SFW - Good for sportsmen?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-14 AT 11:39PM (MST)[p]The Expo - Bad for Sportsmen thread has evolve so I'll provide my answer as to why I support SFW on this new post.

Before I do I would like to say, I believe SFW has made mistakes, I believe they will make mistakes in the future. They've said things that have offended some. They've tried things that didn't work, that cost money, so money gone but not necessarily wasted. We can go on about the failures but this is about why I believe in SFW and it's mission.

If religion offends you my might wish to skip this as it's long and might disgust you.

Here we go:

If I go to hell for using this comparison, I'm blaming you guys on MM.

Before I start let me predict an anticipated response from some people. Some will say that I think SFW and it's leadership are a kin to my religion and that I'm a fool for thinking SFW and it's members and participators are anything like my religious leaders. Let's say right up front, ?I don't!?

I'm using the analogy as a way to explain way I support SWF, not because I hold it anywhere as near or dear as I do my religious beliefs. However, both organizations have ideological and philosophical foundations. One is the ideology of life and death, the other is the ideology of preserving and growing sport hunting and fishing. There is a whopping difference.

I'll begin with my religion.

We, who are members of my Church, claim we are Christians, others claim we are not.

Some claim we are a religious cult. Members of my Church find that hurtful and attempt to demonstrate that we believe in the same Jesus Christ as they do, but they still claim we don't.

I go to my Church and I look around at the people that are there. I see doctors, lawyers, plumbers, businessmen/women, government employees, engineers, truck drivers, contractors, oil company employees, farmers/ranchers, students, senior citizens, widows, newly weds, divorcees, salesmen, unemployed, ambitious, lazy, skinny, fat, short, tall, sickly, robust, etc. etc. There people look like everybody else I see on the street, on the highway, in New York, LA, Las Vegas, Florida, Seattle, or Salt Lake City. Some are genius level intelligent; some are illiterate and can barely read. Some happy, some troubled, some proud and loud, some humble and polite. They look like a cross section of America to me. However, others see them as odd, different, strange, scary, brain-washed, stupid, deceived, etc. etc.

Some in my Church have incomes of a 100 million dollars or more a year, some live on the smallest social security checks the Federal Government pays out. Each member of my Church is asked, not required, but asked to pay a tithing of 10% to the Church, to help Gods kingdom grow. Many members of my Church attempt to pay the 10%. The individual the has an income of 100 million donates 10 million to the Church (every year that his income equal 100 million) The widow, living on $790.00 a month donates $79.00 a month. Everyone else donates some where in between. As the number of people in my Church has grown, the total amount the Church receives has grown as well. The Church leadership receives, literally, millions of dollars a month to help grow the kingdom of God.

My Church is tax exempt. Pays no taxes. Over the years my Church has acquired and/or purchased for profit businesses that are taxable and the profits from these businesses keep a separate set of financial records, according to United States taxation regulations. The profits of the businesses are used for two things, to grow the business and to grow the kingdom of God.

Some small number of my Church members are paid for their labor, almost all members, when they do physical work, labor as volunteers and receive no pay.

My Church continues to grow in membership, however, every year some people leave the Church. Some leave because they change their opinion of our teachings (our ideology). Some leave because they have a personal disagreement with some other member, or in some cases they have a disagreement with one or more of the leaders of my Church. Some members leave my Church over money, believing the money that's been donate or earned from the for profit business is not being used properly. Some leave my Church because, as you can imagine, it has become a holder are huge assets and the leadership control the these assets and management as they see fit. The general membership does not provide a great deal or should I say the general membership provides very little input into how these assets are used and managed. While I've never heard of any member that has asked to see the financial records of my Church, I would believe that some have and I would also be very surprised if my Church?s leadership is forth coming with any financial information, other than what is required by State and Federal law in the process of paying taxes on the for profit businesses. Yet, these funds all come from member donations.

