn't commit fraud and lie their arse's off, it will catch up soon enough ...

Maybe it's time to focus on the illegal funding and arming of al-Qaeda in Syria.

Clearly in violation of domestic and international laws.

If that's the best you can do then you're right. you guys are a drag.

We had a pool going as to when obama would be impeached a month ago now we just have crickets chirping and tumbleweeds blowing through the wingnut spin center.

What's next? we need something to fire up you clowns and get your bottom lip out of the dirt. you're more fun when you have hope.

Stay thirsty my friends
>If that's the best you can
>do then you're right.
>you guys are a drag.
>We had a pool going as
>to when obama would be
>impeached a month ago now
>we just have crickets chirping
>and tumbleweeds blowing through the
>wingnut spin center.
>What's next? we need something to
>fire up you clowns and
>get your bottom lip out
>of the dirt.
>you're more fun when
>you have hope.
>Stay thirsty my friends
Your black leader you voted for seems to have a problem with his Health Care Bill,looks like parts of the Bill is not gonna happen till 2015.Obama can come with a lot of Dreams but can't make it work,with a lot more rope this Administration will hang it's self.
>Maybe it's time to focus on
>the illegal funding and arming
>of al-Qaeda in Syria.
>Clearly in violation of domestic and
>international laws.

My my so many to chose from...scandals that is...
That's the spirit.

Now you've thought of some ways to stop his 2016 campaign, but how are you going to get him out before that?

Stay thirsty my friends
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-13 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]Be happy 440...... You can ride around in your vintage car, brown sugar booming from your 8 track, while your immigrant laborers slave away in your fields...... living the dream aren't you?........ Terry
Brown Sugar AND Gimmie Shelter.

It gets better than that, I close next week for 1.25 on a piece of property I sold in 2007 for 1.1 and got back in 2010.

Ag , the DOW and land prices are as good as I've seen in my lifetime. all I can say about Obama's work on the economy is two thumbs up. he took a sack full of chit , shook it up and gave us back chocolate. I don't give a ratz azz what else he does I'm making bank bigtime.

Yes we can argue if obama really fixed the economy can't we? but the same can be said about all the evils you clowns blame him for. so there you go.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Brown Sugar AND Gimmie Shelter.
>It gets better than that, I
>close next week for 1.25
>on a piece of property
>I sold in 2007 for
>1.1 and got back in
>Ag , the DOW and land
>prices are as good as
>I've seen in my lifetime.
> all I can say
>about Obama's work on the
>economy is two thumbs up.
> he took a sack
>full of chit , shook
>it up and gave us
>back chocolate. I don't
>give a ratz azz what
>else he does I'm making
>bank bigtime.
>Yes we can argue if obama
>really fixed the economy can't
>we? but the same can
>be said about all the
>evils you clowns blame him
>for. so there you
>Stay thirsty my friends
Then you woke up!
>>Brown Sugar AND Gimmie Shelter.
>>It gets better than that, I
>>close next week for 1.25
>>on a piece of property
>>I sold in 2007 for
>>1.1 and got back in
>>Ag , the DOW and land
>>prices are as good as
>>I've seen in my lifetime.
>> all I can say
>>about Obama's work on the
>>economy is two thumbs up.
>> he took a sack
>>full of chit , shook
>>it up and gave us
>>back chocolate. I don't
>>give a ratz azz what
>>else he does I'm making
>>bank bigtime.
>>Yes we can argue if obama
>>really fixed the economy can't
>>we? but the same can
>>be said about all the
>>evils you clowns blame him
>>for. so there you
>>Stay thirsty my friends
> Then you woke up!

What's really funny is we made more and did better under Clinton too but the idiot wingnuts just gotta have a republican in office. Why? Nobody really knows.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-13 AT 06:18PM (MST)[p]"Brown Sugar AND Gimmie Shelter.

It gets better than that, I close next week for 1.25 on a piece of property I sold in 2007 for 1.1 and got back in 2010.

Ag , the DOW and land prices are as good as I've seen in my lifetime. all I can say about Obama's work on the economy is two thumbs up. he took a sack full of chit , shook it up and gave us back chocolate. I don't give a ratz azz what else he does I'm making bank bigtime.

Yes we can argue if obama really fixed the economy can't we? but the same can be said about all the evils you clowns blame him for. so there you go."

Well 220, you delusional basturd. Your financial good fortune is nothing more than the product of the old saying...IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!

And you should probably be thanking your old man for propping you up by leaving you the farm and a shyt pile of money and quit thanking Obama for your good fortune. Even in times of financial hardship and poor economies, the wealthy always seem to have no trouble making it. Thank your real daddy for making it so you don't have to work too hard for it and your political daddy for the handouts!
Triggerdork maybe your dad should have made you learn to be something besides a paranoid whiner who gives up before he starts.

