Securing trail camera suggestions


So recently picked up a Moultrie 880 trail cam from Cabelas and have been reading a number of posts on this site about trail camera vandals. I'm interested in suggestions on best ways to secure them. Will python cable and case lock be sufficient? I saw that they also sold security boxes. Never used a trail camera before so this will be my first entrant into that arena.
>Hook it to an IED...

+1. If they can steal it they will steal it. On the other hand it is getting to the point where you cannot pinch a loaf in the woods without being picked up on a trail cam.
If you're worried about theft then maybe keep it at home and out of the woods. IMO if ya put it out on public lands you are opening yourself to thievery no matter how secure you try and make it.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Your best bet is to camoflage it and hope you do a good enough job that they do not see it. We used them to cover trails into marijuana gardens to photograph the growers going in and out and figure out the times they were in the grow site.

The cameras was camoflage so well that they never discovered them even though we used them on many fields over several years.

I use a lock box with 4 long screws. All it does is keep the honest man honest. If somebody really wanted it, they could still get it off the tree.
Never had any issues, yet I don't put it in places where most people are willing to go though or seem to think it would be a good place for a camera.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I put mine up higher than usual on public lands, facing downward on a slight angle. Still get the wildlife pics I want but the camera is not as noticable by anyone from eye level.

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