The majority it of the population of the country know little or nothing about my Church and could careless to know anything about it or what we do or don't do. For those that are interested, there seem to be two kinds of critics of my Church, those people who have never been members, who observer us from some distance, at least they view us outside the organization. Some of these people believe they have watched enough and learned enough by listening to current members and from members that have left my Church, to know enough about us to form and opinion. Some of these people dislike and mistrust us and believe there is good reason to ?stay clear?, others think we're a lot like them, they think we are mostly normal people, doing what they think is best for the world and the kingdom of God, basically just living normal lives, but would not care to become a member or have the least bit of involvement of my Church, for a million different reasons.

The other group are people that have at some time in the past been a member of my Church. Not all, but a few of these previous members are angry, for any number of reasons. Some left over how the leadership spends the Churches money, some over procedural systems, some over personal relationships, some have developed a difference in ideology, some left over changes with my Church, some left because my Church didn't change, etc. Some past member believe it is their duty, or their responsibility, or their need to settle a score, to expose my Church and protect others from getting sucked into the vortex. Some passed members say my Church has changed from it's beginnings and it's lost it's original mission which was to build God?s kingdom and it has become nothing more than a large tax exempt corporation, used the money donated by brain-wasted, ignorant, foolish, backward members to pay for the high and fancy life styles of it's leadership. The mission of these folks is to protect the innocent members and non-member from the what they truly believe are the evils of my Church.

As a member of my Church and as I observe the other members, that I mentioned earlier in my Church, the bankers, the librarians, the stock brokers, the scientists etc. they just don't seem to be brain-wasted, stupid, dumb, greedy, power hungry, etc. etc. to me. They just seem like people trying to live their lives and help in the mission of my Church.

Now if you'll allow me, I'll change this to say ?SFW? rather than ?my Church?, etc.

We, who are members of SFW, claim we are interested in wildlife conservation organization of sportsmen members who are interested in preserving and increasing healthy, populations of wildlife, others claim we are not.

Some claim we are only interested in trophy hunting for the wealthy. Members of SFW find that hurtful and attempt to demonstrate that we believe in preserving and increasing healthy, populations of wildlife, as they do, but they still claim we don't.

I go to SFW gathering and I look around at the people that are there. I see doctors, lawyers, plumbers, businessmen/women, government employees, engineers, truck drivers, contractors, oil company employees, farmers/ranchers, students, senior citizens, widows, newly weds, divorcees, salesmen, unemployed, ambitious, lazy, skinny, fat, short, tall, sickly, robust, etc. etc. There people look like everybody else I see on the street, on the highway, in New York, LA, Las Vegas, Florida, Seattle, or Salt Lake City. Some are genius level intelligent; some are illiterate and can barely read. Some happy, some troubled, some proud and loud, some humble and polite. They look like a cross section of America to me. However, others see them as elitists, cool-aid drinkers, manipulative, crafty, cunning, slick, zombies, brain-washed, stupid, deceived, want-to-bes, etc. etc.

Some in SFW have incomes of a 100 million dollars or more a year, some live on the smallest social security checks the Federal Government pays out. Each member of SFW is asked, not required, but asked to donate to SFW?s mission, to help improve and preserve hunting and fishing. Many members of SFW attempt to do more than pay the $35.00 membership. Some individuals give SFW millions. Other can only afford or only want to pay the $35 membership. Everyone else donates some where in between. As the number of people in SFW has grown, the total amount SFW receives has grown as well. The SFW leadership receives, literally, millions of dollars a year to help grow and preserve wildlife.

As I understand it, SFW is tax exempt. Pays no taxes. Again, as I understand it, over the years SFW has acquired and/or purchased for-profit businesses that are taxable and the profits from these businesses keeps a separate set of financial records, according to United States taxation regulations. The profits of the businesses are used for two things, to grow the business and to grow SFW?s mission.

Some small number of SFW members are paid for their labor, almost all members, when they do physical work, labor as volunteers and receive no pay.