You're right about one thing , it takes money to make money. there is no way anyone can start with nothing and work their way up in my biz. but, I took a small fortune and turned it into a pretty decent fortune , something you 99%ers get butt hurt over. something you may never know is while it takes money to make money, it's much easier to lose money than it is to make money.

These very well may be the good ol' days, if you're sitting on your thumbs waiting for an old white republican to take over again so you can climb out of your hole you may be missing the boat. it ain't that bad, even the builders are back to work. I'm working over one of my shops and the trusses we ordered are 4-6 weeks out because they're so booked up with orders. boo hoo it sucks to be them doesn't it? it sucks to be a farmer doesn't it? it sucks to be in the stock market, real estate, a car dealer, and equipment dealer doesn't it. no, it only sucks to be triggerdork.

But can you accept that things can be good under a black democrat or not? that's really the question isn't it?

Stay thirsty my friends
220, I may not be rich but I.m far from poor. I've had to work for everything I have. No rich daddy to prop me up like yours. My dad had nothing to leave me thanks to a stepmother! But thats a different story.

I may not be pleased with our government, but no whiner. The only whining I've seen lately is your sorry azz whining about not being able to find enough Mexicans to pick your government subsidized crops. BOO HOO! Cry us a river 220!

This doesn't have anything to do with your president being black. I'm sure you were taking the same government handouts while Bush was in office, and probably before that. I'm sure with a smile on your face. You liberal government sudsidized cockroach!

Have a nice day!
Okay big shot Dudu. How about sharing yourEquifax credit score since your so damn successful. Bragging about how well off you are when you receive Govt subsidies is...shameful. Kind of like overstating your junk size when you measure from your arsehole. Have another drink. Jordan Valley? NOT!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-13 AT 07:30PM (MST)[p]I don't know my credit score, I have no need to borrow money. you 99%ers are all the same, anyone who's done well is either lucky or a crook.

You clowns always go back to the DCP payments, I get peanuts from it. but thanks to your republicans failure to pass a new farm bill cutting all DCP payments I got one this year and it looks as if I will next year. well played.

I would be better off if ALL farm programs would end because I have the horsepower to do whatever I please, I don't even have an operating loan I'm self funded. my competition would be cut back and hamstrung by their banker, I could only dream of such a scenario. if you idiots were even 3rd grade lemonade stand businessmen I wouldn't need to explain supply and demand to you .

My point is I'm doing damn well, lots of people I know are doing well. as the old saying goes , it's the economy stupid. the DOW and S&P set new records again today. I don't know how long it will last but I don't vet check a gift horse I take it and run.

You're right to whine and hope for the worst, if this can hold a few more years any democrat will skate right into the whitehouse without the need to campaign. even a year and the midterms could be landslide for the libs. your scandalgate has become scandalwhat? game over, you lose again.

Stay thirsty my friends
To answer the original question I will defer to Charlie Daniels.

This was one of "those" emails, but, it does ring true in general.

The IRS and the several weeks of lying after Benghazi are the scandals that I find the most disturbing.

If it is about who is "winning". Dude, yep your correct. The left is winning.

We now have a populace of sheep that are told what is news and what is not news by bubble headed bleach blondes.

I think that if anything exemplifies the overt prejudice and determination of the American media to report only the news that suits their social and political interests and concept of what does and does not fit their agenda, it's the totally overblown coverage of something Paula Deen said 20 years ago, and some party she planned that she wanted to resemble a plantation scene featuring black male waiters in period dress.

If Hollywood plans a movie featuring black waiters in a plantation scene or portray women as prostitutes or cast minorities in caricature roles does the media get upset and start calling the movie moguls racists?

Is there any grown person who could truthfully declare under oath that they have never uttered something that someone might find personally offensive?

?Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.?

Do the twenty-year-old words of a lady with a television cooking show trump the lie an Attorney General told Congress, or officials at the IRS usurping the rights of the American public and pleading the fifth amendment when confronted about it or the hiding of the facts surrounding the murder of four Americans at a Consulate in Libya or the incredibly shabby image of a president taking a one hundred million dollar vacation in this economy while closing down tours of the White House or the NSA invasion on the privacy of millions of unsuspecting citizens?

I think not, and yet these and other stories of the utmost importance were either ignored or given a back seat to the Paula Deen story which, when taken in context with the high level scandals, Putin's snubbing of an American president, the potentially explosive situations in so much of the world the story was certainly not newsworthy enough to be featured five nights in a row on network news.

