Semi-Auto Federal Tax

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Long Time Member
I just seen a news clip saying that Biden wants a $200 tax for each for semi automatic rifles and magazines over 10 rounds. So if you have the gun and 4 magazines that’s a $1,000 tax or sell your gun back to the Goverment!

Please someone tell me thats not possible that the NRA or some other group will step in to Stop This!

1) I really think we’re heading for a Civil War of sorts!
2) Take the guns away from Responsible Americans
3) Let the Killers keep theirs
4) Or am I just worried about Nothing?


I am not sure he could apply that tax to existing guns and magazines. Would have to apply it to any new guns & magazines that are sold after passing law. Even then Supreme Court may rule that it is a violation of our 2nd. amendment rights to curtail firearm ownership.
Very Very important that GOP maintain majority of the Senate to stop passage of this type of laws and Biden would have to use executive power to pass it.
Biden won’t live long enough to push that through the system. Kamala or Killary will have him killed off and then they will start on their own agenda... that’s even scarier!

some kinda civil war is definitely headed our direction I’m afraid. Combine the the gun laws with these mandatory lock downs in states and cities where the citizens are supposedly “free” Americans, at some point someone will push back. Once that ball starts rolling, it’ll definitely gain momentum...
I just seen a news clip saying that Biden wants a $200 tax for each for semi automatic rifles and magazines over 10 rounds. So if you have the gun and 4 magazines that’s a $1,000 tax or sell your gun back to the Goverment!

Please someone tell me thats not possible that the NRA or some other group will step in to Stop This!

1) I really think we’re heading for a Civil War of sorts!
2) Take the guns away from Responsible Americans
3) Let the Killers keep theirs
4) Or am I just worried about Nothing?


I personally think you're worried about nothing at this point. BUT, there's no doubt that there is an effort underway to try and reduce the number of mass shootings that happen.
I personally think you're worried about nothing at this point. BUT, there's no doubt that there is an effort underway to try and reduce the number of mass shootings that happen.
I feel a lot better now?
Of course they will try.

It will be interesting in how he plans to enforce it.

I traded my ARs a few years ago. Im still going to be on the yellow sheet. So is he sending the cops to my house to check? Are other dudes going to have to carry papers with their AR when they shoot them?

I do own an actual assault rifle, a .303 British. Actually a legit weapon of war. So is the President dementia grabbing that too?

Like others I too believe that at some point, the Socialists will push one time too often. Bullets are going to fly.
I personally think you're worried about nothing at this point. BUT, there's no doubt that there is an effort underway to try and reduce the number of mass shootings that happen.

Well, We know who Founder voted for.
Semi auto 10 shot. = $200 tax


^^^ This is who the radical left thinks are terrorists.
I don’t think we’re headed for a civil war. You’re right about everything else. It’s the woke/cancel culture that will be the biggest problem. It all starts in California. If you look at things there, it’s all about making gun ownership difficult. Some of the backwards things there that should be a scare for all of us are things like banning the 50 BMG, no online ammo, and the idea of one gun a month. Those three things have nothing to do with gun crime. There was no high rate of 50BMG crimes when they passed that one. They can’t prove that people that buy more than one a month are responsible for any increase in crime, it’s probably less since they have that kind of money, and the same goes for online purchases. But it sounds good to the people that know nothing about guns. It sounds like progress when you cancel these. I read that it’s a difficult task to even get a CCW there. Could that be because of all the CCW criminals? That’s what we have to think about. The VP is from there. I think the best thing is to beat them up with their own tactics. Try to put out more ads and gun videos with women, gays, minorities and Democrats. Then when they want to fight, cite these facts. I feel, maybe I’m wrong, but there were people that voted for Biden because they didn’t like Trump but like their guns and even some Democrats that purchased a few million guns since the pandemic and riots that will push back on the idea. We just need to make sure everything doesn’t go blue and if there’s any BS legislation, be prepared with woke and virtue signals that are aimed at the people they claim to love and support, especially the minorities. They will fall apart. You can see where it happened before. Trevor Noah did a hit job a few years ago on the NRA and left Colion Nior untouched even though he had 4 shows on NRA TV. What would they do if there was a minority, women group? I bet it would be left alone or even supported. They just know they don’t want any part of being critical of these people because it will turn out bad and goes against their group politics.
"somebody" has been going to take my guns, my ammo, my hunting, for the last 30 years. Obama didn't do it and he had all 3 branches.
It's white noise.