SFW continues to grow in membership, however, every year some people leave SFW. Some leave because they change their opinion of our teachings (our ideology). Some leave because they have a personal disagreement with some other member, or in some cases they have a disagreement with one or more of the leaders of SFW. Some members leave SFW over money, believing the money that's been donated or earned from the for-profit business is not being used properly. Some leave SFW because, as you can imagine, it has become a holder are huge assets and the leadership control the these assets and management as they see fit. The general membership, through local SFW Chapters does provide input into how these assets are used and managed. While some members have asked to see the financial records of SFW, I would be very surprised if SFW?s leadership is forth coming with any financial information, other than what is required by State and Federal law in the process of paying taxes on the for profit businesses. Yet, these funds all come from member donations.

The majority it of the sportsmen in the country know little or nothing about SFW and could careless to know anything about it or what we do or don't do. For those that are interested, there seem to be two kinds of critics of SFW, those people who have never been members, who observer us from some distance, at least they view us outside the organization. Some of these people believe they have watched enough and learned enough by listening to current members and from members that have left SFW, to know enough about us to form an opinion. Some of these people dislike and mistrust us and believe there is good reason to ?stay clear?, others think we're a lot like them, they think we are mostly normal people, doing what they think is best for hunting and fishing, basically just living normal lives, but would not care to become a member or have the least bit of involvement of SFW, for a million different reasons.

The other group, are people that have, at some time in the past, been a member of SFW. Not all, but a few of these previous members are angry, for any of a number of reasons. Some left over how the leadership spends SFW?s money, some over procedural systems, some over personal relationships, some over a difference in ideology, some left over changes with SFW, some left because SFW didn't change, etc. Some past members believe it is their duty, or their responsibility, or their need, to settle a score, to expose SFW and protect others from getting sucked into the vortex. Some passed members say SFW has changed from it's beginnings and it's lost it's original mission which was to grow more wildlife and hunting/fishing opportunity for everyone and it has become nothing more than a large tax exempt corporation, used the money donated by brain-wasted, ignorant, foolish, backward members to pay for the high and fancy life styles of it's leadership. The mission of these folks is to protect the innocent members and non-member from what they truly believe are the evils of SFW.

As a member of SFW and as I observe it's other members, that I mentioned earlier in SFW, the bankers, the librarians, the stock brokers, the scientists etc. they just do not seem to be brain-wasted, stupid, dumb, greedy, power hungry, etc. etc. to me. They just seem like people trying to live their lives and help in the mission of SFW.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-14 AT 07:10AM (MST)[p]All that is nice...........but if it looks like a skunk, acts like a skunk, & smells like a skunk...........it's usually a skunk.

I'm a Christian too.
Regardless of your religion or lack thereof, likewise your feelings towards SFW or against. Anybody that pulls the God Card to me is treated with serious suspicion. Literally millions of people have died in the name of religion, some of the most insane murders were done in the name of religion, and nearly all of Utah's fraud schemes are built on religious trust. I'll continue to judge people on their merits, and leave religion out of it.

SFW's merits, or lack thereof, depending on your point of view, speak for themselves.

Guess I failed.

The point was and is, to me and an increasing number of sportsmen, it's doesn't look, act, or smell like a skunk.......so we don't believe it's a skunk.

Yup, I anticipated your belief before I made the posted, said as much.

By the way Grizzly, I took your advice a couple of years ago and joined the Montana Wildlife Federation because you told me, in your opinion, it was doing more for wildlife and doing a better job preserving hunting and fishing than SFW etc. Paid my membership dues, received the MWF News Paper. Spoke to the editor and some of the authors of the articles in the publican. I have to say, I don't agree with MFW's ideology or it's hunting and fishing efforts but I've been wanting to thank you for trying and wanted you to know I took you at your word and followed through as promised.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-14 AT 09:30PM (MST)[p]DC, you must have me confused with somebody else. I live in Utah and have never heard of MWF.

