sfw books


Very Active Member
since sfw absolutly refuses to show their books. and don peay refuses to do the debate. because he does not want the public to know what is on the books. why in god's green earth would anybody trust this organization. let alone give hard earned money out of their pockets to fill sfw's pockets. this dont even include the poaching case they are as crooked as it gets. enough is enough
you would have to think that don peay knew there would be backlash from him backing out of the debate by us real sportsman. and he probably weighed his options. and knew by simply backing out of the debate and not show his crooked books. that he would be in far less trouble than if he were to let the books be EXPOSED
Just to be clear--Don did not back out of the debate. Randy postponed the debate because he could not get access to SFW financial records.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
You Utah residents need to contact a public interest legal foundation and start a class action lawsuit to expose the books. It would force the issue on the use or misuse of a public resource and if Don is clean he will see his group grow. If not then you can force them to become legitimate. Would free up a lot of internet space either way.
>Just to be clear--Don did not
>back out of the debate.
> Randy postponed the debate
>because he could not get
>access to SFW financial records.
>Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
>Winchester Apex .50 Cal
>Mathews Drenalin LD

in my opinion. by refusing to show the books don is backing out. you can not have a debate and say no we can't talk about this because i dont want to. i,e his financial records slash alot of honest men and womens donations and their trust in the organization
LAST EDITED ON Jun-06-12 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]brian-

I am not disagreeing with you. We can all read between the lines. I just want to be clear as to how it was communicated to me by Randy, which in turn prompted the thread announcing the postponement. Randy's post from the OYOA website (see other thread) pretty much sums it up.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
glenaz stated:"You Utah residents need to contact a public interest legal foundation and start a class action lawsuit to expose the books. It would force the issue on the use or misuse of a public resource and if Don is clean he will see his group grow. If not then you can force them to become legitimate. Would free up a lot of internet space either way."

Exactly, and if there are enough MMers on here during the day to make posts there should be one or two that can meet and get the ball rolling at very little expense. I would imagine donations alone would more than take care of any associated costs that should be minimal going that route. Stick it to Don and end this BS once and for all or things will just get worse!
I'm in, $100.00 as well. Lets put this thing in the open like it should be. Who is an attorney that is willing to help?
Hell I live in Idaho and I'm good for 100.00,,
hopefully it will help keep sfw Idaho from gaining any traction.
What about getting the media involved? It would be a good way to spread the word about SFW because many sportsman aren't aware of this debate and how SFW won't open their books.
For a legitimate " War Chest " I'm in for $100 as well.. if need be,, 25-50 a month after that if there is a ' LEGAL END " to this crap..
Be carefull what you sign up for regarding paying attorneys. My experience is that there is no such thing as an end to legal matters. You may be spending $50 a month for the next 15 years. Think of all the tags you could have purchased at the expo with that money!
I would not hire an attorney. I would find a public interest group dedicated to doing exactly what you need done. We have APIRG and the Goldwater Institute that will sue the state, city or a non profit group pro bono if you can convince them there is a possible abuse of a public resource.

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