I hope this holds true. I always laugh at those that give Obama a hard time about guns. He did nothing except create an artificial environment that actually got more guns out there. Maybe it will be the same with Biden. It’s just a issue that he has to talk about as a politician but goes nowhere with it and focuses on other public safety issues that are more likely to kill you than guns like Cancer, heart disease, traffic accidents and being struck by lightning.
"somebody" has been going to take my guns, my ammo, my hunting, for the last 30 years. Obama didn't do it and he had all 3 branches.
It's white noise.
I think you're not recognizing the efforts over the years by multiple pro-2nd Amendment entities, many R's (a few D's) that are continually working to prevent that from happening. Don't kid yourself that this white noise, without their work, the sorriest president in history WOULD have accomplished his goals.

And Founder, the whole mass shooting prevention
Politifact is a propaganda site of the left. Of course they are going to do this if he gets in... and they also take the 2 Georgia senate seats.
I personally think you're worried about nothing at this point. BUT, there's no doubt that there is an effort underway to try and reduce the number of mass shootings that happen.
Speaking of mass shootings...

when was the last time we had one? I might be out of the loop, but I haven’t heard about one for awhile. Could it be that the mass shooters have been occupied with other activities that are also destructive? Like riots and looting?
I'm betting that in 40 years, those of us still kicking, will still have our hunting rifles.
Hunting rifle--sure if you're talking bolt action with 3-5 round capacity. But that's not what's at stake here, I think you realize that Founder.
They will go after the semi auto rifles first. Then it will be semi auto shotguns and pistols. Then they will say that pump action shotguns were used as assault weapons in all wars since WW-1 and must be included as weapons of war.
There is no way they will stop at banning so called assault rifles and anyone believing otherwise is a blind fool of the first order. Trump did us a very big favor by his many conservative judge appointments in the lower courts and Supreme court as some of this crap will hit the courts.
Hunting rifle--sure if you're talking bolt action with 3-5 round capacity. But that's not what's at stake here, I think you realize that Founder.
How many rounds do you need to kill an animal? Or are you talking about firearms not used for hunting? If so, please take that political battle somewhere else. I allow political talk that revolves around hunting only.
How many rounds do you need to kill an animal? Or are you talking about firearms not used for hunting? If so, please take that political battle somewhere else. I allow political talk that revolves around hunting only.

Sometimes more than 10. Ever hunted whistle pigs? Snowgeese? Coyotes? Rabbits? Pigs?

Just curious because I have, and have had often needed more than 10.

My 10-22 holds 30.

My .17 does as well.

And Ive emptied both before things were dead.

Rumor is the snow goose dudes and pig hunters do too
Sometimes more than 10. Ever hunted whistle pigs? Snowgeese? Coyotes? Rabbits? Pigs?

Just curious because I have, and have had often needed more than 10.

My 10-22 holds 30.

My .17 does as well.

And Ive emptied both before things were dead.

Rumor is the snow goose dudes and pig hunters do too
Fair enough.
How many rounds do you need to kill an animal? Or are you talking about firearms not used for hunting? If so, please take that political battle somewhere else. I allow political talk that revolves around hunting only.
Wow, okay. Founder: your site, your rules. I get it.

I use an AR-based gun for hunting. As for how many rounds need to kill an animal; as many as necessary. But, in general--I need only 1.

This proposal(s) will affect any gun I have (hunting-specific rigs too) with that "dreaded" capacity plus semi combo.
Wow, okay. Founder: your site, your rules. I get it.

I use an AR-based gun for hunting. As for how many rounds need to kill an animal; as many as necessary. But, in general--I need only 1.

This proposal(s) will affect any gun I have (hunting-specific rigs too) with that "dreaded" capacity plus semi combo.
I can definitely understand some concern, but I still think the OP is worrying about nothing at this point. Like someone else said, the Supreme Court is loaded with judges who respect our gun rights.
Plus, it’s just been talk up to this point, Biden hasn’t proposed anything.
I just wouldn’t worry about it at this point.
Yes they will go after heavy taxes on ammo when the Supreme Court stops their seizure of firearms. Several other firearm sites I belong too are having threads about ammo shortage, including hunting ammo calibers. With the new admin. in the white house I foresee the ammo shortage, and firearm shortage lasting for one or more years. A lot of panic buying going on right now.
No way every firearm will be taken away from the people that own them. Taxing and regulating ammunition and component sales is the way it can happen. You've posted pics of your stash RELH. No panic? mtmuley
I can definitely understand some concern, but I still think the OP is worrying about nothing at this point. Like someone else said, the Supreme Court is loaded with judges who respect our gun rights.
Plus, it’s just been talk up to this point, Biden hasn’t proposed anything.
I just wouldn’t worry about it at this point.

I dont think guns will be #1 on Bidens(Barrack Obamas, the actual power behind the puppet).

Yes I agree right now the court will protect guns. But that isn't written in stone. History shows us former Pres trying to pack courts.

However. I am a capitalist. Bet your azz there are guys looking to jump into ammo. Yes it will take time, but it will come.