Also, I specifically wrote my post to have no sfw bias whatsoever. Hopefully it came across that way.

I would guess that all sportsmen groups, RMEF, MDF, SCI, SFW, Pheasants Forever, Ducks unlimited, etc.....etc......have done good things for wildlife, and continue to as well.

On the flip side, they are all special interest groups, most classified as non-profit, and all have dealings with our beloved and without guile government. (if you can't sense the sarcasm, I'm sorry). Having said that, when you are dealing with the slime balls and corrupt players that inhabit the senate, and congress, you are going to get dirty. I don't think any of us know the true depth of deceit that is at play in our government. That ladies and gentlemen is where the problem stems from. I do believe that most of the above mentioned groups were organized to benefit sportsmen and wildlife. Somewhere along the way, after dealing with SH!T, it is inevitable that you get SH!T on you. Plain and simple. I don't believe there exists a wildlife conservation/management group that at some level isn't crooked. Simply because of who they are dealing with. Look no further than our own state division of wildlife resources, (and it doesn't matter what state you live in, they are all the same), the proof is in the very existence of said special interest groups. SFW, MDF, SCI, RMEF, blah, blah, blah, would be completely non-existent if they simply did their jobs and managed wildlife correctly.

Having said all that, and looking at the recent history, I don't think we have any chance of getting the mule deer to recover. Without a total annihilation of factors that are detrimental to mule deer recovery, we are fighting a battle that can't be won.

I do want to clarify one thing, the regular joe memebers of the above mentioned groups are for the most part salt of the earth type of people, willing to donate time, money and blood sweat and tears to protect hunting. Don't crucify the guy with his kids out there planting bitter brush or catching turkeys, or whatever else they may be doing. Because those guys are simply doing whatever they can to help. They are the innocent bystanders, who have simply joined with other like minded people and are trying to make a difference. You want to get pissed and point fingers and crucify someone, get your senator, your congressman, the president himself,these are the A$$HOLES that are responsible. Plain and simple.

Now feel free to tear apart what I've said. But if you really take a step back and think for a minute, you'll understand a lot more.
Well said Lumpy.

1 simple point about sfw.... Take a look around at all the habitat improvements alone! This alone has added more than 200 tags to the state of Utah alone! Like others have stated they do not do everything right, but the things that they have done right out weigh the wrongs by miles!!! We all need to chill and put our support behind something good whatever that is, but don't tear down orgs that are at least trying. Sfw has continued growing from day one that must mean there is more good than bad in my opinion. Peace.
The 200 tags was a wink wink nod nod backdoor deal. That is all you need to know to understand the character that drives this scheme. The fix was in. When questions were raised why Utah did not mandate a proper audit of the resulting funds the character again was revealed. The tags were state assets. No different than if surplus vehicles were being sold on behalf of the state except the fix was a done deal. When an independent, thorough audit was offered for free the character was revealed yet again. The ##### crowed three times if you prefer biblical references.

An honest man does not fear an audit. An honest orhganization welcomes scrutiny. An honest state requires assests be treated with care and proceeds from disposal of assets are accounted for properly.

SFW and Utah make quite the pair. Blind obedience is a dangerous way to live. Can end badly for the sheep.
Absolutely not.

Maybe for the Austad's and Mowers'.

SFW has ended more archery opportunities
Than any anti hunting group. Mix in their support
For the "bucks give birth, 25-100 buck to doe ratio,
Napkin meeting in frog town crew" and I'd reconfirm
My statement.

SFW is great for some.

Anti hunting for others.

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
The attitude of not losing opportunities
That already existed???


"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012

I believe you missed two huge differences in the organizations you analogized.

1 relies on welfare the other provides welfare.
1 treats every member the same the other favors certain class of members.

I do agree we all have our reasons and rights for supporting organizations that align with our personal values. For me the above reasons are the deal breaker. With that said I certainly don't condemn the member or their effort.


