SF Giant's 2015


Very Active Member
It's an odd numbered year, so should our expectations be muted? Heck NO! Here's a few things I am looking at as the season starts in a few weeks.

1. My buddy Sage was right....we had a wolf in panda clothes playing 3rd base, now we can move on.

2. Get well Hunter Pence.

3. McGhee and Aoki are good adds.

4. Thank you Timmy's dad.

5. Is the Horse back?

6. Can Belt stay healthy and hit 25 HR's?

7. Are the Padre's the best team in Southern Cal?

Go Giant's
1. Pablo dissed the Giants players, their org, and the fans big time. I had best wishes for him going forward with the Sox and i think he'll do well there but he wet the bed for a lot of Giants fans. He doesn't know what the truth is.

2. Hunter = Full Throttle. We need you buddy!! As Hunter goes, the Giants will follow!

3. I agree, good pickups!

4.Timmy Jim? Potentially one the best starting rotations the Giants have ever had. Some huge names there. Now we'll see if they Pitch as well as it is to remember all their names...

5.Same thing. I look to Cain to have a good year. Run support will be key for him and the rest.

6. Belt? He's due to have a good year. A Full season. Easy a 25 and 85 guy if he stays healthy.

7. Padres, Scary team. They were always very tough on us WITHOUT a offense...

Once again, the Giant's find themselves as a huge underdog to do well this year. I think that they can do it again. Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
"Look at my rocks and twins!"

Those aren't underdogs, those are lost causes. ;-)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It's shaping up to be a tougher Division than last year, for sure.

Reigning World Champs. I'm going to ride that horse all season! Love my Giants!


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
>"Look at my rocks and twins!"
>Those aren't underdogs, those are lost
>causes. ;-)
>"It's all about knowing what your
>firearms practical limitations are and
>combining that with your own
>personal limitations!"

I wish I could argue yer point sage...but I cant.:D Good luck this year fellas. And no matter how tough it might get this season, just look in the cellar at my rocks and me, it could b worse!
Nobody mntioned Pagan.


Hope that guy stays healthy all season and the pitching is steady and we'll there through September.
A huge bonus if Pagan can stay off the DL. He goes 100 mph so I have my doubts. lol


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Yeah, I really like what Pagan adds to the Giants as a Team but unfortunately, he hasn't proven himself to be able to stay on the field. I hope his injury's are a thing of the past and he certainly is a key player but i'm not willing to say that as he goes, the Giants go.

Case in point, last year, Pagon went down and missed a lot of time, the rest of the Giants went on without him to a World Championship!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I know. I know, water under the bridge......but still!

Pablo Sandoval on Aubrey Huff's criticism: 'Who's Aubrey Huff?'


Who is Aubrey Huff, asks Pablo?

Pablo, he was that guy who helped the Giants win the WS in 2010 while Bochy made you sit on the bench because you sucked at the plate.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
My 2 cents

1. My buddy Sage was right....we had a wolf in panda clothes playing 3rd base, now we can move on.

Good riddance

2. Get well Hunter Pence.

He will be back before we know undoing what he does now it's up to Bochy to not overthink his replacement.

3. McGhee and Aoki are good adds.

I think McGhee is as good as we were going to get. I'm underwhelmed by Aoki basically a copy of blanco with less defense. Don't we have a couple guys in aaa in brown and Perez that can fill in? Not a big deal short time not expensive I just year to see what thoseotherguys could do if given an everyday chance. Honestly LF will probably belong to Carbonell within 2 year

4. Thank you Timmy's dad.

We'll see

5. Is the Horse back?

Yes I doubt he will be as good as he is going to be from here on out

6. Can Belt stay healthy and hit 25 HR's?

If he can keep his head on a swivel yes. His luck has to change.

7 Padres on paper they are good but so were the dodgers last year. Yeah they are hittin homers in arizona far cry from petco

Big question who secured the final spots on the opening day 25 man roster?

