SF 49ers

Now come on, new england with the unstoppable tom brady is the best team in the NFL now. New England is going to be the team to beat in the super bowl. Got tom!!!!!!
He's the greatest ever, wins every game only the records would argue with that. 13-3 this season, 1 and 3 in his last 4 post season games.
Goatroper; Dumb A$$! LMAO!!

All roads go thru SF baby!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
and you talked a good story! but failed right!
all I have to do is go back and read that thread and think of all that BS you spewed about hunter access and mister(I must be dreaming!!) big.
Go Giants..
Anyway back to football it will be a very physical game because these 2 teams are old school football. I'm looking forward to it and which ever of the 2 wins I'll be rooting for that team in the Super Bowl.
>MUCH ABOUT IT!!! What tag
>did you get last year?
>and you talked a good story!
>but failed right!
>all I have to do is
>go back and read that
>thread and think of all
>that BS you spewed about
>hunter access and mister(I must
>be dreaming!!) big.
>Go Giants..

Those Giants are gonna be off topic after next weeks game, just like your post was irrelevant to this thread!

Back to football

LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-12 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]Goatroper, did i brag that i was the greatest hunter, know it all, and did i go on other hunters threads and brag that i knew better than them, that i was gonna kill a bigger buck? If you care to compare my last season's buck hunt with your outrageous actions on this thread, pretty low way of grasping at straws IMO, please do so, i find it so completely desperate to the point of even being funny! Ha Ha! LMFAO!!!

I had a great hunt. You can't ever take that away...loser!!

You had a Very Bad run of shooting your mouth offhere and then being found completely WRONG!! You deserved that, in spades!!

You are the ultimate loser dude. So funny!! Glad you got yours in the end, i also hope you bet the farm and lost your a$$!!! LMAO!!

All roads go thru SF!! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I lost nothing but my pride!!
made money on the games...
9er's killed the troll!!
It's not over yet, SO WE WILL SEE!!
The Niners will win on Sunday. Larrbo is on vacation and my teams do well when I'm not around. The Giants won the world series while I sat in a hotel roon in Singapore watching the game. Go niners.
Ok Goatroper, So you admit you were wrong, OK! Hope you learned something with this thread. I root for my teams but nobody knows for sure how the games are going to turn out, not even someone with such superior sports knowledge as yourself. lol

Larrbo, i know that you are getting in plenty of Golfing over there in Hawaii but you got to go get one of them marlins!! :)

It's Supposed to start snowing here in a day or two and get bad, severe, they say. I'll be thinking of you! :-(

All Roads go thru SF!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'm in Hawaii right now. Fishing has been hit or miss. The other boats are hitting and mine is doing the missing.
Kilo, I hope it's the Ravens too, not that it matters. Our Sunday afternoon to Thurday afternoon with travel game needs to be revenged.

Plus, why not keep it in the family????

Sage, Personally I enjoyed the posts of your tag and hunt last year. I've had primo tags and filled them with taxidermy bill animals and I've also eaten a few. When others say, "You didn't kill ANYTHING on that hunt?" I know they've not trophy hunted units they weren't familiar with before.

Go 9ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will someone please throw a tarp on the field @ Candlestick! I checked the weather forecast & it's going to rain the next 4 days. The conditions were awesome last week, but I don't know who it would favor to play in a mud bowl on Sunday.

Might have to watch a sloppy game.
I will watch the games from a duck blind!!seasons running out..
mud bowl won't help anyone and favors Giants(running game, Gore either has a break out game or sucks) and defence!
just want it good!! but last game was off the hook!(no matter who you rooted for!!).
I hope Walker plays......and is effective.

Don't want to see a sloppy game but it is what it is.

Harbaugh has had them prepared for every game leading up to this one so I'm not worried about that. And all the pundits talk about is the Giants. I'm sure they be motivated. The "US" against the world mentality.

I'm nervous though. More nervous than when the Aints scored with less than 2 minutes to go. I was pretty confident at that point that we could at least get within Akers range and go to OT. I need to get over this feeling.
I hear what you are saying and agree. To come away with a win will be even sweeter after all the pregame hype.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-12 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]15 hours til game time!!! Going in early in the morning so i can get home and fix wings, meat balls, etc. The 9ers game have been a mini Super Bowl party at mY house all season.