I dont believe their will be some door to door crack down. But their will be huge taxes on guns/ammo. Or at least an attempt to.

However. At some point a man with a gun(cop) has to enforce a law. That's where I believe bullets fly.

That will make for interesting bedfellows. Im guessing ill be supporting the Bundys if that time comes, and i cant stand the Bundys.
Mtmuley, no panic buying on my part. That stash took several years to get buying at sale prices during the good times as I knew there would be bad times for firearm related items.
In the second photo there is a brown cardboard box with the Winchester logo. That box contains 2,000 rounds of Winchester 22LR ammo. I paid $88.00 for those 2,000 rounds of 22LR.
There is also 5 boxes of Federal 300 win. mag ammo that is loaded with Barnes all copper SST bullets. That ammo along with the 25-06 ammo and .223 ammo was purchased at dealer price from a local hardware store that was going to stop selling ammo due to the new CA. regulations that would be going into effect the new year.
I refuse to pay scalper prices for ammo or reloading supplies.
However. I am a capitalist. Bet your azz there are guys looking to jump into ammo.
Capitalists don't buy guns and ammo; they buy gun and ammo stocks knowing those making runs on the gun stores will just be putting money in their accounts every day it goes on.
It would never get passed
I can definitely understand some concern, but I still think the OP is worrying about nothing at this point. Like someone else said, the Supreme Court is loaded with judges who respect our gun rights.
Plus, it’s just been talk up to this point, Biden hasn’t proposed anything.
I just wouldn’t worry about it at this point.'ll never happen.
All this type of rhetoric causes is senseless panic and hoarding, which only hurts us by driving prices of guns and ammunition through the roof and at times, completely obsolete.

Our 2nd amendment SHALL NOT and WILL NOT be infringed......we simply have too much power on our side.
Thinking it will never happen is naive. They're on the brink of it right now & they know it. Have you seen the dark & corporate cash flowing into Georgia... it's infinite! They get the 2 Georgia senate seats in January they can essentially do anything they want. Ending the filibuster is the first step to any law or policy they want, pack the courts, add two new states with 4 leftist senators. They want power (all of it) and will stop at nothing to get it. It should be fairly obvious
The dems will win in Georgia, it's over. And they were assisted by enablers like Brian. Gonna be some eyes opened up the next couple years. Just give us back the political forum and let us be. Create a password to get in so it doesn't sully yer fine site.?
The gun and ammo manufacturers are the ones that want you worried about these supposed regulations that are coming. Democratic presidents make them absolutely filthy rich!

You been to your local sporting goods stores recently to try and buy ammo? Unless you want 28 Nosler or 8 shot for clays, good luck!

A lot of these worries about taking away our guns are just another form of the boogie man. You can worry about it all you want. You can hideout trying to buy up every shipment of ammo that comes in. And all you’re doing is cutting your own throat. I hope you like paying more for guns and ammo, because that’s all that is accomplished by this frantic paranoia. Nobody is coming for your guns. We’ll be fine.
The gun and ammo manufacturers are the ones that want you worried about these supposed regulations that are coming. Democratic presidents make them absolutely filthy rich!

You been to your local sporting goods stores recently to try and buy ammo? Unless you want 28 Nosler or 8 shot for clays, good luck!

A lot of these worries about taking away our guns are just another form of the boogie man. You can worry about it all you want. You can hideout trying to buy up every shipment of ammo that comes in. And all you’re doing is cutting your own throat. I hope you like paying more for guns and ammo, because that’s all that is accomplished by this frantic paranoia. Nobody is coming for your guns. We’ll be fine.
Very insightful, but actually the topic was about taxing automatic rifles and clips over 10 rounds
The gun and ammo manufacturers are the ones that want you worried about these supposed regulations that are coming. Democratic presidents make them absolutely filthy rich!

You been to your local sporting goods stores recently to try and buy ammo? Unless you want 28 Nosler or 8 shot for clays, good luck!

A lot of these worries about taking away our guns are just another form of the boogie man. You can worry about it all you want. You can hideout trying to buy up every shipment of ammo that comes in. And all you’re doing is cutting your own throat. I hope you like paying more for guns and ammo, because that’s all that is accomplished by this frantic paranoia. Nobody is coming for your guns. We’ll be fine.
I agree. Panic people about government coming for guns can drive lots of cash donations to groups like the NRA. And of course drives people to buying a bunch of guns and ammo that they otherwise wouldn’t. One of the oldest sales tactics out there......scare people into thinking it’s essential.
Unfortunately the elderly and naive are often targeted.
Make no mistake, they are coming for your guns*. It's all right there in the platform. Read it.

They're also coming for your consumptive use of wildlife, but that's off topic.

*By guns, I mean anything and everything required to make one function.
How many rounds do you need to kill an animal? Or are you talking about firearms not used for hunting?