Kontos and Machi are out of options? 3 catchers?
And biggest question is pagan has been out for the better part of a week already and reports another 3-4 days down after an injection in his back. Not good. They needed him to slide down in the batting order
This Pagan thing is worse than originally thought

They had Aoki back in right yesterday after telling him that was over he could focus on LF. Now they're talking about moving belt out there
Well looks like pagan is ok

kontos or Machi? I'll take Machi.

Susac demoted for now he will be back and make an impact

Maxwell they going to keep him? I dunno I think they should go get Schierholz he knows RF in ATT.

Let Adrianza go Duffy is the man. You need hitters off the bench
If Sanchez performs solidly as Posey's backup this season, don't be surprised at all if they trade him before the deadline. Before he declined in 2013 and got hurt last year, he was the most requested player of the Giants in trade talks. He could bring something they need in the stretch and then Susac slides right back in behind Posey. While I'm disappointed that Susac is going to Sacramento, I'll get to watch him play regularly since I attend Rivercats games. If he stays healthy, he's gonna be a big leaguer for a long time.
Susac is very mature for this stage in his career and needs major league experience, and Sanchez could be one foul tip away from another extended DL stint. I wish we could carry 3 catchers.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Well interesting way of adding maxwell.

Gary brown designated for assignment to clear a spot on the 40 man roster for Justin Maxwell who was very good this spring

Now mind you Machi and Kontos are both out of options so one will be traded or released before the season starts and adriananza is also out of options so he may not be on the 40 if Duffy makes the opening day roster which he should.

Anyway congrats to Maxwell for making the team and good luck to Gary Brown
We've been screwing around with Arreanza for years. Let him go.

DUFFY is a player. Keep him!!!!!

Aoki does not impress me. Blanco is better, Maxwell has more power, Duffy can play LF. But we paid to get him so he'll stick until they release him in June, at a young player's expense.

It better be a pitching year for us because we'll miss Panda and Morse' power.

We've made it happen before with lesser talent than the So. Cal teams, and went all the way.

Belt needs that break out year, Pence back to his 25 hr, 100 rbi's, Posey with similiar numbers and we'll have enough offense IF our pitching holds up.

I'm optimistic yet real. Realistically this isn't our year but anything can and does happen. One other way to look at it is if things aren't going our way there is veteran pitching that has expiring contracts that can be dealt as the season end draws closer. And after this spring I feel much more comfortable about the future.

A couple of good starting pitchers lying in wait

Mac Williamson nearing ready after injury will make an impact in the future

Daniel Carbonell I think is the future LF/ CF with a little polishing

Adrianza a good talent but it wasn't meant to be here need someone off the bench who doesn't strike out more than a defender congrats to Duffy

Belt big year ahead if he can control his own destiny

I still say posey should catch less in the regular season Susac isn't much of a drop off to keep poseys bat in the line up more And Sanchez is serviceable but not a great defender

Go giants
Matt Cain had an MRI today on his right forearm. It looks like he will miss his first start. bummer
264, i gave up dish last 4-5 months but it was either channel 419 or a main network channel, most games.

I broke down and bought a MLB audio package, all home and away games, $20. season. At least i can listen to the games with our broadcsters, gone full circle, similar as i listened to the games with my Grandma on the ranch house porch as a kid.

Zito anybody? it's possible...


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Joe ,I found it channel 143.I also remember in the late fifties and early sixties helping my father, seems like all the broadcaster's had the same voice.
Caught a glimpse of Cain in the dugout and he looked beside him self. Hopefully I'm wrong

Good night for the top of the order

Pen not helping Bum for future low pitch count outings
You can't go 162-0 if you don't win the first one. 5-4 Giants last night.:)


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-15 AT 06:48AM (MST)[p]If you look at my post to start this thread, the answer to number 5 & 6 is no. The locker room is starting to look like a MASH unit. Go Giant's