And I'm feeling confident. I watched the replay of our 27-20 win back in November, today. Our pass rush was lacking until the end. We need to figure out how to get amped up earlier.

And we didn't run worth a crap that game. Gore was coming off of his 5 straight games with 125+ yards and a TD. He as banged up.

I'm going to leave the play calling to Hargaugh and the OC BUT I'm thinking we come out passing. When the Giants pin their ears back in the pass rush, we GORE them to death!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO 9ERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goathumper, I hope you get em tomorrow. Unless the weather was outrageous, I never did as good on Sunday as Saturday but if you're a hater.........the duck blind is a good place for you.

Better than watching the 9ers on their way to the Super Har Bowl.

GO 9ERS!!!!!!!!!
It's GAME TIME BOYS!! Strap em up and HIT SOMEBODY!!! :)

Go Niners!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
If they don't start putting some pressure on Eli the second half isn't going to be good for the Niners.


It would be easy to point my finger at several reasons that we lost. Other than just not playing our best game, they didn't either, there were some bad calls and fluke mishaps that really turned the outcome of this game the Giants way.

However, that is all part of the game. We lost, Congrats to the Giants and Congrats to the SF 49'ers for a great season!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
That suuucked! Slayer, we found the goat! Williams lost the game for them twice. This could be a career ending game for him.
Heck of a season!


d.bud, you were the first hater that posted on here, and the last!!

I admire your staying power.


I've got the week of, damn, I wouldn't want to be a chukar on the Kali/Nv border. They are gonna pay for Kyle William's mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in the mood to kill something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dsbudman, You don't get it dude! The 9'ers didn't lose, among adversity they won a ton of tuff games and had a awesome year. They proved themselves winners!!!

For you to come here and gar mouth them for their great efforts and accomplishments this year only to not quite advance to the Super Bowl game, IMO, places YOU square in the losers bracket!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Nah................it ain't worth it.

I will say, however, that I was WAY impressed with how well the turf held up with all the soggy conditions.

"Fathom the hypocracy of a Government that requires every citizen to prove that they are insured.....but not everyone must prove that they are a citizen"
I'll be trying to put the hurt to the birds too. I'm burning Monday, Thurs and Fri so I could squeeze in a few more hunts before our season ends too. Can't even make myself hate the Giants after the way the game was given to them.
Hope next season is as exciting as this one was! Although I am always hopeful, I would have never bet on the 9rs getting as far as they did. They are winners in my book!


good, bad, right or wrong!! their always next year!!
over all a very entertaning playoffs..the refs let'em play ball!
not sure about what sage is saying about bad calls..hope super bowl is as good too watch as the playoffs!
Goatbrain said, "not sure about what sage is saying about bad calls.."

Sure, you didn't watch the game? Mainly, from one of many reporting,...

"The most haunting memory of this by many will be the officials' decision to wave off Bradshaw's apparent fumble late in the fourth quarter. They argued that his forward progress had stopped, negating the artful strip by the 49ers."

Was the only forward progress call stoppage of the game. The guy was stopped, stood up, and stripped of the ball in one brief motion, long before being "down". 49er had the ball and a clear path to a touchdown! Game changing, IMO, early whistle and bad call but by "rules", not "allowable" to be reviewed!!