It has been covered already, but understand, the 2nd Amendment is NOT about hunting.

and Biden would have to use executive power to pass .

The Executive Branch cannot make and pass law, just like it cannot make and raise a tax. Both the upper and lower houses of Congress are required for that.

The only thing the Oval Office can do with their pens and phones is to issue instruction for anything in their branch to execute under the confines of the law.

This is why the blue donkeys are frothing at the mouth over Amy Barrett. It keeps some sanity to the scheme of things.

In order for the donkeys to run rough shod over everyone is for them to literally begin dismantling the Constitution. That is NOT what consent of the governed means...

Publically, I would like to thank everyone that voted in support to make things worse. I appreciate your adolescent tirades that have may very well compromised opportunity for generations to come.
The one thing the executive branch CAN do is bring the industry to a hault by directing federal agencies to engage in more bureaucracy.

The dilemma with guns and ammo is that government is the biggest customer.
Capitalists don't buy guns and ammo; they buy gun and ammo stocks knowing those making runs on the gun stores will just be putting money in their accounts every day it goes on.

I have Vista Outdoors, Smith and Wesson, and Ruger stock.

Youd be wrong.
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The gun and ammo manufacturers are the ones that want you worried about these supposed regulations that are coming. Democratic presidents make them absolutely filthy rich!

You been to your local sporting goods stores recently to try and buy ammo? Unless you want 28 Nosler or 8 shot for clays, good luck!

A lot of these worries about taking away our guns are just another form of the boogie man. You can worry about it all you want. You can hideout trying to buy up every shipment of ammo that comes in. And all you’re doing is cutting your own throat. I hope you like paying more for guns and ammo, because that’s all that is accomplished by this frantic paranoia. Nobody is coming for your guns. We’ll be fine.

I quit watching the news months ago. But im pretty sure several American cities on fire, combined with dozens others looted might have had something to do with it.

Ive lost about $20 a share on Ruger stock. Lost on Smith and Wesson. Lost on Vista Outdoors. Lost on Sportsmans warehouse.

Guess all this getting rich is starting soon?
The Heller decision back in 2008 (the right of individual citizens to own firearms) was only affirmed by a 5-4 decision. So it's not inconceivable that some time in the future the court could revisit that. Our right to own a gun is not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination, especially if the Dems decide to stack the court. Something Biden refused to even talk about.
Ive lost about $20 a share on Ruger stock. Lost on Smith and Wesson. Lost on Vista Outdoors. Lost on Sportsmans warehouse.

Guess all this getting rich is starting soon?
Then you didn't play it right. SWBI more than doubled up this year.
Then you didn't play it right. SWBI more than doubled up this year.
Wow, it did move big in the past year! Earnings have skyrocketed. The others are up too over 52 weeks. Maybe I should buy some of this if the "freakout" talk is going to continue...???
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Wow, it did move big in the past year! Earnings have skyrocketed. The others are up too over 52 weeks. Maybe I should buy some of this if the "freakout" talk is going to continue...???
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Yeah, I can't figure how hoss lost on all them. The next push on gun stocks now is Georgia. I got out of SWBI a bit ago but gun stocks will likely go up if Dems take Georgia and go down if Reps hold on.

Obviously, I'm no stock advisor but that's the pattern I've been going off of as I've bought and sold.

Gun stocks seem to be based more on fear than true financials.
Seeing this type of stuff is crazy!! Stock prices drop because people aren't wanting to shoot each other.

Then you didn't play it right. SWBI more than doubled up this year.

Aug this year. That would be prior to election, Ruger was above $85. Today its $59.

Smith and wesson was over $22 today its under $16

Kinda seems with all this money making and profiting those 2 might not be dropping Luke a ship?

Vista announced they are over 1 year backordered.

I can only supply facts, your free to provide opinion
Did you even read the original post?
I did. And I also know that just because it is on the internet does not actually make it true.

Look guys, you don't know anyone on this forum that is a bigger "2nd amendment" guy than I am. I'm not a democrat, I'm a GOP county delegate here in Utah. All I'm saying is don't be unreasonable and irrational. This has been the talking points every time we've had a democrat in the White House, and it only shoots ourselves in the foot when we respond to it.

Look at the idiotic craze we created ourselves over 22 LR several years ago. Prices never came back to normal. We caused that. Obama didn't cause that, we did by acting irrational.

It's guns and ammo today, it was freaking toilet paper back in April. There was not a toilet paper shortage, but we tried to create one. There is a reason ammo manufacturers are telling you they will be backordered for a year. It's so you and I will freak out so they can jack the price up on it for us and never have it return. Biden isn't doing that to us, we are doing this to ourselves.

