Senate Bill 32 SB NM


Active Member
New Mexico SB 32 outlawing trapping in NM is currently being litigating at the NM State Legislature. Contact your respective representatives and make your voice(s) heard!
New Mexico SB 32 outlawing trapping in NM is currently being litigating at the NM State Legislature. Contact your respective representatives and make your voice(s) heard!
Ouch! Don't let that happen!!! It's one step to continually chip away at your hunting/outdoor rights. I live in Kali, pray for me, we're way deep into already losing various game and methods of take.
Amen, love my native state ..Hate ( dislike greatly) the Liberal politicians in Santa Fe. I've always felt that our state/ nation truly had a solid base in freedom loving / capitalist believing folks out there that would stand up and vote to stop this onslaught of progressive/ Socialist leaning fellow Americans. I sadly thinking we might have lost and the indoctrination of our public education system got the best of us and WE LOST. Pray in Wrong.
I really love this state, but man New Mexicans need to wake up. New Mexican's love their hunting, love their right to firearms, are anti abortion, love their land, and yet still keep voting D's in because there parents did and their parents before them did and their parents did. Time to wake up New Mexico these are not the same D's that your parents were voting for, just look at some of the laws going through currently.

I am a teacher and a coach and it makes me sick to see what has happened to our kids this year. We have lost so much. Most the times I am not one to talk about politics but I guess today I am. We haven't been allowed to do anything for close to a year, then all the sudden when the new President says we need to get back in school. Whamm we are back in school, don't get me wrong I am glad we are back in school, but I thought we should have been in school all along. Squeeze 9 months of school and sports into 3 months. Come on.

Game and fish made a lot of changes to trapping already and they are not even willing to see if those make a difference. Very frustrating. Good to see the Wildlife Federation fighting is so hard this year. NMCOG is fighting it hard, but they have year after year.
Big city population trump rural numbers every time. Gotta get some of those big city folks to wake the eff up. Look at Colorado, California, Idaho, etc. Big cities, mostly ran by folks not like me (see how I'm keeping politics outta this Founder?? ;) ) vote for sh*t that f's with me.
Tabled meaning it was not heard last week and is scheduled to be heard today.
Thanks, we had an anti-bear hunting bill pulled yesterday after writing, calling, and signing an online petition. The author felt it! Good luck toklat!
I don't understand how the Game and Fish is not in the meeting to answer some of their questions. How? I also thought Wildlife Federation was opposing this?
Even for those of us who don’t trap now, or likely ever will, educate yourself in all things trapping. Take the course required by NMDGF, befriend a trapper, learn the different traps, understand the arguments, etc..., so we can be properly equipped with the knowledge to speak intelligently about this issue. Kicking and screaming won’t get it done. We need to pair passion WITH knowledge, and in great numbers! Don’t count on the small group of trappers to defend this because there aren’t enough of them. If you don’t think this affects you, you’re wrong.
Teryn, exactly. I don’t trap but see where this could lead and totally agree with your premise! Too many adverse ramifications to let this ban go through. Post information on this when I hear more!
Update SB 32: The Senate Conservation Committee passed SB 32 yesterday by a vote of 7-2!
Apparently audience participants allowed during the hearing were limited and those that were, the majority were against trapping!
The Bill now goes on to the Senate Judiciary Committee!
I tried to get into tapping about three years ago. Joined the trapper org here in New Mexico. Received the national trapper magazine/paper and everything.
I had no idea how to trap. I tried to get some help from the org on where to start. Crickets. Tried contacting someone in Socorro. If I remember correctly, the President of the org. Never got a reply.
I said eff it and gave up. I'll just shoot the furbearers instead.
Kind of figured that they really didn't want anything but my money. Seems they didn't really want extra competition even if the competition didn't know anything. They damn sure didn't want to teach a greenhorn.
It's a shame to see trapping go. Actually, it effin sucks big time if it does.
I don't understand how the Game and Fish is not in the meeting to answer some of their questions. How? I also thought Wildlife Federation was opposing this?
NMDGF is a state organization and the employees have to represent the department in these meetings. Since they are a state organization, they must either go with what the governor supports or not say anything. Since MLG has not made any statement involving this bill, they are not allowed to comment any which way. They can only bring facts to the table and present data. They can neither support nor speak against this bill at the moment. Until the governor makes a statement on it.
They will go after trapping every year until they make it illegal. Then it will be lead bullets. Then hunting with dogs. Then predators, then eventually hunting on public lands. That is ultimate goal.
And no better time to move away from NM to live in a free state. I know most have deep root ties to NM, but sometimes new turf on the horizon is what is needed to keep your sanity, even if it means no more oryx hunting...
This was put on the list to be heard today. It was put on the agenda at 4 and you only had until 5 to register to talk on it. It is supposed to be heard this afternoon. Talk about not really wanting to hear what the people have to say. Hopefully this dies today.
It was supposed to be put on 24 hour notice. Goes against all the rules! It has to be defeated.
Apparently SB 32 was reviewed by the Senate this week-end. Word is it received a “Do Pass” and was going to be kicked back to the House to another sub-committee. Not looking good.
SB 32 is actually scheduled to be heard on the Senate floor today. It has not passed the senate yet. I am sure it will pass and then it will be headed to the house. It is looking like the only hope is that it runs out of time.
Yes, Senate “Do Pass” with recommendations. Capital outreach Representative had previously incorrectly stated it was at the House.
SB 32 – Trapping Ban
CALL TO ACTION - On Friday SB 32, the bill that would ban recreational trapping on all NM public lands, showed up on the Senate Judiciary committee after lying dormant for over 4 weeks (a situation we did not complain about at all). After a debate late Friday evening, SB 32 passed the committee and is now scheduled to be heard by the full Senate sometime this week. And as soon as TODAY!


