Serious question....semi serious.


Long Time Member
I can be accused of picking on everyone for whatever reason. Religion, race, political status, bowhunting.....whatever.

If I have actually offended anyone, I am sorry.

That said.

Is there currently a Mormon recruitment drive in effect?
Are Mormons and Witnesses' sharing information on where us "heathens" live?

WE have had at least 6 visits in the last 2 weeks and I just wondered.

Some might have been encyclopedia salesmen, but they didn't have a big enough briefcase.

When I answer the door naked, my wife is afraid someone will have a heart attack and drop dead on our front porch.

Is there an 800 number?
A symbol I can paint over my door?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LMAO, you can always tell when a post is going to be good if it starts with a disclaimer.

Nickman, your just lucky I guess. I have only had one knock on my door . . . . . Ever, they were J W

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Just continue doing what you have been doing, maybe they will get the message and notify all to stay away from your place of worship....home.

An evening in the nickman houshold

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Answer the door naked??? GREAT IDEA!!!! I have only answered the phone naked...No wonder they keep calling....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!

Give me your address. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. (snicker)

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 03:23PM (MST)[p]nicker
I have one of these hanging on my front door. Let me know if you need one, I just made 5,000 of them for the busy season. If you answer the door in the buff I supposed you could always hang it on something else.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]Well Nickman - there is ALWAYS a recruitment drive in effect! We Mormons can only draw baptismal water once a month and if we don't use it efficiently enough we get our allowance reduced every month and if it comes down to where we only have enough to sprinkle then our converts become Catholics instead of Mormons so it kind of defeats the purpose! LOL

Seriously though, I don't know why the missionaries have stopped by your particular house so often, but I can promise you this - if you let them in and listen with sincerity you won't consider it a waste of your time.

Don't know if the missionaries will be able to say the same thing when they leave but the Lord himself said He will be the one who knocks and we have to let him in! Maybe the big Guy is trying to tell you something!

Trutfully though, they are just hard working kids trying to make a difference in the world one individual at a time. Be polite and sincere when you tell them no and they won't come back unless you ask them to.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I have no problems with other faiths reaching out, I however
tell them politely and quickly that I'm not interested and they
are very good about leaving their literature and moving on.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-11 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]I pretty much am in "tune" with the process of spreading the word and I am never rude or abusive....well, not to them anyway......My wife says that showing my "junk" is abusive to humanity in general!

My issue is with the door to door thing. I don't get it.

Seems to me that it would be more prudent for EVERYONE to respect the privacy established by my front door/yard. That is the thing that initially puts me off when ANYONE comes here with an agenda.

The second thing is, why is it that MY decision, to pray to Wakan Tanka, Krom, or Zues, is any less valid than yours?

Just as an aside....the flyer left on the door today was a "" thingy.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I have an elderly couple come (to my door) about once a month. The mans name is Ben and I don't recall the womans name. Anyway, they are a very nice couple and I will listen to what they have to say. I just can't turn them away now. I guess I'll simply have to move or keep listening until they croak. Either way, I still enjoy them for the time being. If they were 30 years younger, I'd tell them I'm not interested.

Feleno- Did you seriously call him a nicker? Unbelievable!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police

True story. I had a uncle that just got tired of being bothered by JW every two weeks. He was very polite to them at first and told them that he did not believe in their religion and asked them not to come back.

They would not listen and came by every two weeks or so until this happen. Two women JW stopped and rang his doorbell, same two he had told before he was not interested in their religion. This time he told them this. Ladies I decided that I will take your Watchtower magazine. I have ran out of toilet paper and I need it to wipe my butt with.

They never bothered him again.

It's funny how religion is such a hot topic. I believe it doesn't really matter who or what you believe in that makes you a good or better person than someone else. As a former mormon missionary myself, I talked to tons of people, Greeks, Turks, Persians, Lebanese, Albanians, Russians, Phillippinos, etc.....they all had differing beliefs, for the most part they were all really good people. I believe that almost everyone at some point will ask some questions about their life, like what's the purpose? why am I here? what happens when we die? whatever, some religions try to explain it, some don't have answers at all. Missionaries just try to find the people wanting to have questions answered that may not know where to look or who to ask. Door to door is about the only way to make sure that everybody gets a chance. Some missionaries have a positive influence in their area, some don't. Not all missionaries are created equal. I had a great time, I served in Greece and Cyprus, I know that it doesn't make sense to most people, and I can't explain why it was such a life setting experience, but its been 15 years since I was a missionary, and there isn't a day go by that I don't remember something from it. And it has made me who I am today.
Well Nickman - it is always your choice to listen or not. Nobody is trying to impose their beliefs on you unwillingly - at least not from the LDS Church. In fact - that is the heart of our message, to teach about Christ and our Church - you are invited to partake but you can ultimately accept or reject. There are plenty of individuals who are sincerely searching for higher truths and those are the individuals we seek as smitty pointed out.

Oh and by the way - if they left a copy of the "Watchtower" they were Jehovah's Witnesses - not LDS Missionaries.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Offer a cold glass of water and shoot the breeze with them. Who knows, one of their dads might have some private land to hunt on?
Hey Nickman!

It took me a while to get your address!

No,I don't need your address!


For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I've been thinking of adding a wife to pick up the slack, so next time I may invite them in.

Well, you said semi serious.:)

Roy is a very wise man, IMO

My beliefs are different than LDS church missionaries but they are God's children too so I invite them in and share my beliefs. I feel that if they want to evangelize me I should be able to do the same to them. Some are gracious and some are not. And so it goes....
If they would drop off a couple of those hot young blondes they keep locked up at home I would listen to their bs for a while,but the ones that show up here are always fag lookin retards on bikes that remind me of Napolean Dynomite.
So.......a guy is sittin around the house with nothing to do and there is a knock on the door.

He answers and sees that it is a Jehovah's Witness.

Nothing is going on anyway and he is bored so he invites the guy in.

He offers him a seat in the den.

He asks the guy if he would like a soda and he says "that would be great".

He offers him some cookies and the guy says" sure, that would be nice".

They get all settled in with comfy seats and refreshments and the homeowner says, "OK then, what do we talk about?"

The JW says, "How the Hell do I know, I never got this far!"

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I can't stand organized religion of any whole life all I've seen is people preach and then act opposite...not all but there's a bunch of damn hypocrites out there for sure!!

Maybe Founder will start up a religious forum, nickman you could be a Mod!! :)[/IMG] ~Z~
I agree ~Z~!

Got my Azz in a Jam here a few years ago on MM!

Mentioned someting about a bunch of them being real good for a 1/2 day on Sunday and then watch the Hell out them other 6-1/2 days!

Don't matter to me what you are,you can be whatever you wanna be,I won't Judge you be Religion & don't care what Religion you are!

I do draw the line when I see Rag Heads living in this Country pushing their BS!

Go back home,We don't want your BS & We don't need your BS,anybody knows there's not unlimited Virgins waiting in Hell!

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Its all a matter of respect, I don't care what anyone else believes. That's their business, so I expect the same from them.

All that matters is how your treat other people. How do you act when nobodys looking? Character is a rare thing these days.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I put in a flagpole for my neighbor. Being a retired, disabled vet, he hangs his flag out every morning. When the JW's ring my bell, I tell them I will trade them something. I will take their Watchtower if they turn around and salute my neighbors flag. They just walk away.

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