Wouldn't a week-long investigation into the life of Lois Lerner, the things she's done and the reason she's pleading the fifth be more meaningful to the American people?

What about what's going on in Israel? The media has been strangely quiet on that front lately, is there nothing worth reporting in that volatile part of the world?

How about the coming catastrophic tidal wave the effect of Obamacare is going to have on America, is there nothing worth questioning in the over 30,000 pages of regulations?

How about the fact that due to federal over regulation it's nearly impossible to live in the U.S. without breaking some law?

How about the Christian pastor who is being held in one of the worst hell hole prisons in the world in Iran for nothing more than sharing his faith?

How about a whole way of life that's being destroyed in West Virginia by the president's war on coal?

I think you get the picture.

No wonder the mainstream media has fallen so far in the trust of the American people.

Why is the Paula Deen story worth so much airtime if not to take attention off the truly important issue, the life changing things that really affect the lives of Americans?

The news is not about news anymore. It's about protecting some people, destroying others and shoving a socialist agenda down the collective throats of America.

God Bless America,

Charlie Daniels
There are things in this country that are wrong , there are more things that are right.

If the things that are really wrong are important then both sides should be able to agree and fix them. if they can't, they must not be that important.

This is still the best nation on earth. that shows you how screwed up the rest of them are. be thankful you're an american, it's a good thing.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude, your right that it is still the best nation, and yes I do think that in almost all cases the administration really does have the best interest of the country in mind.

While you may be using the recent silence on the scandals to provoke the locals, it is discouraging that there is not more outrage on some of this stuff.
I do understand how the whitewater scandal never gained traction, people did not understand it.

IRS scandal could not be more black and white. It does happen every day. The power of state and local governments is used to punish those that disagree with them. I have experienced it, and know it is wrong.

Bengahzi, anyone with half a brain knew that night, most likely it was a organized attack. I even posted that at the time. To concoct a story about a stupid video is shameful, and then to play that story line through the election, just shows that the people in this country are either so partisan that they will accept any level of corruption as long as it supports their side, or they are so dumbed down by our culture that they are to stupid to know right from wrong.

I am under no illusions, I know we have always had uneducated masses. Right and wrong used to be a little more important.
Answer 2 questions for us 220!

1. Did you receive DCP checks when Bush was in office?

2. Have you received DCP checks while Obama is in office?

If the answer to both questions are YES, which I'm sure they are, then you continuing to get government subsidies is a government problem. It is not a dem vs. rep issue as you claim.
The government as a whole is at fault.

The government gives you money just like they do Israel. You and the jews have something in common!

Shalom...have a nice day!o
The fact that these scandals haven't gained traction proves that our President is no leader. He could call for investigations or fire people, but instead he hides. This entire regime thinks they can do as they please, and they prove it every day.
They don't need anything to hide behind, your scandalgate flop is proof of that. this administration may be incompetent, but their opposition is off the chart pathetic. hence this administrations existence.

Triggerdork, yes I got DCP payments under Buah and Obama. my checks are the smallest they'cve ever been this year. I paid about 11 times as much taxes as I took in farm program payments, ooooh what a score. percentage wise my DCP payments don't come close to what you got from the food stamp portion of the farm bill does it?

Stay thirsty my friends
First of all 220, I've never been on food stamps...ever!

I guess when all your bullshyt starts to unravel, your pathetic liberal azz has to resort to making shyt up.
>They don't need anything to hide
>behind, your scandalgate flop is
>proof of that. this administration
>may be incompetent, but their
>opposition is off the chart
>pathetic. hence this administrations existence.
>Triggerdork, yes I got DCP payments
>under Buah and Obama. my
>checks are the smallest they'cve
>ever been this year. I
>paid about 11 times as
>much taxes as I took
>in farm program payments, ooooh
>what a score. percentage wise
>my DCP payments don't come
>close to what you got
>from the food stamp portion
>of the farm bill does
>Stay thirsty my friends
My scandal's yea right.They might get away with sh#t for now but bad Karma allway's come back to bite you in the ass!remember the Kennedy's.
You and RELH were already retired by then so you had plenty of time to watch it all unfold.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude, I am retired! That is a far sight better then being RETARDED like you. Keep boozing and you may never make it to retirement.

"Considering your IQ it was an easy mistake to make."

Is that all you got? Your come backs are getting lame.
My IQ has been evaluated and it's quite adequate I assure you.
All I know is that Obummer could have been the star of the movie Dodgeball! He knows the five rules and uses them every damned day.
"Hey, whatsup with the scandals? can't find anything about it."

Course it wouldn't have anything with the liberal media being stone cold silent........Course not.

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