Click HERE to find your Senator. Do not forget to tell them that you are their constituent! Please note: the NM Game Commission already amended the trapping rule, at the request of the legislature in 2019. The Trapping Rule was amended to resolve public concerns regarding perceived conflict between trappers and hikers in heavily utilized recreational areas. Changes included:

  • A complete ban of trapping in high traffic urban recreation areas such as the Sandias, Organs, Santa Fe and Taos Ski Basins
  • Implementing a mandatory trapper education course for every furbearer license
  • Increasing a setback distance to ½ mile from trailheads and campgrounds
  • Requiring extensive trap system modifications to help prevent injury such as swivel points, break-away devices, anchor systems, lamination, padding, and size restrictions.

These changes were made after an extensive public input process and would be completely nullified by this bill. This bill is overreaching and unnecessary.

SB 419 – Narrow Landowner Animal Takings
Finally, last Wednesday, SB 312 was magically reincarnated as SB 419 under the guise of “public peace, health, safety & welfare”. This new version of the bill is a straight Jennings Law repeal. Like wildfire the bill was scheduled and heard in committee on Saturday morning. Senator Steinborn (the bill sponsor) is trying desperately to convince everyone that this bill has nothing to do with EPLUS and is all about preventing mass killings of wildlife (which rarely happens under the Jennings Law to begin with). Despite Steinborn’s repeated attempts to disassociate EPLUS and the Jennings Law, we found it a bit suspicious that his “expert” in Saturday’s committee hearing was none other that the NM Wildlife Federation’s John Crenshaw. A well-known hater of the EPLUS program. In fact, when asked by Senator Soules whether this bill would impact EPLUS Mr. Crenshaw just could not help him and responded, “well EPLUS is up for review, that’s certainly no secret”.

Remember the EPLUS program is in RULE. If the Jennings Law is repealed the State Game Commission can make sweeping changes to the EPLUS program without going back to the legislature. Saying this bill is all about wildlife is nothing more than a red herring. Tell your legislators not to be fooled by this attempt to mislead and distract them from the true agenda of SB 419. The bill is now waiting to be heard in the Senate Finance Committee. We will send out another Call-to-Action email for this bill when a hearing date is scheduled. You are welcome and encouraged to reach out to your Senator at any time regarding any legislation that concerns you.
SB 32 passed the Senate Floor last night about 10. It is now headed to the house. Very frustrating to listen to. Hopefully somehow it dies in the house.
My Senate "representative" clearly ignored my request.

Part of the inherent problem is those whom this does not affect do not bother making their voices heard. I don't trap, at least I haven't since my high school days, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize its benefits for income and wildlife management purposes.

It's a matter of taking that ability away, and the end result will be death by a thousand cuts.

Union employees go on strike occasionally to make a point, wonder what would happen if we all went on strike to get their attention? Understood that not everyone can "afford" to do that, but the thought of hitting them where it hurts the most is enticing; tax revenues and services...

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