Eel...you are going to have to settle for 161-1
LAST EDITED ON Apr-18-15 AT 12:59PM (MST)[p]Local radio guys here in colorado are braggin up yer giants opening day ceremonies. Bringin in the 3 recent trophies, madison delivering the flag a horseback, said it was 1st class.
I think we might of hit the bottom in last nights game, the performance was lackluster at best. Now its time for the rebound and start playing Giant's baseball. I'm heading out the series in Denver Friday and would like to see some good baseball. Go Giant's.
They recently installed metal detectors Larrbo, and it's taken longer to get into the stadium. Some missed part of the home opener b4 they finally shut em off and let people stream in. Just FYI.
Wow talk about disfunctional

Dude Mcgehee you are hurt sit down you are making a bad situation worse. Not sure how you get a bone bruise while batting but Duvall is killing it in sacramento baritone nearly 500 and was 5-6 hitting for the cycle yesterday.

Please Boch don't let posey catch more than 2 games per rotation use your other catchers Susac is up and is legit. he also makes your lineup more complete and the batting order has had holes that allowed the other team to pitch around.

Finally a day off so time to turn things around.

BTW I'm thinking of trying to get to the A's Royals series when it comes to oakland that looks a littl chippy.
Swept the Dodgers. Life is good!


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Ease up Hell! lol

In Fact, Larrbo sent me a message this 3:am that he and the Wife were out the door headed Colorado way to catch the series there.

Now sometimes he brings us luck and other times it's not so good. :)

How about them games with them Dodgers!! I wish we could do that all the time...

Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon their heads...

Go Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-15 AT 12:01PM (MST)[p]Bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down upon their heads...

LOL! Perfect!!!

Larrbo says this pic is from their seats. Nice!!

Go Giants!!

"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
One guy gets up there and is wondering what and where the pitcher is going to throw and if he can hit it.

Another guy gets up there thinking that it doesn't matter where or what, if the Pitcher throws it close, he's going to jump all over it and hit it hard somewhere.

Could be the same guy, Megehee, he's either running hot or he's not.

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I'm back from rainy Denver and watched the game last night from my easy chair. A couple of thoughts on what I see going on with the Giant's:

I realize that the pundits pick the Giant's to finish 2nd or 3rd in the west every year and they are always the underdogs. But, in Denver watching both teams, the Rockie's seemed to have all the swagger...not the world champions Giant's.

The Giant's seem to be having a hard time getting the big hit with RISP, but Roberto Kelly continues to be adverse to sending runners home with 2 outs.

Casey McGhee is having some bad luck hitting. On Saturday he had two hits and two more that were hit hard that could of been hits. He will come out of this and I think be a large part of this team taking off.

When Pence comes back we will have 4 really good outfielders, this will make it easy rotate and keep everyone fresh.

The biggest question for me is the starters. Heston is the only one performing at a high level. They seem to be very fragile.

Last season we have our rough part of the season in June and July, this year it's hopefully only in April.

Go Giant's
We're a month into the season and we can all agree that it's been pretty tough so far with the injuries and poor play. But as of this morning we are .500 and in a playoff spot. Now as the team comes together and we get our players back I'm very hopeful. Go Giant's
Hunter id back! Yeah!! Belt is swinging sweet! Yeah!! Aoki is hitting! Yeah!! Two games above 500! Yeah!!

This thread was needing a boost to the top for a spell!
WE are playing as good as anybody and heaven help the other teams if we make it into the playoffs.

I get frustrated at times but no doubt, i Love these Defending World Champion SF Giants!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Should be a great series against the Dodgers this week. And I know that my old buddy Sage is routing for Duffus to stay hot. Go Giant's
" And I know that my old buddy Sage is routing for Duffus to stay hot."

Impossible Larry! He's hot right now and we been waiting and paying for that, but the headcase with initials BB that i monikered "Doofus", will stub his toe or something and be right back in a funk. He always does...

The kid has certain talent but you know that he's never hit a Grand Slam? There's a reason for that and it not that he's not had a LOT of chances.