Do you realize that the founding principles of SFW are to work within the system of government you deemed corrupt. A good indicator of what bed SFW lies in.

Just observations from a guy who has sat at the table,
The loss of deer herd, 800,000+ to 250,000 is the cause of lost opportunity. Without lost opportunity (tag cuts) sportsmen would have been acting irresponsibly. As herds have slightly trended back up archers have been the first so see added opportunity in the way of added tags.
73, I agree 100%. All hunters should sacrifice
For the health of our herds. SFW specifically
Dixie and Beaver chapters did not come after
Statewide archery for biological reasons.

AR-301 was the same deal. Nothing to do with

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
Again I liked the AR hunt and would love to see more opportunity like those hunts. Statewide archery, well with the start of Opt 2 I think it was the fair thing to do.....to start with. I do however feel there can be some great opportunities for expanded archery opportunity in the future as a result of Opt 2. Opportunities that could benifit all, with focus on archery. I've been asking and proposing some ideas. Guess we will see how they turn out. Hopefully SFW supports but if they don't I'll still push foward and continue to support SFW for the good they do.
Like a moth to a flame, i had to get in. The other night I got a email from a member in leadership with SFW. Seems all my flame throwing had gotten his attention and via some guys I have known 25+yrs that are SFW members he found out who I am. For the record it ain't that hard(Nick Jorgensen). Anyway he sent me a long message in which he pointed out, numerous times that SFW is undergoing change. He asked that I please seperate THE DON from current SFW. He admitted that the continual drum beat from myself and others was forcing SFW to address the transparency of their organization. He pointed out several things in which current SFW and the "old guard" disagreed(especially THE DONS famous "greedy fishermen" quote. We exchanged ideas and thoughts, he was perfectly nice, I tried to be also. He asked me to think about joining with them on projects, I told him respectfully that I would never join with SFW as long as "the old guard" was in control, and most likely never because I FEEL that in general SFW has been bad for sportsmen. I also informed him that I personally would support, financially or otherwise anyone who challenges the expo tags in 2016. He again took my criticism and anwered some of it, it was a good exchange.

I still believe that SFW overall has been bad for Utah sportsmen. There has been an undeniable push for fewer hunters, more high end hunting, and with their REFUSAL to answer for where OUR MONEY was spent it created a HUGE distrust of the group and the DWR. I told him that I would wait and see if the "new gurard" changes that. I guess only time will tell, but my .02 is that in the last 20 yrs with them, it has been a failed relationship.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
I appreciate your update hossburr.

All organizations change, as time, demographics, personal change. Sometimes the changes are the kind we'd like to see, other timed change brings the opposite of what we'd hoped for. Some times going from the frying pan into the fire isn't all that rewarding. Of course, we all already know that but it's been interesting, over my 66, to see just how surprised some folks are after they've come to understand what another guy's idea of hope and change meant. The Sierra Club comes to mind right off.

Regarding winds of change with in SFW, sure it will happen. Don Peay no longer votes on SFW recommendations, he's given the same opportunity to express his believes at SFW meetings but no more and no less than Birdman or myself or any other member. The fact that Don is brighter than I'm and his logic is usually better than mine isn't Don's fault.

Byron Bateman and his wife have been at the fore front of SFW for twenty years, Byron's not going to wotk forever, while folk my not agree what Bryon has done, on every issue, what he has done has taken a lot of time and energy and it stands to reason he'll step aside in a few years.

Bryce Pilling has also been with SFW for twenty years and is around my age as well, Bryce will most likely retire in a few years.

Those of us that have gotten to know Bryon and Bryce have really appreciated their great work and they will be hard to replace, actually, you can't replace these guys, you just end up hiring someone else to take their old job.

Ryan Foutz left SFW last year for a new opportunity.

Troy Justesen is relatively young and hasn't been with SFW all that long. Troy's really done a great job so I can't see Troy leaving anytime soon. Hope not.