As i refereed to above, Bad calls are part of the Game too. Congrats again to the 49ers for a great season!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
As I watched the game yesterday cheering for the Niners, I remembered some fond memories from a few years ago and had the thought........49er's Football-----TORTURE
Mr Sage Hen
face it the fairy tale is over!
that was a clean call on forward motion was stopped cold!!
9er's got the strip calls for them way to many times this year!!
I thought you were talking about the ball to the knee call!
The game is forever changed with the horse collar and fast whistles and reviews and its not for the better, however the refs did a outstanding jobs in all playoff games and let the guys play!!
No buddy is ever happy when there team chokes and lose and I am not above anyone and this year I was a fool to pick niners to lose bad and was disappointed in Pack because they blow it too but they were beaten by them selfs! (and the Giants beat them and are now in the superbowl! I am ok with that now!).
Lets not blame the refs..they let'em play smash mouth football and the end result is Niners lost by choking and turn overs at a critical time in the game!!
I have a new respect for ELI and he did a great job and looks very mature and will now will not be Peyton's little bro..
remember 2007? out come will be the same I hope! I did watch the game and heard yells of happy niners fans from the neb and the deathly quiet and the sounds of gunshots after the game and now the niners down a few fans! so now its superbowl and apps time along with spring training...moving on now!!
good luck!!
Goat, please respond next time with better than 2nd grade composition and spelling, i can hardly make out what you were/are trying to say in your rambling.

Move on? i have moved on. Read my post up above, I congratulated both teams, i'm still happy for my team, It's all part of the Game. That is 3 times i have said this, got it? It's all part of the game and by the way, your opinion means absolutely nothing to me!!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I've allway's liked these playoff games more than the superbowl,49rs lost so what they played great football.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-12 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]Williams is getting death treats...LMAO!!
too funny!!


sage my 2nd grade education makes me about 110k a year just dicking off!!
Stupid people can make some money too. Do they know about your Drug problems??


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Missed opportunities and fate. 2xs we were in position for interceptions. Both times 2 of our players competed for the ball and neither got it. In each instance either one could have caught it. Can't fault either for going for it. (Hope Brown heals quickly)

Real Champions, with a killer instint, would have scored when they got the ball in overtime. We forced the Giants to punt 2Xs in overtime BUT we punted once. That was the game. Get the ball in overtime, you need to score. Who woulda have thunk their second punt would win the game for them??

William's first "fumble" was a bone head move. He'd waved everyone else off but didn't get out of the way himself. That play actually cost us the game in regulation. The fumble in overtime was just a fumble, in wet conditions. Personally no hard feeling on the second one. Smith did miss Williams running wide open down the middle of the field earlier so he could have been a hero instead of a bum.

As far as the 9ers being a "fluke." I think not. A talented team with no direction got a h3ll of a coach that got them to play together. I see no reason they can't continue to play at a high level. I'm thinking they'll be even hungrier next year. With spring ball and a full trininging camp, I can't wait to see what Hargaugh can do with this group.

Next year's needs??

#1) depth on the O line. No more Racheal whatever coming in when a member of the O line goes down. Release that fool!! And write if off as a treeible #1 draft choice.

#2) Take a page out of the Raider's manual and draft a true, pure speed receiver. Stretch the field and the run game will get even better.

#3) Depth in the secondary. I'm very happy with Whittner, Rogers, Brown and Goldson. When we had issues was with 3-4 wide reciever formations and Culliver was in the game. The Giants picked on him both in their Nov meeting and again Sunday.

With the maturation of Aldon Smith, we'll have a stud pass rusher for years to come. Nothing helps out the secondary more than a good pass rush.

Until next year..........GO 9ERS!!!!!!!!!
Goat, you're nothing but a bandwagon jerk off! Niners outlasted every team you pull for and let me guess now you've been a Giants fan all along right? Niners had a hell of a year after winning 6 games last season! If someone would have said they would lose in overtime by three points in the NFC Championship game in 2012, people would have gladly accepted that after last season! Harbaugh got these guys to play as a team and they'll be back next season ready to play. I hope they feed off that loss and come out with 2 more victories at the end of 2013! Now it's time to gear up for MLB 2012. AT&T Park here I come!

Some times I practice shoot and release! :)
Yaaa I'll give u that.Just like when Gibson hit that HR against Oakland in 88,he came out jumping ahole inch and half of the ground.cowboy57
Guys, can't we at least wait until Spring Training begins before we talk trash about the Dodgers??

Although I probably do it in my sleep, I don't want us to run outta gas before October.

After listening to Rogers talk, he's lessening his value as a free agent by saying he wants come back for another season with the 9ers. Harbaugh must have really got those guys thinking right.

Go 9ers!!!!!!!!!

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