Sickening SPAM text


Very Active Member
Yesterday I received a SPAM text from Spartan Armor selling armor plated backpacks for kids. It REALLY weighs heavy on my heart that parents today would even have to have a conversation about purchasing something like this for their kid. I have grandkids now & I just find this disgusting. Very sad times that we find ourselves in today.
OMG. Imagine telling your kids they need to wear a bullet protection backpack. There are about 74,000,000 school age kids. On average, 35 deaths due to "mass shootings". Although each of those is tragic- it's a 1 in 2,000,000 chance. More likely to die in the car or bus on the way to school.
OMG. Imagine telling your kids they need to wear a bullet protection backpack. There are about 74,000,000 school age kids. On average, 35 deaths due to "mass shootings". Although each of those is tragic- it's a 1 in 2,000,000 chance. More likely to die in the car or bus on the way to school.
It blows my mind… very sad!
There are multiple factors at play that got us here in my opinion. I blame the fracture of the family unit. A lack of father figures present in the home. A loss of value & moral code. POS parents. Politics certainly come into play with the forcing of agendas & ideologies. The desensitization of our youth through the internet & the crap that gets aired on tv. The list goes on… At the end of the day, it’s our youth that will inherit the chaos that has been created. Unfortunately for them, the chaos will just be status quo, because they will never have known any different.
A “tactical” buddy of mine in KY has taken old body armor and put it in his elementary school kids backpacks. A little piece of mind I guess.
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