
Long Time Member
A Little over 6 Bells!

It was just Starting to get Good!:D

Right Tri?

Right NVB?

Right hossblur?

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Perfect timing. I am headed out hunting for the next 8 days anyway.

I sure hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving.
So we have a new thread winner???? Smoke a bowl is in 2nd place or the 15inch saddle..can't remember....
Or was it the Turtle Hunting thread started by some old GEEZER on the left coast of Kalifornicated.
I'm honored. First, I'd like to thank Robyn Waldrip. She did pull the trigger afterall. However I believe it was me and Bess defending her hotness for an "old gal", that kept this going. Obviously have to thank Tri. Without him it would have been just me and Bess talking about some mystery woman, then BLAM, Tri helped out. Obviously I need to also thank WL. Without his wonderful brand of hunter ethics and sportsmanship, I never would have been able to have a post go for 600+, not to mention his kind comments in regards to what a bunch of deplorables you all are. I must also mention Hawkeye, who for some reason really gets under the skin of Tri, helping push this. Finally, I must thank founder, for slamming the gate on this puppy before it started to get out of control, or long winded, by locking it before that happened it was able to stay informative and relevant.

I want to thank my agent, my 4th grade teacher, my lovely wife, and kids, without whom this honor would never be possible.

(Cue cheesy theater music slowly getting louder in background)

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Hey I got the last post in. LOL, hope it wasn't the post that did it in.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
>Hey! I counted and I had
>75+ posts in that thread.
>You didn't even thank the
>little people. :(

Your paritcipation ribbon is on the way?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-16 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]Hoss-

You forgot to thank the DWR for failing to know and understand their own rules, and for happily taking the blame in order to protect the innocent outfitter, guides and hunter.

>for happily taking the blame
>in order to protect the
>innocent outfitter, guides and hunter.

And their pocketbooks
>AT 06:38?PM (MST)

>You forgot to thank the DWR
>for failing to know and
>understand their own rules, and
>for happily taking the blame
>in order to protect the
>innocent outfitter, guides and hunter.
If you knuckleheads would just realize im the one doing acceptance speaches, not you $25 ticket buyers. Seriously, what could u know about speaches?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Did I read that correctly? No Tri for 8 days...... everybody enjoy the break. Maybe we could get a small taste of what it would be like if we all got along..

I think the Statement the DNR sent out was pretty Chesse D##K. I'm so tired of the Law being so afraid to prosecute the people they shake hands with. Especially when the writing is on the wall and there are no and ifs or buts about the law. You know how the phone call could have got through to shoot or not to shoot a satelite phone. I'm sure after all WL could afford one seeing that he isn't a knucklehead peasant with a $25 dollar deer tag. "Knuckleheads" is what he says about the diy otc hunter. You know I could really air out some dirty laundry on WLH if I wanted to and it came from a damn good source. One that probably knows alot more about him and his operation more than a dumb A## Texan with a big mouth defending him that has no idea what right from wrong means And it would hit home hard if I did. But then I'd be stooping to Tri's level so i'll just leave it at that. Bottom line you clearly cant hunt the nebo on even yrs as the gov. tag holder & if you do you broke the law no matter who you called to hear what you wanted from a division office down in mexican hat or some area nowhere near mt nebo.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-16 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]I can give you guys a lot of info on Wade Lemon. However, it's not the kind most of you want to hear. Wade has helped me in many, many ways. This is all first hand experiences with the man. not hear say or a "a buddy told me" bull #####. I am just a regular hunter like many of you on here and Wade has always bent over backwards to help me with whatever I needed rather I asked for help or not. I have been on many hunts with Wade and I have always witnessed him to be a class act and the kind of guy many look up to. He has helped me financially when I didn't ask but he knew I needed it, he has lent me some of his best dogs and I even lost them for a week or so and he didn't say a word, in fact he lent me more a few times after that. He gave me finished dogs to help me get started in hounds, he gave me countless pups. He took me under his wing getting me going in the right direction with hound hunting when he didn't have to. I can go on and on with what I've seen him do for others as well. Wade Lemon has brought millions of dollars into Utah hunting and conservation. He has helped many basic hunters in a lot of different ways. I don't call many a friend but I am proud to call Wade a very good one. Wade has made WLH what it is today from the ground up. Not many can take a business from nothing and turn it into what he has. I know Wade, his guide and Mrs. Waldrip had no intention in breaking any laws to harvest that sheep. It was a very bad mix up with everyone involved and everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I
am ashamed you guys would attack a fellow hunter not to mention a woman in the way some of you have. A few of ya seem worse then the anti's to me. I know I won't change the minds of the people bashing Wade, WLH and Mrs. Waldrip but maybe others that read your crap will see a more genuine side to WLH then what a couple of you guys seem to want to portray them as.
Sound like WL is a nice guy who made a dumb mistake, and then in an effort to justify his actions, bad mouthed average joe sportsmen. I am glad to hear he has helped you in the past and I don't really care if you are ashamed of us for pointing out that WLH and their hunter violated the law.