I root for all them Giants, they're my Team. Some of them just don't surprise me much when they screw up. :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yep, human and we all make mistakes. These guys are Pros though. Physical mistakes, no control over, gonna happen. Not paying attention in the game and making a mistake because of that, it happens, but not often to the guys that keep their head in the game and know in each situation, what their job is, what the rest of the guys are doing, before each and every swing of the bat.

I like baseball, especially NL baseball, because it's a thinking man's game. There are a few out there that got to the Bigs but must have cheated on the exam to do so! ;-)

Any body else looking forward to this series of games? Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It's a marathon and I see some things shaping up but there is plenty of room for improvement.

FTD :)

How sweet it is!!

Eel, +1, FTD's :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON May-21-15 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]If the Giants go on to win the WS again this year they will still be ranked 4th behind the Nationals, the Dodgers, and what ever AL team they beat. It gets old.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
Yes it gets old, but the Giant's seem to thrive on being the underdog. Go Giant's...sweep the Dodger's.
Fans, no matter how this game turns out, I just got to witness MadBum stand up at the plate against the evil Kershaw and slugger style, smash a home run deep over the left field fence to put the Giants up 1-0. That was somethen and alone, was worth the price of admission!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yer boys just swept the dodgers. These next 4 games against my lost cause rockies oughta seem like a day off.
DW, I hope so but i doubt it. The Rockies always seem to play their better baseball against our Giants. No Gimme games in Coors Field.

Loved sweeping LA! Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I didn't get to watch the game today but I followed it on my cell phone. I went to Sacramento today to welcome my new grandson into the world. It was a great day. They have not given him a name yet, but on the top of the list is Hunter.
Fields gonna be a little damp tonight, blame it on larrbo, it's been rainin since he left!:D True story! Congrats on the new grandson!
I just sold my tickets from the rainout yesterday on Stubhub. The true test of my powers will be if I can make it rain in San Diego in July when we go to that series. Go Giant's.
no gimme's in Colo!

Let's play two.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
More rain in Colorado this weekend than we got all winter in CA.

No lead is safe in Colorado.

Troy Tulowitzki expressed a desire to be traded to SF. It looks like Brandon Crawford is making sure that doesn't happen.:)

McGhee DFA

Congratulations Duffy you earned it.

One more major decision to be made in the next few days with Ishikawa as his rehab is over.
Matt Duffy is our new starting 3rd baseman. Casey McGhee designated for assignment. Go Matt.
LAST EDITED ON May-24-15 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]Larry, i like the move. Bochy gave Megehee more opportunity to hold that job than most managers would, certainly more than i would have. Megehee sure picked a bad time to go into a extended slump. The bright light is that Duffy deserves a shot at the job, he's earned it, and he sure seems to fit in with the rest of this team.

Wouldn't you know it that we'd lose our 8 game winning streak to a couple guys that hardly anybody even heard of before? Beat the big name guys, the best there is, and lose to the new guy rookies. Seems that is the way we roll! lol

I'm not jumping up and down about only getting two outa four in colo... but i'll take it. Those guys are scary!

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
It's irrelevant as the numbers are what they are but McGhee I think somehow hid his injury which plagued his poor start

The day he went down I don't see how he could have bruised a bone doing what he did to aggregate it. And a compilation of other little things like Belts hammy played into it too. If they had just put him on the DL instead of letting him try and play through it it could have been better maybe

It's going to be a fun ride this summer
"It's irrelevant as the numbers are what they are..."

Nothing i said is "irrelevant" there skippy!

You are irrelevant, unwanted, and your comments here will not make for a fun summer in our group!


All I'm saying is the numbers tell the story

But either McGhee hid an injury for what ever reason or was forced to play through an injury. He was diagnosed with a bone bruise you don't bruise a bone Doing anything he did the day he went down. A stint on the disabled list might have saved his season

The team has some great chemistry going right now and there's a lot of tough roster decisions to come.

Who would have thought lincecum and Vogey could produce as much as he has

Can Peavey and or Cain com back and contribute?

Will Crawford maintain this level of play?