Just be rational. Don't be in a panic. There is no civil war coming. You will be able to keep your guns. I will be able to keep mine, even the AR-15 I bought a few months ago. Now I wish I could just find some ammo for it...
“I did. And I also know that just because it is on the internet does not actually make it true.” That’s ironic, cause two years ago when we were talking about winterkill, you wouldn’t take anyone’s word for it cause you’d read different on the internet
I did. And I also know that just because it is on the internet does not actually make it true.

Look guys, you don't know anyone on this forum that is a bigger "2nd amendment" guy than I am. I'm not a democrat, I'm a GOP county delegate here in Utah. All I'm saying is don't be unreasonable and irrational. This has been the talking points every time we've had a democrat in the White House, and it only shoots ourselves in the foot when we respond to it.

Look at the idiotic craze we created ourselves over 22 LR several years ago. Prices never came back to normal. We caused that. Obama didn't cause that, we did by acting irrational.

It's guns and ammo today, it was freaking toilet paper back in April. There was not a toilet paper shortage, but we tried to create one. There is a reason ammo manufacturers are telling you they will be backordered for a year. It's so you and I will freak out so they can jack the price up on it for us and never have it return. Biden isn't doing that to us, we are doing this to ourselves.

Just be rational. Don't be in a panic. There is no civil war coming. You will be able to keep your guns. I will be able to keep mine, even the AR-15 I bought a few months ago. Now I wish I could just find some ammo for it...

Im old enough to remember the Clinton Assault Rifle ban. That was pre internet, so i guess it was true?

The problem with your theory is data. Data shows us how many new guns were bought since Covid Lockdowns. Now many were bought by gun owners, a large chunk came from first time buyers. So this Wasnt a run, it was an increased customer pool combined with a run. Even without a run, all those new buyers were going to burn ammo. Its not as easy as just adding a shift to a plant. New supply lives have to be opened. Increased transportation sources.

When the .22 craze hit, you could buy .22 all over town from scalpers. Im not noticing the same now.

But yeah. There will be an attempt made on guns.

On a side note. Everywhere Ive been there is 28 Nosler available. Safe to assume that was a flop
I personally think you're worried about nothing at this point. BUT, there's no doubt that there is an effort underway to try and reduce the number of mass shootings that happen.
No regulation or law will reduce mass shootings. The people who commit violent crime aren't deterred by them.
The problem with your theory is data. Data shows us how many new guns were bought since Covid Lockdowns. Now many were bought by gun owners, a large chunk came from first time buyers. So this Wasnt a run, it was an increased customer pool combined with a run. Even without a run, all those new buyers were going to burn ammo. Its not as easy as just adding a shift to a plant. New supply lives have to be opened. Increased transportation sources.
Okay, I'll accept that as true. Let me know how the "data" looks when everyone freaks out and buys up every last piece of ammo on the shelves they can find and buys the new inventory before they can even put it out.

Even if your data is accurate, which I'll accept on its face for purposes of our discussion, it doesn't change what I'm saying. We as gun advocates have long been our own worst enemy in this realm, and the NRA and their ilk love us for it.
“I did. And I also know that just because it is on the internet does not actually make it true.” That’s ironic, cause two years ago when we were talking about winterkill, you wouldn’t take anyone’s word for it cause you’d read different on the internet
Still butt hurt over that one, huh? Snow data is pretty easy to find if you are interested in finding it. It's not rocket science.

Let me know how those "clips" over 10 rounds are working out for you.
Its not hard to forget a know it all, you were full of crap then and I see nothings changed.
Vanilla 2018-I get all of my facts from the internet, it’s not rocket science
Vanilla 2020- Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Doesn’t surprise me one bit that your on politics
When I was a ute, I used to buy 22's over the counter for 50 cents a box. Then the man started making me sign for them and it's been disenfranchisement ever since.

Gun rights (or freedom, depending on how you roll) have being slowly stripped away for years. And the reason you can still buy an AR is because a bunch of us fought for you for decades.