I have not seen any comments posted on this website that are as damaging as WL's own statements to the reporter from the Tribune.

So?????? I've known some real good dudes that did something dumb one night and got a DUI. Known numerous guys who have lost buisnesses, declared bankruptcies, got divorced. So what. And again, here we go with the "millions of dollars" bs. So what. Tell me, so I know what is the number, in dollars, you have to "bring in" that then makes you teflon? Is it 1 million, 2 million? Where in any criminal codebook does it say, "unless the guilty party was a nice guy and brought in money". Along those lines. WLH didn't bring JACK from this sheep. It was sold at an auction. WL didn't own the tag. He did make a nice tip from it, but none of these guys "bring the state money", the tags bring it. And not one of these guys own a single tag. Saying they bring money is like saying a chauffer "brings money". But again so what?

As for Mrs. Waldrip. If you don't want dudes commenting on your bikini pics, don't post them all over the internet. Don't enter contests, to show off your body, then act offended when someone comments. Also, she is not a "private person", she has auditioned for outdoor shows, she has been followed on more than one. She desires to be a public person, so we made her one. SHE PULLED THE TRIGGER. If WL would have told her to shoot your truck, would you say hey thats ok, the guide told her to do it?

Props to you for sticking up for a friend, loyalty is a rare commodity and you show class in doing so. Robyn Waldrip broke the law, WL guided her in doing so. Getting off on a technicality doesn't mean they didnt shot a sheep on a unit they had no tag for. It simply means they got lucky(although my contacts say WL had a lot of phone minutes to create that "luck")

So again, SO WHAT, WL personal character, or "money he brought", don't change the facts, and the facts are what they did was illegal.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
MGD Thats fine I don't doubt he's done some charitable things. And yes he has made a successful business and he has built it from next to nothing those are good and true facts. But so is the fact they broke the law and got away with it. Belive me I'm far more ashamed of the DNR's handling of the outcome. It looks way to similar to clinton and comeys little charade that killed the credibility of the justice system. I think this ruling also kills the credibility of the dnr and utahs justice system much like the clinton scandal did. Because in both of those cases both groups of people new right from wrong they just chose to manipulate it to benefit them. And the law just said oh were not going to prosecute them. So this brings me to my next question what does WLH have on the DNR that allowed them to get off the hook its gotta be something bigger than some idiot on the phone giving out the wrong info from a division office far far away.
I don't agree with what happened-- However, please remember that it was the County attorney who chose to not prosecute the case -- not the DWR. I suppose there are some other avenues that the DWR/WB might could go down with this, but I do not know what they might be. Certainly a colossal mistake on several fronts for sure. My biggest concern is the picture it has painted -- big money and high personality profiles trump accountability to the law and it seems that any other hunter who was lucky enough to draw a sheep tag and made the same mistake could very well have been held accountable to the rules. It could have been very costly to that hunter. I am not hammering on the hunter or the guide specifically for their mistake but we have all made mistakes and ended up being held accountable-- and whether it was intentional or not, really isn't the point. I think those involved should at least apologize and admit they messed up, be accountable to the rule, take their lumps, financial or otherwise and move on. I think that if that was done, most of us could accept the situation and know that we are all on the same level when it comes to "justice". Justice has a way of not only holding us accountable when we screw up but also protects all of us from unfair application of unjust punishment.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-16 AT 01:38PM (MST)[p]Good post Rich.