Of course regardless of who's steering the ship, as you said, you, "most likely never ( join SFW, old guard or not) because I FEEL that in general SFW has been bad for sportsmen". So...........like we've been tell interested parties since you started to attack SFW, it's not about change, you are constantly looking for something, anything, to drive SFW from the influence they have in wildlife, hunting and fishing decisions. It's taken you a while but thank you, for at the very least, letting everyone know what you've really been trying to do all along.

Regarding Don Peay, many years ago, long before SFW existed, a respected Utah Fish and Game employee told Don, "if you want to help wildlife and hunting and fishing, don't become a biologist, become a politician because politics control funding and wildlife not biologists". Don believed him and planned a life committed to influencing politics. He learned how to take small sportsmen contributions and parlay these few dollars into millions of dollars controlled by politicians. Got very proficient at it too. Those of us that had been beating our heads against a brick wall to bring about change in wildlife management had failed for years and were loosing every fight to the environmentalists, anti-hunters, and developers, etc. Don, with his political influence and with the funds controlled by the politicians broke that trend and we lose very few fights with those folks now days. We have more fights now with sportsmen, fighting over the spoils of those victories. Sad.

When I got regenerated and got back in the "wildlife" management issues after having been gone to " the back room" for 15 years, I only knew Don Peay from a distance, mostly as an old advisory who I'd fought against back in the 1990s. If we were in the room together, and we rarely were, a guarded tip of the hat was about as good as it got. As the stars changed and issues lined up, I crawled out from under my bridge and got back in the fray. Of course, the minute I hit the day light I came in direct contact with SFW and Don Peay. As our paths cross more frequently we got to know each other better. I got to know Don beyond the superficial level. I to came understand his logic, strategies and his thinking, behind his methods and his ambitions.

Now......I have very little money, I'm not into politics other than I vote, but I have this miserable passion for wildlife and it is focused on mule deer hunting. The only wealth I have is a my history of mule deer management in Utah, but in spite of what you and others say about Don, only having time or interest in people with money, you are incorrect. Don and I have become good friends over these last four or five years, and.......I've meet many many poor boys, like myself, who are Don's friends too, not just friends, but really good friends. I'll make you a wager hossburr, if you lined up all of Don best friends, it would be five to one poor boys to rich guys.

Let me just finish with this, SFW will change, count on it. So far as Don Peay is concerned: Don is a world class hunting/fishing conservationist, in addition to that he is a great human and while he might have spoken out of frustration, negitively about anyone, or any fishing or hunting group, Don has tried and will continue to try to protect, preserve and grow hunting and fishing opportunity for ALL sportsman, filthy rich or humbly poor. He will always believe the words of the old DWR biologist that told him how to help wildlife and hunting. You may not believe in his way of do it, I know you don't and you won't but I do and apparently a lot of others do as well, both rich and poor.

This I promise you, I will support Don Peay and SFW as long as Don, Bryron, Bryce and the old guard are carrying the banner. I'd take a bullet for them. When they hang it up, I'm out of here too, you 35 year olds will have it, and you should, it's your future and in a very few years it will be all yours, to win or loose.

Utah wildlife, Utah hunting and Utah fishing has had many friends over the last 150 years, none better than SFW and it's founder Don Peay.

What is interesting is how a so called non-profit hunting group is hated by so many sportsman. I think that speaks volumes.
"So many" is a relative term. Hated by a few would be my assessment. Again, "a few" is a relative term.

If a group of any kind has a 1,000,000 members and 5000 people hate it, that's a "few". If a group has a 1000 members and a 1,000,000 haters, that's "many".

Two examples might: be the KKK, a few members, many haters, or the International Olympics, a lot of members, a few haters.