It's not because a bunch of dudes on a hunting site said to relax. That's just bad advice.(n)
The riots were temporarily paused, I have a feeling they will be making a strong comeback in the next few weeks... keep your powder dry
Vanilla in 2008 the Democratic party was not the same party as today's party or even the Republican party is not the same party as 2008. There is alot more pressure from the extremists to pass legislation to radically change the USA on the Democrats side.
In 2008 we did not have a President saying he is willing to stack the Supreme Court in order to get his way in 2008 we did not have the Democratic party spieing on the Republican party nominee and then doing a false investigation on the Republican nominee for the very thing the Democratic party was doing.
In 2008 we did not have a congress willing to make up lies about there opposition and no one holds anyone responsible for the said lie.
In 2008 we did not have net work news media open about complete support of one party or the other (Democratic or Republican).
In 2008 you did not have a political party that kneels to the Hollywood elitists.
In 2008 we did not have riots and lawlessness going on in the streets of majore cities for more than 2 months.
In 2008 this country did not declare you a race's just because you was born white.
In 2008 we did not have Congressman and Congresswoman saying defund the police.
Vanilla i agree gun control legislation is going to be hard for the Democrats but I do believe they have not had such a great opportunity to get gun legislation passed since the Clinton years. I just pray there is some Democrats that are worried about getting reelected that they can not afford to go along with AOC, Elizabeth Warren or the other ilk of the Democratic party.
This site is about hunting, and guns are a huge part of hunting. The chance of gun control is an issue for hunters so gun control will be a topic.
I am sorry Founder for discussing politics but politics is the essence of gun control, you are either against gun control or for gun control according to the political party you support.
Just my 2 cents.
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Aug this year. That would be prior to election, Ruger was above $85. Today its $59.

Smith and wesson was over $22 today its under $16

Kinda seems with all this money making and profiting those 2 might not be dropping Luke a ship?

Vista announced they are over 1 year backordered.

I can only supply facts, your free to provide opinion
In March of this year, SWBI was at under $6 and hovered in the $7 range all the way until June. It's not about how much money they make or how much they have backordered. From #57 above, "Gun stocks seem to be based more on fear than true financials." Understanding that is key to buying gun stocks.

And as I said in #55, if you lost money on stocks that have performed the way @Founders diagram showed, you didn't play it right.

It's not personal, we all miss. Heck, Warren Buffett has lost billions on his Disney stocks. But overall, gun stocks have had a good year if played right.
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Seeing this type of stuff is crazy!! Stock prices drop because people aren't wanting to shoot each other.

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It's more about fear of gun laws than violence. For proof, see Obama years when there was no new gun laws and very little violence, but gun stocks soared. Gun stocks are often a good buy before elections the same way NRA uses it to fundraise.

If the Dems had gotten the Senate, gun prices would rise as people anticipated new gun control. I'm personally guessing the Reps keep the Senate so I sold my gun stocks but if Dems win both Georgia seats then I'll probably wish I hadn't.
Okay, I'll accept that as true. Let me know how the "data" looks when everyone freaks out and buys up every last piece of ammo on the shelves they can find and buys the new inventory before they can even put it out.

Even if your data is accurate, which I'll accept on its face for purposes of our discussion, it doesn't change what I'm saying. We as gun advocates have long been our own worst enemy in this realm, and the NRA and their ilk love us for it.

Im walking softly because I do realize im repeating NRA talking points. A group which I am not a member, and I dont like?
In March of this year, SWBI was at under $6 and hovered in the $7 range all the way until June. It's not about how much money they make or how much they have backordered. From #57 above, "Gun stocks seem to be based more on fear than true financials." Understanding that is key to buying gun stocks.

And as I said in #55, if you lost money on stocks that have performed the way @Founders diagram showed, you didn't play it right.

It's not personal, we all miss. Heck, Warren Buffett has lost billions on his Disney stocks. But overall, gun stocks have had a good year if played right.

You only lose if u sell, which I haven t.

Guns ticked up with Covid. But it was the lie of George Floyd and the lib rioters that blew them up.

Im not a fan of the NRA.

But the NRA did nothing to push the panic like ACTUAL events that took place. It Wasnt a narrative, it was targets burning. Dozens of cops getting killed, and a political party that turned the other way. Seems "defined the police", combined with riots, might drive gun sales.

As to Obama

Guess you missed Fast and Furious? That border agent gunned down and the .50cal El Chapo had on him from that attempt to burn gun owners, might argue their was an attempt to grab guns. But like most of Obamas presidency, it was an embarrassing failure.

Look. We can play games all day.

Bully Fed ex and UPS, along with banks and liability insurers, and the left stops guns. Politics is too messy, that's the route taken now days.
You only lose if u sell, which I haven t.

Guns ticked up with Covid. But it was the lie of George Floyd and the lib rioters that blew them up.

Im not a fan of the NRA.

But the NRA did nothing to push the panic like ACTUAL events that took place. It Wasnt a narrative, it was targets burning. Dozens of cops getting killed, and a political party that turned the other way. Seems "defined the police", combined with riots, might drive gun sales.

As to Obama

Guess you missed Fast and Furious? That border agent gunned down and the .50cal El Chapo had on him from that attempt to burn gun owners, might argue their was an attempt to grab guns. But like most of Obamas presidency, it was an embarrassing failure.

Look. We can play games all day.

Bully Fed ex and UPS, along with banks and liability insurers, and the left stops guns. Politics is too messy, that's the route taken now days.
I think he forgot about Ferguson... hands up don't shoot. I seem to recall 5 cops getting ambushed in Dallas. Obama spawned BLM... ain't it great
For the record, I do not own any firearms. None. Nada. Not a single one. And since I don't own any firearms, I don't have any ammo either. I did see a bullet at Wal Mart several years ago.

