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Not new to archery, but new to my current set up. MY 20-50 pins are all basically level left and right, but then my 60 yard pin is a good bit to the left but they are all shooting dead on. Is this an issue I need to address or look at more closely? Arrows are all shooting dead on, not hitting at an angle or flying weird.
It’s likely you. If you’re shooting left at the farther distance start with your grip. Less thumb, more neutral. I’m assuming your right handed though
That's the thing. I feel like I'm gripping just the same at the further distances than I am 50 and under. So not sure what's up .
Go to full draw and look at the point of your arrow as you roll your hand left and right. It’s actually pretty drastic how it moves. Roll your hand till it looks perfectly straight and see if that feels like your normal grip.

A new bows grip is usually pretty underestimated when you get one. I’m doing the same thing in a bow I just picked up last week. I’ve had to change my grip just a little bit but it’s made a big difference. I could be wrong in your case but it’s an easy thing to check.
Also I don’t know if you’re shooting a slider sight. If you are and 60 is what your sliding to your 3rd axis may not be plumb
Nah, fixed 5 pin. But I'll check my grip and see if that's maybe not throwing me off somehow. But if it's not grip, just leave it and call it good? I'm not shooting off or anything. My pin placement is just different than the others.
It's a fixed 5 pin, does the 3rd axis still apply? Like I stated, the 20,30,40,50 yard pin are almost perfectly aligned up and down. Then the 60 pin is a good bit left.
Yes, 3rd axis matters and becomes obvious at longer distance, also make sure to paper tune and your bubble is level.
Not sure if there's a way to adjust the 3rd axis on my sight. Gonna take it to the shop and talk to them folks, but if that's it, will it really effect anything other than where the pin is? 60 will be my longest shot and (fingers crossed) I shouldn't be making any crazy steap shots.
Look up French tuning. Tape a level line vertically on your target Shoot an arrow at the top of your target and make sure you hit the tape at 20. Walk back to your other distances and use your 20 pin shoot at the same spot where your arrow is, the other distances should all fall on the tape line using the same pin. If they don’t it’s either a grip or center shot issue. If they do all hit the tape then it’s a sight issue.
Your bow handle should be between thumb and your first finger and very little palm. Middle,ring and pinky finger should be out. When you grip with your whole hand it will tourque your shots. Causing left to right shots
This was an issue I had a decade ago when I was bow hunting regularly... Never knew what it was exactly, just had to be more conscious of my grip. Sounds like I accidentally fixed it for myself back then. :D

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