When the bullpen goes back to 12 pitchers who falls? Strickland is the only one with options to the minors.
LAST EDITED ON May-25-15 AT 05:11PM (MST)[p]>"It's irrelevant as the numbers are
>what they are..."
>Nothing i said is "irrelevant" there
>You are irrelevant, unwanted, and your
>comments here will not make
>for a fun summer in
>our group!

Just so you know I didn't mean your statement was irrelevant I was saying that him having to play through the injury was

I'm glad he is gone even if he can around he wasn't that great of a defender and he is too dang slow he would still hit into double plays or be a liability on the bases

I disagree.

I think Bochy gave the Vet an extended chance.....like he always does.

Remember in 2010 we were all shouting for them to bring Posey to the bigs and they let him languish in the minors until mid-June?

With Duffy on the bench, there was no reason to play an injuried McGehee.

Duffy is a huge improvement all around. Speed on the bases, youth/our future, better power than McGehee who hit 4 bombs in Miami last year in a small park, and a shortstop who will have to transition to 3B so the defense will improve.

I wanted this coming out of spring training.

GO GIANTS!!!!!!!
Yes the vet preference was a huge factor as well bottom line he lost his job to someone who is younger and faster and was out performing him

Front office has to wear this one as the felt like they had to make a splash to recover from losing Sandoval fortunately it's early enough they are really only out the money.
This was a good move for the Giant's to designate Casey. The Giant's have 10 to trade him or another team to pick up his contract. Neither of those will take place. So Casey most likely will head over to Sacramento to play for the River Cats. At that point he will have a chance to heal up and get his stroke back. Remember he had the 4th most hits in the National League last season. Anyway he could be an ace in the hole if injuries hit the Giant's later in the season.
I don't know if anybody else saw it but....the fans were booing McGhee pretty good at the plate for a while. He hit that grand slam and when he got back to the dugout (where nobody could see him) he flipped off the crowd. The camera cut away quick.

I just don't think he was a very good fit for the Giants on or off the field. I think he was glad to get out of there. Time to move on.

Travis Ishikawa was designated for assignment by the Giant's today also. He's a really good guy and Giant...I wish him the best.
>I don't know if anybody else
>saw it but....the fans were
>booing McGhee pretty good at
>the plate for a while.
>He hit that grand slam
>and when he got back
>to the dugout (where nobody
>could see him) he flipped
>off the crowd. The camera
>cut away quick.
>I just don't think he was
>a very good fit for
>the Giants on or off
>the field. I think he
>was glad to get out
>of there. Time to move

That goes to show the pressure had him if it's true that's too bad.

Chances of someone picking up his contract are slim he is owed a lot of money.

Too bad Ishikawa got DFA he deserved better than that simply for one swing of the bat. Buying reality the big picture there's no room for him on this roster.

It's crazy how many role players there were on the World Series roster that can't sniff the 25 man this year. Sanchez Perez Ishikawa And look at a guy like kontos who didn't make That roster is killing it this year.

I joked earlier this year that the river cats would have more World Series rings than most MLB clubs

Yes, Really! You did the same crap last year, we were wrong and you had to correct us. This is not a hunting thread where we are helping others or giving out info. It is a few friends talking baseball, have been doing it a long time, and i for one, resent your attitude and no longer welcome your posts here on these Giants threads. Go somewhere else, butt out, leave us alone to our friendly chat or... you can do them on your own all by yourself.



"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
McGhee accepted assignment to sacramento and starts tonight against none other than Barry Zito of all people. The way I understand it is he retains a spot on the 40 man roster and after ten days can be recalled.

Cain threw some live BP today I hope he gets right but my gut is just not ready to buy into a return. I hope I'm wrong.

And peavy starts in sacramento tomorrow night.
LAST EDITED ON May-27-15 AT 08:39AM (MST)[p]So it appears there's a little more to the McGhee assignment than originally implied. The way I understand it there was a mutual agreement that he would spend 10 days in the minors in order to be re evaluated. After ten days is when it is said that the Giants would be likely to be able to go back to 12 pitchers on the 25 man vs the 13 now. And with how Strickland has looked in his two appearances if I am Kontos or Machi I'm nervous.