Unfortunately, there have been multiple incidents involving the DWR over the last few years that have painted the picture that money, realtionships and influence trump accountability, transparency and the law. And as a result, many sportsmen are frustrated with the DWR leadership. You know the old saying, where there is smoke there is usually fire. DWR leadership should take this issue very seriously and look for ways earn back the trust of concerned and frustrated sportsmen. For starters, the DWR better know and follow its own rules if it expects sportsmen to do so.

Reading through this post I notice there are the guys whom I agree with. Then there are the guys whom I disagree with. Each has posted their thoughts. A few have taken issue. However, I can't help but notice that its civil. I realize thats most likely why this one has 29 posts and not over 600, but I think this might be what founder thought of when he opened this sight to us knuckleheads. Pretty nice to be able to discuss subjects, and not get sucked down some tangent or rabbit hole. However, I fear 8 days is drawing to an end. (Star Wars music in background, Darth Vader breathing). Too bad, amazing the difference in discussions the last week.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Hmm. Beginning to wonder about the meaning of a locked thread. If you guys haven't said everything you need to say about this by now, you need to go hunting more.

Yeah, I know, I should just ignore it, but when it is almost the top thread day after day, it is hard to ignore. But I will try my best.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
"I don't agree with what happened-- However, please remember that it was the County attorney who chose to not prosecute the case -- not the DWR."

I take issue with this statement, because it at least implicitly places blame on the county attorney. The county attorney did not make this mess, he was dealt it. The DWR and the outfitter are the ones that screwed this up, not the county attorney. From what I understand, the DWR absolutely DID NOT want this case prosecuted. It's not like they begged the county attorney to take their wonderful case and the prosecutor shunned his duty. So let's please remember that as we discuss how to clean up the problems involved with this incident.
Ummmm... BLAMM!!!!

I wonder if Ms. Waldrip will still be happy with WLH when she sees the pictures I just saw.
Whatever the situation, the county attorney makes the decision based on the facts as he see's them,as to whether to prosecute or not. Wildlife violations are referred to the respective county attorney office where the violation occurred to be adjudicated.
I'm very aware of how cases are screened for prosecution. And I stand by my statement. The county attorney is not to be blamed here. Those that made the rules and also were charged to enforce them, but chose not to and give the high dollar client the benefit none of us would get, get to own this one.
BTW... The Sportsman's permit holder tagged out yesterday on a dandy ram! Kyle is a solid guy who has spent his life in law enforcement in the community I grew up in...Who moved on after the DWR-Nebo incident definitely putting his own boots and glass to work for the past 3 months. Congrats Lt. Ekker on a beautiful ram!
I think we can learn from Lt. Ekker who was directly effected by the Nebo issue. He moved on and made lemonade out of the lemon that was thrown his way at no fault of his own. Sure the Nebo incident bothered him at first but he didn't let it consume him and ruin his hunting experience like he could have allowed it to.

The ram he was finally able to harvest I am sure helped heal things but even before that he had moved forward. I think that attitude actually had a lot to do with his ultimate success. Hatred and anger only hold you back.

We will never know if the DWR or Wade would have treated the Sportsman tag holder the same if the shoe were on the other foot and Lt. Ekker had shot the Nebo ram??? We all have our own opinions about that and we can only speculate. However, we do know how Lt. Ekker handled it and like I said it effected him the most he had the tag so Kuddos to him!

We should learn from this example how to better deal with our emotions and how to better handle situations and people when something or someone offends or makes our situation harder for us.
>He moved on and made
>lemonade out of the lemon
>that was thrown his way
>at no fault of his


Huge congrats to the hunter!!!!!!

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