Haters, that are the real haters, are usually pretty loud and pretty aggressive, the groups they hate are generally working hard at what they do and take very little time to respond back to the constant efforts of the haters. For example, there are thousands of SFW members but only a small hand full (four or five) that regularly respond to the dozen or so haters that share there concerns on these social internet media outlets. The other SFW members are just out there doing what they think is right for wildlife and pretty much ignoring the discussions that go on, on the internet.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-14 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]Pretty hard to debate anything in that last post by 2lumpy when the SFW will not only not open it's books, but also won't even say how many members it has when asked, LMAO! I'd be willing to bet that there are a lot more out there that hate, or at least greatly dislike, the hierarchy of SFW than it has members! The hate or dislike for the organization is with the top dogs who won't come clean, not the down to earth guys that are doing all the back breaking work in the fields and forests.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-14 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]Lumpy,

One thing that does not differ among SFW is they all have trophy obsession. Most of them detest the general hunt and slobber over le hunts. They would all prefer to hunt a trophy every 5 years than a general hunt every year. (Hence option 2 is embraced within your circles without debate, hence every "biological" management discussion defaults to "hunter" management.)

A big problem with SFW is they don't know who they are. For so long they portrayed themselves as the representative of "all" sportsmen. Hunters finally woke up and realized you politically don't like most of us. You resent us. You want to grow the herds and kick out the hunters so you can have an occasional trophy hunt.

Figure out who you are. Admit you are a trophy hunting organization and stop trying to win our love OR genuinely reach out to those who just hunt general Utah seasons. You will be ripe for compromise when you can genuinely reach out to those who are content to kill a yearling WITH A RIFLE for a freezer filler. (The thought disgusts you doesn't it!?)
2lumpy, put you money where your mouth is and see if you are allowed to post a poll here to find out just what is "many" or "few"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-25-14 AT 06:28PM (MST)[p]Schmaltz,
Believe me Lumpy puts more than his share of money and time over a 40 year period where his mouth is when it comes to Utahs wildlife. I'd challenge most on this forum to come close to equaling it.
Just a thought but I'm guessing the masses don't participate on MM, polls in a bubble don't prove much.

Out of curiosity where can you find a yearling deer that "fills" a freezer? I have a pretty small freezer and my boy (lumpys grandson) shot a nice fat little 2 point this year, with a RIFLE. It's great eating and I sure wish if "filled" the freezer. It's pretty much gonna already. Only "filled" a little spot in my freezer.
Cody, you let one of my grandson's kill a yearling deer, you sum-b!tch! ( know ......there a dangerous irony in that but you are!) You are dis-inherited, as of now!

Smelly, I would slit both wrists before I'd reach out to those who are content to kill a yearling WITH A RIFLE for a freezer filler. I don't just detest those who'd do that, I'd rather they died from a lingering festering throat infection! You punk!

schmalts, I have no quarrel with you, you don't know much, if anything, about me, my money or where I've put it, so your suggestion is okay. I'll just pass it off as frustration and call it good. Peace Bro.

Guys that don't know me can poke fun, ridicule, call me names, etc. etc. goes with the territory and I could care less, water off a ducks back so to speak.

Smelly on the other hand knows better and nothing pisses me off more than someone that knows better, misrepresents what I do, don't do, did or didn't do. Will not tolerate it. The next time smelly and I have a chance to visit, face to face, and we damn sure will, we're going to clear this up. Smelly, you can count on it. You can say at lot of things about me but by Gawd, it better be the truth.

Good point M73 about the freezer filler. I got a laugh. (Point being though, freezer filler is a term for those who hunt for table fare.)

DC. I have no intention of misrepresenting you. Feel free to explain how I have misunderstood you. By your last comment, it sounds like I nailed it and nothing is misunderstood or misrepresented. I'd be happy to buy you a lunch if you'd like to tell me off in person. Its not a big deal. I can take it.

And as long as you are going to get all religious on us - The Word is spelled "God" not "Gawd".
Smelly, I'm your huckleberry. Lunch or otherwise! The only day I can't make is this Saturday or Sunday, any other Sat, Sun or week day will be perfect. You and I need a chat, right now, today, if that works for you. I'll come to you.