If McGhee is recalled he would not have options back to the minors so he would be back to stay unless DFA again.

Last night in sacramento 8 World Series rings on the field at one time 5 players for the river cats (Sanchez has 2) and Zito for Nashville with 2.

And one more minor twist our old friend Uribe was traded to Atlanta yesterday.
>[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-27-15
>AT 08:39?A
>And one more minor twist our
>old friend Uribe was traded
>to Atlanta yesterday.

That old rockie has got some worn out luggage.
Nice 8th tonight boom! Good bounce back by Hesston too.

McGhee is now 2-13 in 3 games. He can't say he isn't getting a chance for at bats he's batting 2nd.
Well now that the Warriors have been crowned NBA Champs, Congrats!!!, it's time, maybe, that we again return our full attentions to the current World Champion SF Giants and their efforts to 1) make the play-offs, and, 2) possibly repeat.

Blanco and Pence being down at the same time hurts. I had thought that Maxwell and his Silver Hammer might have been the answer to our prayers...now, not so much.

Looking forward to getting our full team all back together again.

MadBum certainly did not deserve to lose to King Felix today.

Go Giants!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
On the bright side....Matt Cain pitched a triple A game on Monday and struck out 7 in 3.1 innings.
"MadBum certainly did not deserve to lose to King Felix today."

That's his third loss without any run support this year. Ouch.

I'm on "Giant's time out time" so any updates would be appreciated.

I'm in Idaho; visiting retired friends and possibly looking for my own retirement home.

So sometimes I get a Sports Center flash on the screen but you're guy's insight is better than their's. :)
Thanks Slayer, We will miss you when you move elsewhere but Giants fans are everywhere.

We're close and we ain't played our best ball yet. We got em right where we want em! ;-)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Welcome back Gregor Blanco! Nice game.

Glad we go to kick the tires on Parker but the strikeouts well he had quite a few in Sac so no surprise.

So sounds like Machi is ready to come back and they must make a decision on Peavy by Tuesday. So what's gunna happen with the pitchers?
Too bad that short 5 game roadie had to end like that but a quality set

I only caught yesterday on the radio and the tail end of today's game

Hopefully Aoki is fine I haven't even had a chance to look and see if there's any bad news

Maxwell really rubbed me wrong tonight. He dogged it on that ball over his head late in the game granted it didn't cost a base but that was not how a bench player should be playing a ball. Then he makes the 2nd out in the 9th and just didn't seem like his heart was in it going down on 4 pitches. Yes belt struck out next but he battled.

Timmy was due for a stinker I didn't catch the weather but my guess is it must have been 85 or higher at first pitch and he always does so well in the warm temps.

Any guesses what happens this week with the rotation? They must move on Peavy by Tuesday and a little more time with Cain
Great. Aoki went from the starting lineup to the shelf last night. Apparent fracture from getting hit Saturday in LA. Wonder who will get the call. Maybe Ishikawa or Duvall this time and Belt will see some steady time in left is my guess.

Oh and they lost at home again eek.

Peavy and Cain got stretched to one more rehab start so next week they will be back and then the roster pitching rotation fun will begin.
We scored 19 runs in 2 days at AT&T. I was beginning to think that was going to be the season total.

I'm getting tired of holding my breath every time Lincecum pitches.

Pretty amazing today they went 12-19 with risp!!

As for Timmy I think those breathes will be shorter coming from the pen. Cain and Peavy back in rotation next week pending rehab starts tonight and tomorrow. I think Huddy hits the shelf for a spell Timmy to the pen and not sure who else will get moved since Strickland is the only one with options

Ishikawa pressing a bit maybe? 0-3 with 3 K's. He McGhee and Maxwell have about a month to see who stays on the roster. Not sure if Maxwell has options or not.

Here's to Belt getting hot and Susac getting more consistent at bats at this time is much needed.
Hopefully yer boys got all them runs outta their system today. Go easy on my rox next few days.

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