Although I hunt, it is with a primitive stick and string. I cut a nice hardwood branch, tie an old boot lace on it, then sharpen the end of a cedar stick. That's it.
The one thing the executive branch CAN do is bring the industry to a hault by directing federal agencies to engage in more bureaucracy.

The dilemma with guns and ammo is that government is the biggest customer.

Well, that would be within the limits of that branch of government...
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I'm betting that in 40 years, those of us still kicking, will still have our hunting rifles.
That would probably leave me out I’d be 99. I might still be alive and own my hunting rifle but wouldn’t know who I am where I am and what’s a hunting rifle!
You only lose if u sell, which I haven t.

Guns ticked up with Covid. But it was the lie of George Floyd and the lib rioters that blew them up.

Im not a fan of the NRA.

But the NRA did nothing to push the panic like ACTUAL events that took place. It Wasnt a narrative, it was targets burning. Dozens of cops getting killed, and a political party that turned the other way. Seems "defined the police", combined with riots, might drive gun sales.

As to Obama

Guess you missed Fast and Furious? That border agent gunned down and the .50cal El Chapo had on him from that attempt to burn gun owners, might argue their was an attempt to grab guns. But like most of Obamas presidency, it was an embarrassing failure.

Look. We can play games all day.

Bully Fed ex and UPS, along with banks and liability insurers, and the left stops guns. Politics is too messy, that's the route taken now days.
Earlier you said you "lost" money on gun stocks and now say you haven't sold yet so therefore you haven't lost. That's true until you start taking time value of money into consideration. For example, sitting on gun stocks waiting for another election/fear cycle may or may not pay off. I don't know.

In your long-winded response about .50 cal, El Chapo, FedEx, and F&F, etc, you missed the entire point of my post. It's not about the Talking Points, which we both agree are accurate, it's about public fear and sentiment. That's what drives gun stocks, not the financials.

If you lost $20/share on Ruger as it went from $60 up to $90 over the summer and "lost" on S&W as it went from under $5 to over $20 during the same period... You played it wrong.

But of course, if gun stocks take off and I sold too early, then I will have played it wrong. We all win some and lose some.
Earlier you said you "lost" money on gun stocks and now say you haven't sold yet so therefore you haven't lost. That's true until you start taking time value of money into consideration. For example, sitting on gun stocks waiting for another election/fear cycle may or may not pay off. I don't know.

In your long-winded response about .50 cal, El Chapo, FedEx, and F&F, etc, you missed the entire point of my post. It's not about the Talking Points, which we both agree are accurate, it's about public fear and sentiment. That's what drives gun stocks, not the financials.

If you lost $20/share on Ruger as it went from $60 up to $90 over the summer and "lost" on S&W as it went from under $5 to over $20 during the same period... You played it wrong.

But of course, if gun stocks take off and I sold too early, then I will have played it wrong. We all win some and lose some.

You I are correct. I said I lost.

My point being if I sold today, I would lose a bunch.

II think you and I sitting in Utah have a different perspective.

My wife has a team in Santa Monica. They were surrounded by rioters this summer. It is easy to say its a "narrative" sitting in Cache County or Davis County. In truth i felt no fear. I know my cops. I know mh neighbors.

But in the heart of lib riots, where every night the streets became war zones, guns and self protection took on a different narrative.

Are tgey driving up prices? Sure. But unlike other election cycles, there are concrete reasons for the run.
You I are correct. I said I lost.

My point being if I sold today, I would lose a bunch.

II think you and I sitting in Utah have a different perspective.

My wife has a team in Santa Monica. They were surrounded by rioters this summer. It is easy to say its a "narrative" sitting in Cache County or Davis County. In truth i felt no fear. I know my cops. I know mh neighbors.

But in the heart of lib riots, where every night the streets became war zones, guns and self protection took on a different narrative.

Are tgey driving up prices? Sure. But unlike other election cycles, there are concrete reasons for the run.
I don't disagree with you.

My point was to the idea of buying and selling gun stocks and how it's based on fear.

If a person's argument is that when Biden won that there wasn't rioting because the Republicans would handle the bad news more constructively (I agree with this sentiment, by the way) that they should also expect the fear matrix to drop with a Biden win because there would be less unrest and thus they should expect gun stocks to fall as well.

If Bidens win keeps rioting down and Republicans holding the Senate keep meaningful anti-gun legislation from being passed, then the gun run should diminish. This is why gun stocks have pulled back recently.

The NRA and Republican Congressmen will forever be screaming that the boogeyman is gonna take your guns... So send them ? ? ?