Time, date and place? Lets get this skunk skinned right now.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-14 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]We all come from different races and religions and game animals are supposed to be managed by the state for "all" public.
Those that want to change or corrupt this to create unfair bias for a particular group are the enemy of the public no matter which group they affiliate with.

The welfare of the animals and to our future generations to have the same ability to enjoy them as we "all" have is paramount, regardless of what other entity we belong to.

I could care less what race or religion you belong to as long as each person individually has the same opportunity as any other.
Smellybuck and I have had a brief discussion via telephone this morning. We will continue our discussion at a later date.

So as to clarify myself, in the event that some have misjudged my sarcastic reply to smellybuck regarding my design to deign everyone and/or anyone an opportunity to hunt and harvest yearling deer.

Let it be known, I have personally killed dozens of yearling deer, I have encouraged all of my sons and grandson's to shot yearling deer. I have and will continue to assist friends, neighbors and total strangers in killing yearling deer. I will do everything in my power to make sure that as many sportsmen in Utah can continue to kill yearling deer by increasing mule deer herd numbers and thereby increasing the number of yearling deer available to harvest.

I trust that is clear. I do not, unfortunately, expect the Nays to believe or accept it as the truth.

Further, I've been next to SFW leadership, (Don Peay and Bryon Bateman) long enough, and around rank and file members of SFW long enough to believe they all want the same thing as I do. To whit, I trust that is clear as well and I do not, unfortunately, expect the Nays to believe or accept that as truth either.

Not everyone I've met in SFW agrees on the best way to get it done but they all want the shingles on the roof, for all hunters.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-26-14 AT 01:44PM (MST)[p]Taking away 200+ tags from the pot of the public and then pocketing the proceeds is hardly "for all hunters"...

Not supporting public access to streams is hardly "shingling the roof for all".
SFW is for special interest groups and individuals, plain and simple.
When a group takes and gives little back then there will be consequences.
Selfishness and Greed=Scrutiny....Just the way it will always be.

Maybe you meant giving us all Shingles...A painful ordeal which SFW has done an admirable job of doing.

I appreciated the phone call and the civil conversation. I clearly filled in some blanks inaccurately. I look forwarding to continuing conversation in person.

>AT 06:28?PM (MST)

>Believe me Lumpy puts more than
>his share of money and
>time over a 40 year
>period where his mouth is
>when it comes to Utahs
>wildlife. I'd challenge most
>on this forum to come
>close to equaling it.
>Just a thought but I'm guessing
>the masses don't participate on
>MM, polls in a bubble
>don't prove much.

I think it proves the guys here on MM are more informed than the brainwashed masses. You like the poll so far?
Lol, the polls about what I figured. I'll be content to banter on the interweb, knowing what is happening back in reality. Record numbers at the expos and banquets, meaningful projects taking place, actions not words and polls on the interweb.... Ya I'm perfectly ok with the poll and entertainment it brings.

The poll could go 1000-3 and guess what. We'll all wake up in the morning and I'll be happy that the SFW is making a difference and you'll wake up and still hate them. They will still have a strong organization and you will have.... Well an interweb poll that says a few people agree with you. Please tell me again who's winning?
I guess I am OK with it as well as long as you realize SFW really isn't the voice of the mass majority of sportsmen, these polls show that.
Even if the poll was more like 20/80, They are still more like a dictatorship telling you what you need rather than you telling them what you want. Or maybe the Mafia of big game tags is a good comparison.
I hope one day in UT a Governor will get elected who has these tag brokers all figured out and pushes the state run F&G to stop it and take back what belongs to the public.
In the end I really don't care much because I am happy knowing that all the ranting and "interweb banter" has taken it's toll on how SFW is perceived. There is probably only a few here that remember over a decade ago I was one of the very few who had them figured out and actually was outnumbered here for my opinion and the polls would have went the other way. Luckily sportsmen got educated and a light bulb came on and they saw the light.
It really does feel good to say I told you so.

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