But the worst thing that ever happened to gun stocks was Trump winning after 8 years of Obama.... because it's not about the financials or even real gun control, which Obama didn't enact, it's about the fear of future gun control. And ? ? ?
So, now that I'm an expert investor, us chicken littles would like to know whether you ostriches:

1) disagree that the Biden admin will try to implement a federal tax on certain firearms, and

2) whether such a tax would effectively cause a significant disruption to the status quo you are content with.

I know what my economics classes taught would happen.
Would someone explain why the NRA is so bad.
Is it just because they have been the number one organization that has and still continue to fight gun control not only on the national stage but many more local fights in many state's.
Would someone explain why the NRA is so bad.
Is it just because they have been the number one organization that has and still continue to fight gun control not only on the national stage but many more local fights in many state's.

Follow the money.

Lots of lifestyle supporting going in Wayne's years. Not to mention the millions spent remaining chartered in NY for ego. NY is constantly harassing them, suing, etc. Thats a lot of lawyers on retainer for nothing.

Also. They have hard lined a litmus test. Your either for Abrams tanks in every yard, or your a commie.

That might play well in pro gun states, but in moderate states, you couldn't have congress/senate seats with gun friendly members. So the NRA helped burn those folks and they were replaced with antis.

There are better groups. Without the stigma.
It has in California the other day I needed three boxes of shotgun shells. It took two hours at Sportsman Warehouse to get them. For Pheasant hunting WTF

On a tangent
Honest question.

Why do you stay in California? Taxes, anti your lifestyle, and everything being carcinogenic?.
I agree with the money being spent unwisely and it makes no sense at all why they stay in New York.
But sadly that is the way the world operates we pay all of these heads of non profit organizations too much and waste more money on unless expenses
"you give an inch they will demand a mile"
All need to do is look at the Republican congress to know that statement is true.
The NRA does not represent the pepole they represent the GUN.
The way the NRS wins is they make the fight about the legislation that is being pushed and the gun control advocates make the fight about the NRA instead of pushing the legislation

You name a better gun advocate group. There is a reason the anti gunners hate the NRA so bad. Because they WIN.
That would probably leave me out I’d be 99. I might still be alive and own my hunting rifle but wouldn’t know who I am where I am and what’s a hunting rifle!
I'm not far behind you and my financial plan only works to age 87, so I'll be selling my guns to buy Depends by then! :LOL:
It's not just that they will take our guns. It's also the distain they have for us that adds up over time. San Francisco voted to declare NRA members as domestic terrorists.

Anti gun people are patient and persistent. I see no reason to encourage them by electing people who give them hope.
A lot of banter on this topic!

Too much to read!

I just wanna know when all you gun owners are gonna calm down with the “HOARDING HOBBY” and give me a chance to experience some normalcy like back in the day....15-20 years ago...

When reloading supplies were in abundance!

When a brick of 500 rnds of 22 shells were $5.99!

And you could buy them on the way to the bunny blasting hole!

When I didn’t have to put on bullet proof armor to meet someone in a Maverick parking lot just to buy 2 lbs of Retumbo for a hunting rifle!

like Vanilla stated!

Gun owners are the problem!

Quit stock piling rounds in the basement because you can!

Do you really need 48,000 rounds of ammo in the basement?!!!

I just wanna be able to go to the store and pick up a box of shells when I need some....which is very seldom and I still can’t find anything!

Thought it might be cool to buy a handgun!

Thanks for making that impossible!

On a lighter note.....the toilet paper isle is still looking pretty scarce! All you ammo and gun hoarders need to tell your wives to save some of them chit tickets for the starving people in Africa!

You know who you are!

Get some friends....whatever it takes to change your current mentally deranged mindset!

I feel better now...I think!
bloodtracker you forgot to mention when as a senior in high school you drove your truck to school with your shotgun or rifle in plain sight in the rear window rifle rack. Then after school you went hunting with that shotgun or rifle and the school admin did not call in the SWATT team upon seeing the gun in the rack.
Darn! I forgot, that was the early 60's and there was no SWATT teams on the local law enforcement agency.
I'll have ammo to hunt and plink with for a long while. I bought a bunch of it when it was abundant and reasonably priced after it was wiped off the shelves the first time. I've still got 10 rolls of chit tickets I purchased a couple months ahead of the first run on it. Bought a case of it when things calmed back down, in case it got wiped out again, doubt I'll need to buy any till a year from easter or so. I'm not one of the ones driving the current shortages, but I won't be going without. Gonna take a few boxes of 270 to my neighbors kid later today. I'm prepared, not "hoarding", there's a difference.

P.S. With all the talk of taxing ammo, limiting purchase amounts, and requiring ID to purchase, you can bet your ass I'll be buying a bunch more when things settle back down. You'd be wise to do the same.
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